Has this website ever been mentioned in a tv show or movie?

>Like every generation before it
Lies. Gen Xers have done NOTHING but shit on us.

Wow man, are you really making fake articles just to make people stop posting memes you don't like? Really dude? Yikes...

Attached: soy :|.jpg (645x773, 85.89K)

>you dont talk about Yas Forums
>you dont talk about Yas Forums
ok but we are on Yas Forums

Pls be fake


user, I...

Of course it has.

Attached: 1436705428549.webm (960x720, 1.29M)

Holy shit this is funnier than I thought it would be, although I didn't catch what he said at the very start with the helmet
Nice digits btw


man black journo whores are not posting about this place
Its over we had some good times but now its time to go home.

I am a third worlder and I heard my maid listening to the 'ohnononono' video's laugh on a video in her whatsapp group.
Yas Forums is way too big now.