As long as she isn't malnourished or hits her head on a hard surface she'll be fine you drama queen.
Most Realistic Fight Scenes?
>ywn even have one 5/10 settle for you. let alone have two stacy's fight for you
The weak should fear the strong
Men have 2.6x the punching power of women, and 90% of females produce less grip force (a good general indicator of strength) than 95% of males. Basically, they can't fight for shit no matter what they do.
>hits her head
Not him but this happens surprisingly often in street fights. If you're gonna fight, take it to grass area
if you watch the webm with sound you hear the slap in all its glory. Based primitive women
>dat buttslap at 0:10
Yeah but these thots aren't fighting in a car park.
>I've never heard of someone dying by being hit once in the head
happens more than you think