
Our King edition

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mr miyagi from kratom kid

Go to hell mongol scum

Today I learned that Maeve from Westworld got bleached, very nice

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Why so rude?

That woman is so damn disgusting. I hate that she has a role in that series, she is such an ugly mutt...

I think she's very pretty 2bh, in a mature kinda way, perfect choice for that role

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I've just been to the gym, it was like a dream coming true.
But I failed 129 kg bench press so well I've lost some strength which is a pity.

>129 kg
I'm happy if I can do 40 reps with 50 kg.

40 reps is a lot tho, right? I doubt Manolo lifts 129kg 40 times.

i weigh 55kg at 184cm, rate

do you have to wear scubaweights in the open when it's windy?

dunno, the book I have says "do 10 reps to warm up with the rod, then 4x10 with weights."

My max is 133.8 kg at 1 rep.

Also, normally when talking about weight lifted people refer to a single set, not total reps.

Good morning sunshines :)

do I have to go to the gym to figoure out how much can I press, do I?


I think I look a bit less defined after not going to the gym during quarentine and also lost some weight, so it's been a disaster all around but I hope I can recover in like a month.

Yes you do.

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Stop it before you turn me gay,.

I will stop now because you are a faggot already.

I'd let you suck me dry desu.

Wew, László.

wie geht's?

you cannot imagine how happy pictures of distraught muslims make me
only thing that would make me happier is if there were none to take pictures of

There is no word for my hatred towards russians and the russian federation. If I'd get the chance to shower that region with nukes, I wouldn't think twice.



okay dude

Well you don't look fat and deformed anymore.

I am an incel.

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I'm going trough hell. Washingmachine and tumbledryer's been going since morning and I can't leave the house. Just fuck my shit up.