A Very Personal Message from Howard Baskin Regarding Netflix’s Tiger King
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Wtf I love Carole baskin now???
(((JewFlix))) made a doc trashing one of the best animal sanctuaries in the country, and promoting a white trash, meth-abusing literal faggot:
I Still think she killed her husband.
fuck this jewish liberal peta enthusiast cucked out of his faggot mind faggot
someone summarize this gay fucking shit por favor
>Netflix puts forth all the facts straightforward and without bias
>Carol still comes off as a murdering psychopath
>Gets pissed that she wasn't treated like a Queen and was treated objectively
I bet she sues.
what does the simp king have to say for himself?
>my wife hasn't tried to kill me, so she obviously didn't kill her husband!
I think he's just very ignorant.
In what way was joe portrayed in a sympathetic light?
>claims he's never ever argued with his wife or even had harsh words with her
this is just obvious he's lying
Or he did it before she could get him.
No way. He doesn't seem capable of doing that. She does, he doesn't.
just watched episode 1, should i continue watching?
i seriously don't care what happens to any of these people
i just finished ep 7, it gets more engrossing imo, the 1st ep is all about setting the stage for some freakazoid game of thrones of tigers shit to come
lol this
everyone looked awful
I hated everyone in it. It's an interesting look into a world I never interact with, and was therefore worthwhile.
Hi Carol. Did you give your simp ass husband his daily dick flattening yet?
You know there doesn't have to be a "hero" in a documentary right? Everyone involved in this was a piece of human garbage, Carol is a more cunning sociopath than either Joe or Doc.
There's no good guys in this story. It's more about watching everything the bad guys built fall apart because of more bad guys.
Of course she wouldn't try to kill him, it doesn't help he amass power in anyway. The only reason she killed Don in the first place was because the power dynamic changed and she wasn't in charge of the relationship anymore. Carol will do anything to continue to amass power, its her nature. I seriously doubt any of her back story either.
The only people that didn't look awful was Saff, Reinke, and Cowie. Maybe the girl that escape the cult and the campaign manager but everybody was fucking insane.
Jeff and his cronies were hired by Carole to go in and be buddy buddy with Joe and then when Carole forced Joe into financial ruin he ran right to Jeff just as planned. Then they probably got him drunk or high and pressured him into saying incriminating shit. It was a scam from the start to ruin Based Joe's livelihood and his life.
its genuinely entertaining
Where does Jeff actually get his money?
Don Lewis's family, attorney, and business assistant did nothing wrong either.
Jon Finley is also innocent in all this shit, he was so loaded up with meth he had no idea what was happening around him, he sobered up enough to save himself thankfully.
I would've liked more backstory on Tim Stark as well, but he seemed to care more about the zoos than the other crazy tiger cult leaders.
he got his park retard.
Doc Antle is based
Before that, I want the backstory to how he even got to the point he can pretend he's rich.
No I think it's totally believable that Howard is a spineless wimp who does whatever his cunt wife says
He's not rich. He's a con artist. He pretends to be rich to gain peoples trust. The mansion was rented. It was all an act.
honestly the sketchy guy in the whole thing. He felt like a major cult leader. I was getting a lot of jim jones vibes from him.
He had at least 80k+ in an account that Joe tapped for his campaign fund, he had enough cash before then to at least convince Joe he could front the bills. The guy had money from somewhere, they don't just let you buy a Ferrari with no money down or rent a mansion without checking credit. I wanna know how he got started down that whole path.
>buy a Ferrari
Do you know he bought it? What if he rented or borrowed it?
I hope the bullet that kills his cunt wife goes through her and hits this sack of shit too.
He was sued by Prince for selling bootleg Prince merch, and stole 1 million from a domestic violence charity. He is a scam artist who gets his money from scams. Stop begging to be spoon fed, cunt
>trusting documentary makers
oh howard
>if you just spend an hour with her you'll understand!
Isn't that what charlie mansons followers say?
He was the main character that means they wanted him to be a hero!
He's a total piece of shit too, but he seems to know what the hell he is doing with animals and running a zoo unlike Carol and Joe.
Hey carole let your husband out of the septic tank
brainlet theory
how is he a piece of shit?
Carole Baskin murdered her husband and there's nothing you can do or say that will change my mind. By the sheer hand of god, we were all quarantined and witnessed the episode where it goes over her husband's disappearance. I hope the world keeps making memes about her until she kills herself or stops turning a profit on the tigers she so desperately claims she's trying to save.
not the guy you're replying to, but I'm guessing he's jelly of Doc's harem
I've seen a lot of anons saying that the ex-cult lady was a bitch for not owning her own mistakes. I thought she did. She even called herself a sheep for falling for it. She didn't even badmouth Doc and his harem, really.
>All women in the comments fawning over this drivel
There will always be dumbass volunteers and interns to exploit.
Carole is the Slim Charles of this game
>She didn't even badmouth Doc and his harem
Exactly, she should have. Also she downplayed him killing her favourite tiger
The trick is to post a positive message so it gets approved, then edit it later
They don't approve even slightly negative ones. Same with Carole's own websites. All criticism is deleted. They are foul people.
Carole is just as bad joe exotic and all those other retarded hicks.
She charges money to see the cats, she has "volunteers" - people who work fulltime for free and get told its a privilege to do so.
>if you spend time with her for an hour
She's a fucking psychopath who can convince you of anything.
Wtf Howard says they have supporters? How the fuck are they still open? Government should step in and close Carole's park for fucks sakes.
He gasses and shoots tigers once they become financial liabilities (ie too big to pet or take photos with, but enough to consume huge amounts of food). He also has a predatory/manipulative angle to him, and although people who fall for cults are fucking idiots, you have to be a bastard to run one.
Does anybody get Martha Stewart or Hilary Clinton vibes from Carole? Just me?
literally no proof other than the ex member said she heard a gunshot one night
you asshole, he is doing this at tigerpoint! poor guy
Hey all you cool cats and kittens!
The whole time I thought she looked and sounded enough like Hillary to be her cousin or something.