
A person from Lesbos edition

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wife keeps borrowing cooking ingredients from our neighbor and it's making me nervous

simon what you watching?

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how many scars you lads have? im covered in them. got a neat one on me face

shagging this pillocks wife
she tells him she's "borrowing ingredients" yeah, my semen lmao

borrowing implies they'll be given back


>dyke edish

I met Dolly Parton in Tennessee
Her titties were filled with Hennessy

The only scars I have are from burning myself when I worked at jack in the box

I swear I will kill an amerilard for each scar they gave me

Plymouth what?



I tell the shop my cousin will pay off the cider. He's my credit card

yeah but total deaths are still pretty in line with other places, that and it’s not likely to get worse now
tories will be fine come next election

death to the media

understand ya mate. fast food is a hellish harder thn it should be job. everytime you get a chalupa, youre scalding a poor abuela


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have you ever heard trump speak for more than a few minutes??

I only ever hear short clips here and there online but BBC are live streaming his daily corona conference, the man is a genuine retard spastic

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scromitting desu

have been peer pressured in to doing something by /brit/ by being called a 'gin several times now

I have lots of large scars

>peer pressured in to doing something by /brit/
typical virgin

do you reckon /brit/ has indirectly gotten someone killed

like "have sex"?

our peak is still 5 days away lad

got a mong from Jersey put in prison a bit ago

there are definitely multiple people who have posted on /brit/ who are now dead though

just ordered a model m keyboard


butterfly effect, maybe

got one on my fist from punching a bus stop, driver drove away just as I arrived, cunt

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got a few burn marks for faffing about in home ec

cokeman came through with the goods
had to collect but took the back streets

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think you lads place way too much weight on the shit you see posted on reddit and social media in general

basically the same way the rest of the internet takes shit it sees posted on Yas Forums way more seriously than it should really be

you punched the edge of a metal sign? hells wrong with you lad

Got 3 on my face including a big fuck off one right between my eyebrows, people reckon im a scrapper but all three have been from me being drunk and smashing my face and shit tier healing genes

he bought that on credit

niggers tongue my anus

I’ve got scars on my head, my arms and my stomach. I’ve quite a few actually.