Kinos where the antagonist is defeated but it turns out he was trying to protect everyone from the greater evil all along?
Kinos where the antagonist is defeated but it turns out he was trying to protect everyone from the greater evil all...
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself
>le chinless wonder
>secret protag
Films where the premise is ultimately shit but you're ok with that?
hiro eceleb board please
This loser and idubbz are both pathetic talentless hacks
Leafy just sat behind his computer screen stirring drama all day for 12 year olds to indulge in and idubbz made like one or two funny jokes which were repeated constantly by obnoxious retards for years on end, despite him never doing anything of any significant value afterwards
I have a greater respect for fuckers like pewdiepie and tobuscus than these clowns because there's at least a degree of effort put into their stuff.
If MEW's character in Scott pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women then idubbz ruined a whole generation of men
Aren't Yas Forumsedditors the biggest simps around though, tourist?
You didn't answer last time
EU Papa Palpatine and the Vong. Also they're both fags
kill yourself
Idubbz is not a pathetic hack fraud when it comes to his production, and overall direction of where he takes his videos;even his cucky squirrel videos are entertaining;it's him choosing to tone down this creative output, and allowing himself to broadcast that this life-style is "normal", and "okay" when he has 7.9 mil followers, and a large percentage of his subscription base is below the age of 18;this is evident with the video he pushed out that showed him roasting that kid over a twitter comment;he doesn't even realize how it comes across to the average sane man. Maybe he doesn't realize he's advertising his "girl's" only-fans page, but he's doing a great fucking job soliciting porn to minors.
I've genuinely seen better looking trannies
Bump you dirty plebe
kinos where an imageboard is raided by reddit tourists and poltards since 2016?
Nah, Yas Forums is far better at being on-topic than this shithole is.
>proceeds to unboxing video #282
this is worth paying for?
I hate zoomers so fucking much
actually people like OP and his kind are from facebook meme pages and this one hates Yas Forums threads
picture related. the "main" mod encouraging 13 to 16 year olds to post on Yas Forums
This zoomer shit is fucking gay, you might as well be watching fucking Jake Paul holy shit.
Back in my day we watched REAL e-celebs like The Nostalgia Critic and AVGN
Were early 2010s RoosterTeeth the last big classic e-celebs before edgy cunts like idubbz and armchair faggots like leafy got popular?
remember Arby n' the Chief pre-Machinima?
I declare this thread gay and full of fail AIDS
I claim this thread in the name of India
I bet that twink can give a mean blowie
>Yas Forums is bad
you just played yourself.
Why did she take off from Madrid?
Based pooess colonizing lesser niggers.
its about time india display their supremacy.
Why do these threads get deleted when it's something trump did against leftist scum, but left up when it's reddit approved shit like OP?
I remember master chief sucks at halo somehow and I'm only 24
never reply to my post again, underage tourist
it's true, idubbbz is particularly bad. he's simply not as intelligent as he thinks he is. "content cop" is the gayest, most cringe thing on the internet and he stole the kickstarter thing (along with his sense of humor) from sam hyde. it's funny that he can be pushed to make a lengthy video out of nowhere when people call him a cuck because his gf is literally whoring herself out. kek
>being on-topic
That tends to happen when the average IQ of the board is 90, and half of it is comprised of literal spics. They can barely hold the thread topic in their head, let alone go off-topic
>this shithole
Nice cognitive dissonance, Yas Forumsedditor simp. Go back if you don't like it.
>uses twitterspeak
>calls someone else a tourist
Everything fell apart when Ray left
Unironically kill yourself faggot
Fuck off Sam Hyde
Ian is right Though
>Eats a big mac every day
>Gets mad at a video of someone hunting
This is you.
It's Yas Forumsspeak now, faggot. Deal with it.
Why is he babysitting this off-topic thread? Are we allowed to make threads about people like Richard Spencer and Tim Pool now?
Sure why not
I'm too old for this website I reckon. I'm completely out of touch with this shit
Don't worry, old man. I'm gen z and I don't know either. Ignore these e celeb worshipping faggots.
>Digging through someone's post history to "own" them while calling them reddit
Based except Spoony and Channel Awesome stuff!
KYS Leafy.
I was going to disagree but then I thought about it rationally and realized I couldn't
>literally years since his last video
>crawls out of his cave
>makes video
>uses fucking trial mode
>becomes a meme again
leafy is still cringe
ayo dis nigga chinese
He's home.
What the fuck is wrong with his nose?
Ian literally cannot recover from this.
>this was all just a trick to get more clicks
steams the ol hams
>I don't know who any of these people are
Feels good
Leafy is a great example of the archtype of a typical zoomer Yas Forums user.
but leafy has a leaked sex tape where he fucks a literal whore
That used to be Palpatine's whole schtick in the sequel books to Star Wars.
Shit-eaters can't even find their own country on a map.
World war 2
>3 hours
god I hope swaglords parents get infected and die
Leafyishere was hilarious. Pearl clutching faggots like h3h3 hated him because he mocked retards.