Rip oilniggas

Rip oilniggas

Attached: 1558373040343.png (765x528, 73.85K)

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opec nigs got btfo

Saudi is the REASON the crash is happening you retard, to fuck over the russians/iran/US companies

they caused it

How does negative work? Does that mean they pay ME to get gas? Based if so

How did they cause it?
Based. How do I get them to pay me?

if you want to head on over to the fields and find a way to store and transport it, go ahead. everyone else is saying the cost is too high.

just ordered 1 billion barrels and prince of saudi arabia deposited 45 billion to my account

Attached: shit cash.jpg (600x622, 47.12K)

So they pay me to take all the shit tier oil away from their perfectly nice field?
Sounds easier said than done, I do have a gas can though I guess you need to turn oil into gas somehow.


Goodbye president Trump and Russia. Sminem, you surely will be missed