He was the main character that means they wanted him to be a hero!
A Very Personal Message from Howard Baskin Regarding Netflix’s Tiger King
He's a total piece of shit too, but he seems to know what the hell he is doing with animals and running a zoo unlike Carol and Joe.
Hey carole let your husband out of the septic tank
brainlet theory
how is he a piece of shit?
Carole Baskin murdered her husband and there's nothing you can do or say that will change my mind. By the sheer hand of god, we were all quarantined and witnessed the episode where it goes over her husband's disappearance. I hope the world keeps making memes about her until she kills herself or stops turning a profit on the tigers she so desperately claims she's trying to save.
not the guy you're replying to, but I'm guessing he's jelly of Doc's harem
I've seen a lot of anons saying that the ex-cult lady was a bitch for not owning her own mistakes. I thought she did. She even called herself a sheep for falling for it. She didn't even badmouth Doc and his harem, really.
>All women in the comments fawning over this drivel
There will always be dumbass volunteers and interns to exploit.
Carole is the Slim Charles of this game