

Attached: SFP.jpg (1919x790, 91.53K)

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wssnt that great

the only memorable part of this soulless movie




>wssnt that great

Attached: soy.jpg (280x305, 16.41K)

Not them, but Heat was retarded. Super Mario Bros. is more interesting than that "star studded" tryhard piece of shit.

Attached: 1568162921392.jpg (376x410, 20.36K)

Heat is a cookie-cutter movie with nothing memorable except an overrated shootout because muh realism.
I also legit hate Blade Runner and Avatar.

Attached: De-Niro-in-Heat-608x405.jpg (608x405, 39.48K)

Is Roger Van Zandt the father of Portman's character?

Now, Vincent once says "I've got a stepdaughter so fucked up because her real father's this large-type asshole" so we know he was rich/successful, just like Van Zant would be. Vincent also says to Ralph "You can lounge around here on her sofa, in her ex-husband's dead-tech, post-modernistic bullshit house if you want to." So that further shows that Justine's former husband was rich that he was able to afford this house. And when we see Van Zant's house at the end, was it post-modernistic too? idk about that all the houses seemed like that to me though.

What do we know about Van Zant? We know he is the boss of that company as well as a money launderer. Perhaps he is someone who is busy most of the day and has little time for family? Perhaps he was married to Justine and was too busy so thats why she divorced him (we know she wants Vincent to spend time with the family than work all the time, so it would make sense she left her prior husband for that reason). We dont see Van Zant with any other woman. In his final scene he was sitting by himself in his house.

Now, remember when Portman was expecting a visit from her dad? this was the same day that Van Zants armored truck got robbed. Perhaps he was too busy from this and everything that followed to stop by and visit his daughter. And at the end when he got killed, perhaps Portman was trying to call him and he never picked up the phone calls so she thought he didnt want anything to do with her anymore and decided to kill herself, or maybe she saw he was dead on the news and thats why she decided to kill herself

what was so good about his reload? was it just that it was fast?

people who look like that are the movie's biggest fans, idiot

>no u
nah, kiddo

No need to get butt tickled.
He's right, you're wrong.

cookie cutter in the sense it take familiar cues from traditional action/crime films certainly, but the central conflict between pacino and de niro as two men on opposite sides of the law with a similar view on life who both possess actual, real honor is a depiction of masculinity rarely accomplished in fiction, especially film.

have a gif

Attached: Val-Kilmer-Reload.gif (400x224, 3.71M)

>but the central conflict between pacino and de niro as two men on opposite sides of the law with a similar view on life who both possess actual, real honor is a depiction of masculinity rarely accomplished in fiction, especially film.

what am i looking at here?


Point Break was the better heist movie

Shit, just decided to watch the 'making of' on youtube tonight. Then watched the opening act. Too late to watch the rest now, dammit.

Attached: NEH.png (982x490, 460.75K)

Zoomer cancer.

good action but shitty drama

This is one of those movies like "The Town," directed by Ben Affleck, where you can really only get full enjoyment from it the first time you watch it. You can rewatch great scenes like this and enjoy them, but it's a thriller and once you know how it ends too much of the magic is lost.

I'm Gen X. You know, the best generation living right now.

>best generation
Yeah. Right. Sure. Mmmhm.

Attached: suicidal junkie and terrible musician Kurt Cobain .png (807x509, 463.25K)

>the gunfights in zerozerozero
fucking unbelievable, actually better than heat

>Kurt Cobain: Born 1967
>an Xer
t. zoomie

I'm a based millennial alt-righter and google told me that it counts. Better luck next time, sweaty pie.


>based millennial
>google told me that it counts
Should sue you for giving me cringelash.

Attached: hey wait a minute.jpg (897x653, 271.75K)

stay mad, snowflake

so are you trolling or a faggot?

While it's undoubted gripping in it's tension the first time you watch it (the simple soundtrack really adds to that, so much as van zandt killing the banker at his house had so much tension because of it), it's not a mystery. You can catch the highs with a couple scenes, but the entire film is a masterwork. I watch it yearly still.

unironically the only good parts were the shooty shooty scenes. Thief blows Heat out of the water

t. seething söybabies

>all these plebs getting filtered by based Mann

thanks for the laugh tonight Yas Forums

Fuck you, I would never consume soj. You're the sojboy here.

reminder that there was no need to involve Waingro in the armored car heist. Danny Trejo's character, the spotter, could have ditched his bike at the scene of the crime, donned a mask and grabbed a gun.

>can't type söy
>calls others söyboys with a "j"

>Robbing a bank past 1899

One good scene doesn't make up for the rest of the film being somewhat boring. Heat will only ever be remembered for this scene.

You're a cuck, bro.

>be user
>can't take criticism of a mediocre flop
>call others cucks
Don't you have to prepare for the bull? How can you have time to post here?

>film depicting the conflict between two men struggling to maintain their honor
>even ignoring the lense of it being a crime film be scene as a movie about maintaining masculine identity in the industrial world
>hehe söyboys!

alright you had me in the first half


I don't know. I'm just shitposting (like (you)). i'm the sojboy guy

Heat gets so much recognition for it's shootout mostly because of the sound, so why don't other movies follow suit?

its a lot more then that the shoot out is about as realistic as you could get to real life on film, Mann drilled trigger discipline, soft cover and basic tactics into Val alpacino and De'niro so hard for every movie since they always use guns the way they should be


the conversation between pachino and de'niro and the finale with them in the shipyard, and when he kicks his tv out of the car
>she's got a big ass and you've got your head all the way up it

Once there are that many cops on the scene you're completely fucked, there's no escape.

its based on the 97 north hollywood shootout when two ukrainian who did just that back when cops only had 9mm and shotguns

Yeah, I know they did it, but they were nuts for thinking they ever had a chance. It's remarkable how much damage they caused.

Thanks to those chucklefucks the militarization of police underwent a quantum leap.

400 vs 2, so imagine a few US rouge special forces doing it at that time, its the whole premise of the movie, yes it would've worked, Mann is literally showing you an alt reality where it was smat mericans pulling it off

i think its funny how military instructors used this clip to show soldiers how to properly reload
>go into cover while dumping mag
>reload new mag in while in cover
>smack bolt release
>come out of cover and continue fire
i learned all this playing cod but back then this was the best thing they had.

its doing it irl, with trigger discipline, you didn't learn shit from cod kiddo
