Why would you think sitting around with nothing to do is the best time to stop drinking?
Who else breathes a big sigh of relief after cracking open and taking a big swig from their first cold beer of the...
Heart problems. He also was smoking constantly, but was otherwise slim and healthy due to constantly biking to work and back. He was a veterinarian. It's a very common misconception that alcohol affects everyone the same way, there are genomes that make you resistant to the negative effects of alcohol. Alcohol is both a depressant and a stimulant - my genes make it primarily a stimulant and only turn it into a depressant once my blood alcohol content starts getting low after being high. There's also asymptomatic alcoholics that have almost no visible signs of alcohol related damage besides perhaps weight gain - they still feel fine drinking high amounts every day. This does not mean they're immune to damage, but highly adapted to it. They are still at risk of damage to their pancreas and kidneys more so than their liver - the liver adapted through generations.
I drank 18 Coronas (4.5%) last Saturday and felt like no effect. I think how drunk you get has a lot to do with weight, body fat % and all that shit.
Good on you user, keep it up
Leaving Las Vegas
Well, I wouldn't start now. There's a time and a place for everything and it's high school.
I would smoke weed everyday and get drunk most weekends because it was High School and really nothing was too important.
Once out, I cleaned up my act a bit, quit weed but still drank once a fortnight.
Really the older you get, the more cringe drinking is. Like you should have plenty of skills, hobbies and stories to entertain you later and life without drink.
It's so embarrassing seeing "adults" who still go to clubs and get wasted in bars. Once you're 24, it becomes a real problem. Even in college it really should be kept in check.
sleep tight steeler