DJT is a Japanese language learning thread for 独裁者 that are interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games Japanese speakers learning English are welcome as well
obviously the cancerous youtube shit of that polish subhuman
Brayden Adams
Ryan Williams
>1000 words into core 6k >I know "surgical operation" but not "chicken"
Xavier Evans
are you maybe using the wrong order of words?
Ryan Carter
how I think about it is が emphasises what was on the left of it (猫が可愛い THE CAT is cute...) and は emphasises what was on the right of it (猫は可愛い the cat is CUTE...)
I think it doesn't work exactly in this manner, but that's how I remember it and it's better than confusing the two as the same thing
Gavin Gutierrez
yes, I think it's only one of many different usecases
Daniel Gray
no I can guarantee you that's the order it's in because it sounds correct.
>kanji is useful when reading But books for little children are likely to be written in only kana, and I think I had no trouble with reading it when I was a kid. I just read it out loud in my mind and comprehended what it was meaning. It means languages are inherently based on and constructed for the auditory sense and letters are the auxiliary/complementary element. However, it seems most people rely on visual information when learning foreign languages, at least on its early stages. I mean, don’t you imagine texts of what the speaker is saying when you listen to foreign languages you are learning? I think I’m still doing it when listening to English and that’s why we have to have hard time when building listening skills. But what I suspect is that it’s not necessarily applied to languages similar to each other, like the family of the Romance languages. For example, when you’re a French person learning Spanish, you may be able to directly function the ability of your auditory comprehension (like “it SOUNDS LIKE he’s saying...”) from very beginning stage of learning, may not you?
>It means languages are inherently based on and constructed for the auditory sense and letters are the auxiliary/complementary element. Yes that's obviously true. >However, it seems most people rely on visual information when learning foreign languages, at least on its early stages. It comes mostly from the priority of learning things, if you're not a small child you're learning to read before you can actually speak in any capacity and it's mostly a tool to give you access to written material since you most likely will not have a bunch of native speakers patiently teaching you things. You will still see a lot of people who are not self learners be far better at understanding spoken Japanese compared to written Japanese, especially if their spouse is Japanese. >For example, when you’re a French person learning Spanish, you may be able to directly function the ability of your auditory comprehension (like “it SOUNDS LIKE he’s saying...”) from very beginning stage of learning, may not you? Actually the opposite is true. It's much easier to guess the meaning from the written text because the words will be written really similarly but the pronunciation is completely different desu.
Actually the opposite is true. It's much easier to guess the meaning from the written text because the words will be written really similarly but the pronunciation is completely different desu. it depends on the language, i as a spanish speaker its difficult to listen to a french person speaking. Its not as hard as chinese (im learning it), but for sure i can understand more italians and portuguese speakers, even when i dont know the language i can catch 40% of what they are saying (maybe a bit less). Also if i want to separate the words while listening, japanese is easier for me as a spanish speaker due to the pronunciation than listening a chinese or even a french.
わああああああああああああああああ! Why do Japanese have to have two directions of writing!? I'm finding really hard to read vertical text in mangas. I'm trying to start reading them but its just way harder than vertical text, which I'm encountering everywhere else.