Most Realistic Fight Scenes?

Any martial artists here? What movie has the most realistic fight scenes?

Attached: fightingOverChad.webm (876x1080, 2.98M)

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There's a scene in the silent movie Metropolis that appears to be two gentlemen genuinely engaging in fisticuffs.

women are stupid
literally use your fucking FIST and the fight ends in seconds

>how to accidently become a murderer
great adivce, user

It's more fun to kick them in the leg.

Even women can't resist slapping a bare ass when they see it god damn.

You've obviously never engaged in manly combat

not naming it Becky v Superman - Dawn of Chad

retard, the human skeletal system can sustain over 300lbs of pressure

You’ve obviously never engaged in mortal kombat

As long as she isn't malnourished or hits her head on a hard surface she'll be fine you drama queen.

>ywn even have one 5/10 settle for you. let alone have two stacy's fight for you

The weak should fear the strong


Men have 2.6x the punching power of women, and 90% of females produce less grip force (a good general indicator of strength) than 95% of males. Basically, they can't fight for shit no matter what they do.

Attached: 72b.gif (540x303, 1.97M)

>hits her head
Not him but this happens surprisingly often in street fights. If you're gonna fight, take it to grass area

if you watch the webm with sound you hear the slap in all its glory. Based primitive women

>dat buttslap at 0:10

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Yeah but these thots aren't fighting in a car park.

>I've never heard of someone dying by being hit once in the head

happens more than you think

Theres a difference between a sudden sucker punch when you're minding your own business and a punch that catches you whilst you're already fighting you retard.

There's still walls around them that can break their necks, and a table

Just don't do combos

I guess. But if you're at the point of trading blows your best bet is grappling or giving the other guy a hard knock and hoping he doesn't pop his cloggs. Hope you didn't instigate the fight if he does.

That butt slap was so sexy

Have that?

No, no there isnt. Being hit in the head is a game of chance, its fucking russian roulette.

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Then they shouldn't start fighting. If someone starts punching me and attacking me I don't care if they die from a freak accident I'm not gonna sit back and let someone wail on me. Self defense usually has you covered.

Why not just slap their butts?

Thats a finishing move obviously.

That's because women don't work out. If women actively tried to improve their grip strength, they could, still less than a man, but enough to take down a sorry bitch.

This is a troll. You need to hit the head or hit your head a certain way to die. Even if she collapsed on concrete she'd survive. Just like injuries, you need to be in a very dumb position to die.

And you think most men work out?

They don't need to work out to be stronger than a girl and have an iota of fight in them

What if you're bent over and your opponent slaps your butt and you bang your head?

A realistic fight scene would be a sloppy slugfest since most people don't know how to fight

Here's the full webm.


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GOD DAMN, you can hear that slap from the moon

Don't click on this it's a nigger fucking a faggot in the ass

what part of "it's a game of chance" didnt you get, retard?

she deserved to get beat up

probably the bathroom scene in eastern promises

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you fucking nigger

Power and muscle strength are different things. A gym rat will never beat a martial artist even if he can lift more.

testosterone differences exist brainlet

why is the sound so muffled? its like the cameraman had his finger over the microphone

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>You've obviously never engaged in manly combat

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Alright male powerlifter vs any current female UFC champion. Who wins?

how come Yas Forums can't have webms with sound?

Attached: whythough.jpg (375x432, 39.51K)

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asshole i had my laptop at full volume

those 2 are idiots and anyone who didnt believe you.

You motherfucker


history of violence
eastern promises

Fags are fags, but at least they're funny as shit.

then why you click it gay boy lmao

do you guys think she had to go to the hospital afterwards?

Weight advantage > muscle mass > skill

>has this saved on his PC

why user why are you such a fucking faggot?

Neither of them can fight so toss a coin or something.

its the head hitting concrete that kills you retard

>doesn't know how links work

First time on Yas Forums?

baited :^) faggots.

dunno breh. every fight I ever saw was wildly uncoordinated and unlike shit in movies

Wait I thought you said male UFC champion. Nevermind the male wins obviously. But that's because female UFC don't train power they train like male gym rats.

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Read the thread you illiterate nigger I already mentioned that.



do your dorm mates know you're gay?

If you take 2 untrained retards then yes that's true. But the thing is unlike weight and muscle mass, skill has no ceiling. Eventually skill beats pure strength. Just not in the first few years.

Alright you got me

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You fucker

Absolutely based user gotem

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Tbh the biggest downside of striking sports is accidentaly killing someone by knocking them out and the guy busting his head on the concrete. Happened to my cousin when getting into a fight with some drunk retard

lol you mean a street fight?

>I was just pretending to be retarded!

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Absolutely false. Why the fuck do you think weight classes exist in fighting sports?
It's even obvious outside of fighting. Take the Williams sisters, two of the most talented female tennis players ever. "Venus and Serena Williams had claimed that they could beat any male player ranked outside the world's top 200, so Braasch, then ranked 203rd, challenged them both. Braasch was described by one journalist as "a man whose training regime centred around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple of bottles of ice-cold lager"... after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two shandies. He first took on Serena and after leading 5–0, beat her 6–1. Venus then walked on court and again Braasch was victorious, this time winning 6–2."

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>how come Yas Forums can't have webms with sound?
For this exact reason

Ong Bak, most of it is full contact.


People generally don't gradually apply pressure when they hit someone, and the danger isn't usually the punch itself but the connection of their head/neck to a hard object

No, in a ring made out of concrete. Ofc in a street fight, retard

You said striking sports though. Just wanted clarification.



>Self defense usually has you covered

What a comforting argument, I will surely tell that to that next gypsy POS in court for a one punch kill

That's more to do with women being absolute shit in comparison to men at sports. Professional female athletes have the skill level of a 6th-8th grade male.

martial artists all lift, you retard