Unpopular opinion: They should make more movies with white actors only

I have been watching a lot of movies in Netflix lately and I seem to dislike looking at black people.

I don't consider myself racist.

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Just watch movies made before the 90's

>Unpopular opinion
>Says something racist

First day on Yas Forums?

>Just watch movies made before the 90's

This is what the rest of us are doing.

Many many people have nego fatigue, you are not the only one.


>unpopular opinion
>says something most high IQ people want

I like black people, just not the black actors playing Valkyries, Norse gods, European saints and nobility, white characters from literature and pop culture etc.

I, too, am tired of the Obligatory Negro Character.

That very reasonable position will get you called racist anyway.

My point was that the opinion is, in fact, extremely popular here, dummies.

Wtf this is literally the Holocaust don’t you know something something bigoted xenophobic something trump on marginalized communities something trans rights think of the children OY VEY

You'd think by now the Negro would have built and sustained his own version of black Hollywood, complete with its own black Academy of black Awards. But that would have taken imagination and effort.

>racists are high IQ

>I like black people

It's not reasonable to expect racial quotas for fictional characters, seethe more though. A private studio doesn't have to consult some Yas Forumsnigger on what the race of a magical valkrie has to be.

I wonder why, when it's supported by the literal white supremacists ITT.

Don't get me wrong, i completely agree that black quotas for european characters is stupid. But frankly you've gotta choose if you'd rather be associatd with Yas Forumstards or SJWs. That's how the internet works now.

>on what the race of a magical valkrie has to be

What know what race they are, not niggers.

black people are so aesthetically displeasing to look at. I'm pretty sure that's why they're pushed into so much shit, pure conditioning.

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I thought you were just lazily slinging the buzzword of the century at a very reasonable position on blackwashing and overwhelming overrepresentation.


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>expect racial quotas for fictional characters

That is the very reason white characters are made into niggers.

>pick sides
>on an anonymous image board

no you don't but you should just identify yourself as a retard anyways

I didn't say racists, I was referring to people sick of seeing social engineering and deranged political positions in Western film and TV. There's no other reason for the vast overrepresentation of black people. You're racist if you support it, because it's coming from a place of anti-white sentiment.

>Yas Forums is LYFE
There's a non-anonymous world out there, friend. Some of us frequently interact with it.

It's not like a real, government quota or something. Nobody is forcing Netflix or whatever to make black characters. I know you're a schizoid but they'll stop doing it when movies like Black Panther stop making a billion fucking dollars.

racial quotas means a figure from a non black culture such as the Valkyrie with her Germanic background is blackwashed you fucking turnip IQ spastic.

>muh social engineering muh "anti-white" AHHHH!
You'll hate hearing this, but you're a constantly triggered person who thinks movies matter to the general population. They don't have this magical brainwashing power that you think they do. I'm sorry to burst your bubble. General audiences literally don't care about black fictional characters.

I'd rather be associated with Satan himself than a slimy subversive lying piece of shit like you, to be brutally honest.

user, I'm saying it doesn't matter. It's fiction. You're crying over fiction. Nobody is forced to hire actors you want.

>General audiences literally don't care about black fictional characters.

Yet they change them anyway, highlighting that something is going on.

Wow. I'm so insulted. Meanie! :

Dark is some netflix kino with zero black people in it

I feel like they made enough movies with white characters. It has nothing to do with progressivism or reverse racism. I just feel like we've told almost all the stories there are to tell. The only way to get something even close to an original concept is to change minor things like race.

No, you're right. It's actually a big conspiracy and not a studio's attempt to get minorities to watch more movies and buy tickets. It's actually to fucking destroy white people or something.

You're very smart user.

I felt the same way as you but I see it in a different light: they are admitting that Europe is superior. When black people want to be European, they are acknowledging your Superiority. They are white supremacists.

It's like when I was a kid and asked why there wasn't kids day just like mother's day and father's day. My parents said "every day is kids day." So with black history month and women's history month, that means they acknowledge that every other month is white male history month. Every day is white male day.

I think it's funny that they acknowledge this. I think its funny that Asians and Africans want to pretend to be European. That European culture and history is the superior human story. We won and they are grovelling. Bask in their groveling.

>General audiences literally don't care about black fictional characters.

Meanwhile people like this guy think that the race of the character is integral to he story.

He thinks having a nigger makes it magically new.

one of the two options referred to a Yas Forums board. idk why I'm talking with a double retard who thinks the entire outside world is divided into Tumblr and Yas Forums

>studio casts a light skinned non white man like Ben Kingsley to play light skinned MENA character in the Egypt pre-Islamic invasion
>Woketards note he's not black and scream it's CuLtUrAL aPpRoPriAtiOn
>studio digs deep into European culture
>Uses its beloved myths to make money
>shits all over the myth by blackwashing, genderbending, dissecting all the stories
>Woketards say "LoL Y u CaRe?"

>Meanwhile people like this guy think that the race of the character is integral to he story.
Nice strawman, take a breather and realize that nobody actually cares outside of other zoomie Yas Forumsniggers like yourself.

>studio's attempt to get minorities to watch more movies and buy tickets.

If whites want to see whites we are told that is wrong, yet look at that non-whites want to see non-whites and instead of being told that is bad and wrong the media is complicit.

>idk why I'm talking with
I agree. Why are you?

You're literally just inventing arguments we aren't having now.

If no one cared it would not be happening.

any website you're going to where you're "hiding your power level" to fit in makes you much more of a fag than saying "nigger" on Yas Forums could ever make you. kys

So you admit it's happening but now you're shifting the goalposts to say "well it's not like the gubmint..." despite the proven involvement of extremely influential figures like the Obamas and that cabbage looking Soros? Just shut the fuck up dude.

What's it like being a disingenuous whiny bitch

I'm hearing nothing but your shite, audiences hate characters like Valkyrie, it's like you haven't noticed the woketard films and tv shows flopping and getting a huge backlash online.


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Being honest about negro fatigue is genuine.

It's happening because Hollywood wants money and minorities don't watch as many movies as whites do, you low IQ mongoloid. That's why it's happening. You know you come off as retarded every time you cry about this, right?

You know what they care about? Money. You know who still buys millions of tickets for movies with white people + other people? Still lots of fucking white people. Cry about it some more.

He simply stated he is tired of seeing negros, nothing about that was said.

>audiences hate characters like Valkyrie
I have literally never heard this outside of here, so maybe your echo chamber isn't indicative of reality?
>these movies are le flopping
Which ones? Examples?

>white actors only
I was going crazy trying to figure out why avenue 5 is so shit in literally every way and you've finally explained it. They made something purposefully bad so as to blame it's failure on lack of diversity

So when you're at work and your coworker asks if you watched X on Netflix, you should go on a tirade about how you can't get into it because of the black casting?

I'm not "crying," I'm pointing out there's no reason for it other than political meddling, it's annoying to audiences, and it's a trend I hope dies off with a succession of box office flops.
You can't just dismiss it as fiction, that's a very naïve and frankly suspicious argument, as even the lowliest pleb on Earth understands the important of fiction on a culture, I'm English and we have a strong literary and theatrical culture, fiction is very important to us, maybe you don't have that where you're from so you just don't get it and think everything can be deconstructed and made shit for a political minority.

I can name 3 shows off the top of my head that have almost exclusively white cast. Yet I bet you won't/don't watch them.

If nobody thinks it matters, why wouldn't it happen?

I fantasize about doing something about the double standards alright, but crying is not on the list.

It happens because diversity outsells films without diversity. Which means it's what the people want.

Nobody is mad but you.

I really enjoy looking at Lenora Crichlow.

I consider myself racist.

But new generations are born and want to see their culture explored. We haven't remotely told "all the stories," and why would swapping up the English identity of Dickens characters for the common brown billion strong Indian and sub-Saharan make it better? You're talking absolute shit user.

I don't watch talmud vision.

That is untrue, though.

>there is no reason for Hollywood to want more asses in theater seats
So look man, you are most likely mentally ill but I want you to honestly look at the options here. Either A, it's a vast Jewish and anti-white conspiracy that spans thousands of studios and directors and producers...or B, they want minorities to buy more movie tickets in a dying industry that only sees capeshit be successful?

While we are told that non-whites hate seeing whites and demand to see more of themselves instead.

I like how you think one is fine and one is wrong.


Would it be racist to dislike looking at white people and have white people fatigue?

literally a question someone only with a heavy case of autism would ask

So when we get to this point in your Yas Forums argument, do you suggest racial quotas for fictional characters and strict rules on adaptations?

>they want minorities to buy more movie tickets in a dying industry

Why do you accept the double standards like this?

Well, when you see the anti-white seething of people like Taika Waititi and JJ Abrams, and the trend of influential people talking down white people, you might be onto something there.

Yeah I get that sense too actually, which makes this woke bullshit even worse lol

They are telling you very clearly the answer, no.

There are massive double standards slapping us in the face, we should start hitting back.

I just don't give a shit because it doesn't matter, retard. We live in a capitalist society when it comes to media and entertainment. You can just not watch a movie. This is the biggest first world cope I've ever heard.

It is true. The problem is that people like op have convinced themselves that diversity in media means it has to have black leads. Which isn't true.
Look at the top 10 highest-grossing films most of them have a cast filled with people of color.

How about simply stop allowing the double standards dishonest fuck?


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You guys are gonna call me a cuck or some other bullshit but you all know damn well why some movies/shows have predominantly black/ethnic casts and why that's totally different then trying to normalize the mainstream. It's your stupid fucking devil's advocate disingenuous take that you make us argue with instead of just arguing basic reality.

>these people are le anti-white because I saw a screencap on Reddit once about some tame thing Taika might of said fifteen years ago or something and therefore I need to throw a fit about minorities in capeshit
What a miserable life, man

I'm talking about reality user, you're not going to pretend there isn't a loud mong outcry whenever anyone with a single drop of white blood plays even a deracialized character such as The Major in Ghost in the Shell. And the same people jizz their pants in glee when Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale is moved to Jamaica and blackwashed to death.

You say that, but we both know that you don't hold a subscription to pureflix and we both know you aren't watching Christian movies.

It does matter.

Not watching the movie will not make the double standards go away.

What law is being broken you triggered faggot? Please, enlighten me. Do you want me to march on Hollywood with a Yas Forumstard meetup group and yell at movie studios to bring back white actors or something?

My problem with Netflix is the token gay character in every single show.

It's to the point where you know someone's sexuality by whether or not they're third in the credits.

I feel like hating a black character in magical fantasy shows is stupid. I find it odd that people will be ok with a show where they are dragons, magic, make-up and hair gel, but draw the line in having a black guy in medieval England.

You cannot even address the issue.

Yeah, that's called a strawman buddy. Either way, there are going to be fringe autists crying over something. Who gives a shit?

>Hollywood wants money
>cater to people who don't watch movies even with extreme pandering
>Lose and insult original audience in the process
I'm not the low iq goblin here

Can you name another white-as-Downton-Abbey show?

Is that an honest claim? Netflix says they have 55 original tv shows coming out in March. You wanna bet real money that every show will have a token gay character?

>Who gives a shit?

Hollywood, the media, the government...

They all give a shit, just because you don't changes nothing, just fuck off.

You guys use a dishonest argument, people on my side use a dishonest answer because you're just being dicks. Everyone knows "why" the double standard exists. We're just not racist whiny fucking bitches


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>Everyone knows "why" the double standard exists

Right you people think there are valid reasons to have the double standards, THERE ARE NOT.

black people are gross to look at. simple as

But how can you have black person fatigue if most of tv and hollywood is white? It's definitely getting more diverse but it's still dominated by white people

>cater to people who don't watch movies even with extreme pandering
Do you have trouble understanding the concept of pandering to demographics that don't watch as many movies? The point is to GET them to watch movies, schizoid.
>he thinks the "original audience" is going anywhere
Kek, for all your crying whites are still seeing movies. Capeshit is now the highest grossing film on planet Earth.

Look at all that diversity. Huh .

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>being this dunderheaded
It’s not that the hate seeing whites dumbass, it’s just they don’t like not seeing themselves. Fucking hell this isn’t a hard concept to grasp

You are not even making fun of anyone you are just being a dumb kid.

The last point is where youre wrong. The original audience is more upset by overt racism. Ya racist morons aren't "reality" .

>the government cares about fictional black characters
Lol you're an actual honest to shit, insane person. Get help. This isn't an issue.