
Túróscsusza edition

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this is a slonigger suicide encouragement thread :)
let's go

What does v4 think about Stalin?

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Do not bully Slono, he can still be redeemed :)

I am an incel.

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he has a gf

So does idubbbz

he has a niggercock and larping addiction to, just post suicide encouragement for that serb monky :)
the sooner it happens the best

Based and redpilled.

moving to Aregentina
>learning an important language
>exotic qts everywhere
>great weather all year long if you pick the right place
>great nature
Moving to Bulgaria
>closer to home(could be a downside as well)
>easier to find a job but shit pay anyway
>yet another slav, qts wont find you exotic
>shit commie architecture
>useless language, why bother learning it