Who else breathes a big sigh of relief after cracking open and taking a big swig from their first cold beer of the night?
Who else breathes a big sigh of relief after cracking open and taking a big swig from their first cold beer of the...
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We'll, you'd have to do it like this dude and pull out your pecker first
not me, stopped drinking 2 years ago and my life has gotten considerably better
>for the night
OP, I got off work this morning around 10 and a tally was the first thing I had for breakfast.
Getting off work and getting a beer is the only thing that keeps me sane
Beer lowers testosterone
>3 tall boys
How the fuck do people drink these, most people would pass out after one or two. no person can do three and vodka
Tall boy is the size, what makes it rough is that its malt liquor... which has much higher apv. Not that big of a deal over the course of the night. Back in the day we did edward 40s hands with mickeys and had shots. Being in your early 20s is like being invincible.
>"So what do you do on your weekend, user?"
Anyone who gets to the point of mixing steel reserve and cheap vodka most likely never stops drinking. You literally start in bed.
>been in quarantine for exactly one month
>decided to take it as an opportunity to stop drinking
>got lazy and dropped that resolution after like 2 days
>have since gone through a total of 8 handles and like 100 beers
same here
I'll drink to that, brother
I've drank 4 in one night before. It's really not that bad
For you.
It gets easy after a while. I can do a handle throughout the course of a day and still be “okay”
Fuck, are you me?
I have a buddy who i once watched kill 2 handles of cheap whiskey in 2 days while camping.
Never underestimate an alcoholic's tolerance.
Damn I didn't know Yas Forums was so fucked up. I thought this place was all virgin azn anime kids. Wtf bros get your fucking shit together. This is embarassing.
Tfw bought 3L of spirits last week Wednesday and it’s almost all gone
you are like little baby
May as well be
Escapism is escapism
any getting sober kinos?
I drink half a bottle of vodka every day. My grandfather before me drank a whole bottle every day. Both have discipline enough to just do it in the evening and then pass out. I didn't even get to see my gramps, he died before I was born aged 65, but studying both lines of my family, looks like a come from a long line of functional alcoholics.
>4 beers and hes out
I haven't had a beer in 8 days. feelsgoodman
>My grandfather before me drank a whole bottle every day
>died born aged 65
How? I thought cirrhosis usually gets you by 50 at the latest
gotta say there's nothing like cracking open a bear on the weekend.
The virgins grow up to drink alone
Those weird kids at school? They don't just stop existing after graduation
died* aged 65
Those aren't normal beers user: beeradvocate.com
It bothers me how much I prefer buzzed me to sober me. Not just in how I feel but I'm just a better person. Too bad it's not practical to stay there
i've drank double and not passed out like this tard, fuck you
I'm on my 8th handle in the same time but work 5 days a week. I also sleep 12 hours a day on the weekends.
22 here. I have never been drunk. I wasn’t even invited to the high school graduation party where everyone in my year got drunk.
t. wagie
>not a VB
you are not my m8, m8
Why would you think sitting around with nothing to do is the best time to stop drinking?
Heart problems. He also was smoking constantly, but was otherwise slim and healthy due to constantly biking to work and back. He was a veterinarian. It's a very common misconception that alcohol affects everyone the same way, there are genomes that make you resistant to the negative effects of alcohol. Alcohol is both a depressant and a stimulant - my genes make it primarily a stimulant and only turn it into a depressant once my blood alcohol content starts getting low after being high. There's also asymptomatic alcoholics that have almost no visible signs of alcohol related damage besides perhaps weight gain - they still feel fine drinking high amounts every day. This does not mean they're immune to damage, but highly adapted to it. They are still at risk of damage to their pancreas and kidneys more so than their liver - the liver adapted through generations.
I drank 18 Coronas (4.5%) last Saturday and felt like no effect. I think how drunk you get has a lot to do with weight, body fat % and all that shit.
Good on you user, keep it up
Leaving Las Vegas
Well, I wouldn't start now. There's a time and a place for everything and it's high school.
I would smoke weed everyday and get drunk most weekends because it was High School and really nothing was too important.
Once out, I cleaned up my act a bit, quit weed but still drank once a fortnight.
Really the older you get, the more cringe drinking is. Like you should have plenty of skills, hobbies and stories to entertain you later and life without drink.
It's so embarrassing seeing "adults" who still go to clubs and get wasted in bars. Once you're 24, it becomes a real problem. Even in college it really should be kept in check.
sleep tight steeler