Kinos where the antagonist is defeated but it turns out he was trying to protect everyone from the greater evil all...

>uses twitterspeak
>calls someone else a tourist

Everything fell apart when Ray left

Unironically kill yourself faggot

Fuck off Sam Hyde

Ian is right Though
>Eats a big mac every day
>Gets mad at a video of someone hunting
This is you.

Attached: [Reinbach] Switch 1 .jpg (350x314, 102.59K)

It's Yas Forumsspeak now, faggot. Deal with it.

Attached: 1560514570204.png (666x102, 10.34K)

Attached: The Cuckolding..jpg (653x453, 124.21K)

Why is he babysitting this off-topic thread? Are we allowed to make threads about people like Richard Spencer and Tim Pool now?

Sure why not

I'm too old for this website I reckon. I'm completely out of touch with this shit