Unpopular opinion: They should make more movies with white actors only

Wtf this is literally the Holocaust don’t you know something something bigoted xenophobic something trump on marginalized communities something trans rights think of the children OY VEY

You'd think by now the Negro would have built and sustained his own version of black Hollywood, complete with its own black Academy of black Awards. But that would have taken imagination and effort.

>racists are high IQ

>I like black people

It's not reasonable to expect racial quotas for fictional characters, seethe more though. A private studio doesn't have to consult some Yas Forumsnigger on what the race of a magical valkrie has to be.

I wonder why, when it's supported by the literal white supremacists ITT.

Don't get me wrong, i completely agree that black quotas for european characters is stupid. But frankly you've gotta choose if you'd rather be associatd with Yas Forumstards or SJWs. That's how the internet works now.

>on what the race of a magical valkrie has to be

What know what race they are, not niggers.

black people are so aesthetically displeasing to look at. I'm pretty sure that's why they're pushed into so much shit, pure conditioning.

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I thought you were just lazily slinging the buzzword of the century at a very reasonable position on blackwashing and overwhelming overrepresentation.


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