Has this website ever been mentioned in a tv show or movie?

has this website ever been mentioned in a tv show or movie?

Attached: o.png (637x686, 239.96K)

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>ever been mentioned in a tv show
lurk moar

Hackers on steriods

Actually yes, there was a scene in some amerimutt criminal thriller show where some lade detective was looking for some girl and she asked about it on Yas Forums (orange theme), it was formated like reddit though. Some user asked if she was CIA and she answered "no, conerned citizen". Then some user posted a jpg. File, she downloaded it and got hacked.

Other time I remember is " oh, your Yas Forums friends?" its on youtube

but Yas Forums doesnt let you post images with hidden shit in them

Many times newfag

lol, wojak shit is all over twitter these days. Hell many of them posted here, like the dick flattening meme, came from twitter

>and it's everything
why do they talk like this?

Because they're millenials trying to be hip with the zoomers. Like every generation before it, trying to be hip with the new generation is cringe and shit and nobody should try doing it, ever.

interesting. also im the most based person on this board.

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Ya it was on an episode of game of thrones

article should have said "wojak do be kinda quirky doe :flushed:"

based retard

How can you be most based person here if you are not me.

who is this 4channel guy?

I remember the first time Yas Forums taught me how to make a van explode. Good times.

it was Homeland and the "lady detective" actually was CIA.
They also mentioned Yas Forums in the previous season

Pfffff hahahahaha

Bad Boys 3

Soijaks are a reddit thing though

There's the incel episode on criminal intent where the incel perp kills a couple and calls them stacy and chad and the detectives spend most of the runtime searching for people with that name only to be lectured by a meme expert what stacy an chad are. The perp has a breakdown in court and starts screaming STACY AND CHAD! CHAD AND STACY!

No, not at all

Wow, incels really are the worst people in the world, huh

sounds kino

woah woah woah
anonymous has become too crazy. tone it down guys. and here's why

Yes there is. In the bad boys for life.
I was in the movies watching this I nearly shit myself when they said this. kek

youtube.com/watch?v=aTV0MQVXkP8 watch around 0:12

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iirc dennis calls someone a basedboy beta cuck in a later episode of Always Sunny after spending a day with a group of nerds

I hate this influx of newfags fresh off the unemployment line because china decided to go Chicky Chang Wang with a bioeeapon and fucked over the planet. Maybe Trump was right about them causing global warming.

>and it's everything
>and we're here for it
>and it hits different
>and it's a mood
Thanks women



Attached: WOjak wax.jpg (400x496, 18.99K)

Imagine being female and having to say this shit

Rules 1 and 2 newfag.

I would rip my ovaries out and burn them at the altar of the heathen gods.

it was called Bad boys for life
i cringed so badly when they mentioned 4chins, as in physically uncomfortable, that movie absolutely ruined the first two but that was the icing on the cake

Maybe that's why the 40% figure exists. They've been in the greener pasture.

reminder that wojsck is a board mascot and if you dont like him youre a redditor

t. 2018 oldfag

She looks like she fucks white guys

>Like every generation before it
Lies. Gen Xers have done NOTHING but shit on us.

Wow man, are you really making fake articles just to make people stop posting memes you don't like? Really dude? Yikes...

Attached: soy :|.jpg (645x773, 85.89K)

>you dont talk about Yas Forums
>you dont talk about Yas Forums
ok but we are on Yas Forums

Pls be fake


user, I...

Of course it has.

Attached: 1436705428549.webm (960x720, 1.29M)

Holy shit this is funnier than I thought it would be, although I didn't catch what he said at the very start with the helmet
Nice digits btw


man black journo whores are not posting about this place
Its over we had some good times but now its time to go home.

I am a third worlder and I heard my maid listening to the 'ohnononono' video's laugh on a video in her whatsapp group.
Yas Forums is way too big now.

There was a very stupid homeland episode where the main character gets a virus from a jpeg or something


Oh nonono isn’t a Yas Forums meme you Europe fag dipshit. youtu.be/7wivOEXlL9s

That’s not a Yas Forums meme you dumb poopskin

I'm 12 and what is this

The Masketta Man...

Wojak off the boof

>pepe isnt from Yas Forums
found the 2016 tourists

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