Why do horse movies always suck?

Why do horse movies always suck?

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Black Beauty made me cry

Because horses are noble, beautiful animals and they always die in these films.

Me too, it's family kino but fucking heart wrenching

Attached: Hidalgo_film.jpg (258x386, 22.95K)

Whoa, is this the cursed horse from that Edgar Allan Poe short story?

Horse is just letting off some steam

I wonder how much exertion it takes for a horse to be sweating that much.
Also Seabiscuit was okay.

They think the sexy horse asses will distract the audience from the poorly written plot

>implying Yas Forums will watch spanish kino
Yas Forums refuses to watch good movies. just keep our things to ourselves.

it played in the US though

>tfw you will never be ridden hard and put away wet

oh shit. i though it was the "Alatriste" movie because it had Viggo in it. nevermind.

God damn that's a good movie. In fact, you know what, I'm gonna go watch it again now.

Woah! Kino alert, coming through!

>sword and dagger
cringe as fuck


Attached: horse friend.webm (266x408, 2.65M)

Attached: horse friend02.webm (210x374, 650.83K)

Normal words but horse guy

Attached: horse.webm (406x720, 2.93M)

Because they’re made for a female target audience.
A comfy cowboy kino with a man and his horse is hard to find. It’s strange because it’d fit right into man and his dog kinos.

Attached: horse autism.webm (406x408, 996.48K)

Attached: horse punch.webm (720x720, 1.17M)

A man and mare is pure

Hidalgo is based as fuck.

war horse was not too bad.

The black stallion was pure kino, the sequel was ok too!

Attached: black-stallion-watching-recommendation-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg (1600x901, 137.52K)

that's a good one

i consider War horse kino too

I ate horse meat in Italy. It tasted musty.

watched this on a flight once with no audio, didn't hate it.

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the last unicorn is kino

Attached: tree tits.webm (936x720, 2.88M)

I remember War Horse being good. Don't remember much about it but it was enjoyable to be sure.

>3D aint shit

Hate to break this to you but it's Corona

Is this a movie about Paris?

Well, trees being female is Biblical, so I kinda get why parents let this one slide.

>"She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly." - Proverbs 3:18

it's about a long distance horse race across arabia

based gospel user

How do I get a qt horse faced gf bros?

That doesn't make trees female any more than saying that a guy is "hard as a rock" makes rocks male.

>not female
spotted the tranny

Retard. The passage isn't even talking about a woman or a tree.

>Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
>For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.
>She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.
>Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour.
>Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
>She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.

God is likened to a sturdy rock in the bible multiple times. Does that make all rocks God? No. Just like calling your car or boat a she doesn't make it female.

Any anons got horses, ive a half irish draught 4 year old geld at 16 hands ,smart out

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Fucking based.

Why are they frying that horse?



Holy shit he broke her fucking heart

Attached: The Rider.jpg (230x345, 26.73K)

>mr hands kino coming through

Horse meat tastes exactly as beef.

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whats the movie about people jumping horses off diving boards into like a swimming pool? i only saw it once or twice when i was a kid


Is that horse receiving some kind of treatment or is it being tortured?

this was okay iirc

Attached: Spirit-Stallion-of-the-Cimarron-spirit-stallion-of-the-cimarron-12762544-750-1075.jpg (750x1075, 109.89K)

It's being tortured. Can't you tell by how it's steady and calm, enduring all that pain?

it's a phantom horse that just phaseshifted through that wall.

my favourite to watch with my lil' sisters

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nope, the worst WW1 movie
tnx Spielberg
i ate horse burgers here in Slovenia, the fucker hicked the price again

Attached: I love horses.webm (640x384, 2.91M)

How wet did that make her?

Attached: I really love horses.webm (640x384, 1.46M)

pretty wet

wow, this movie was ahead of its time.


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The Beast

I saw it on Netflix a few years ago, but I think they edited out that scene with her looking at the photos.

which filthy european nation made this?

wow, source?

Literally me

La Bête (1975)

For those interested

Horse meat is extremely good, it's also suggested if you have low iron in your blood

hon hon hon
but directed by a pole

watched it while having a mashine drain the blood from my body