ITT: Yas Forums in 1900

ITT: Yas Forums in 1900

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Poor Billy Bryan. Maybe he'll finally get a chance when McKinley leaves office in March '05. Third time's a charm as they say.

*kills turks*

your teeth will probably be half gone and you will most likely be a peasant starving

Already miss the gay nineties lads

Fuck you burgers. Freedom now!

Get rekt, jungle monkey. You're going to wear pants and go to school and you are going to like it.

Some of you guys are alright. Don’t go to the World’s Fair next year if you’re in Buffalo. See you later space anarchists.

>tfw d*Noid colony

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This new century looks promising for France and Europe! :)

hey Spain, how's your empire doing?

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We just burned your entire village and bayoneted all the women and children. That's payback for capturing two boys from our regiment, decapitating them, and sticking their heads on wooden stakes.

these colonies suck might federate soon

Brb gotta go shoot some chinamen

Better yet, how are the Democ-rats and their silver posse doing? :^)

no, we're pretending it's 1900, not 2020


Half that time was spent in a terrible economic depression, so...meh.


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In this new century, the wars and barbarities of earlier days will be a thing of the past and we shall be able to solve all the world's dilemmas at the negotiating table instead of on the field of battle.

And it was written that in four score and four years shall the Antichrist emerge. And he shall go by the name Justin Drew Bieber.

>With a soaring economy and the 1893 depression a distant memory, William McKinley was easily renominated for a second term at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia in June. Since Vice President Garrett Hobart had passed away a year earlier, the delegates nominated Theodore Roosevelt, the fiery Undersecretary of the Navy and newly-minted war hero. Their main aim was simply to put Roosevelt in some do-nothing post where he would be safely out of the way, failing to appreciate that he was one heartbeat from the Oval Office.

>The Democrats, lacking any other viable option, nominated William Jennings Bryan for another go. The conservative wing of the party had considered running Admiral George Dewey, the hero of Manila Bay, but Dewey shot himself in the foot via one poorly-thought out public statement after another including the (prophetic) remark that Germany would likely be the next nation the US went to war with. At the DNC in Kansas City in July, Bryan won the nomination unopposed.

>Economic prosperity had made the silver issue irrelevant, but Bryan persisted with it regardless. He also charged that the Republican Party had abolished slavery for ten million blacks, only to re-establish it for 7 million Filipinos. Just like four years earlier, Bryan took to the campaign trail in a cyclonic series of speeches while McKinley, the picture of dignity, conducted a low-key campaign from the porch of his Ohio home. However, Theodore Roosevelt also campaigned vigorously on McKinley's behalf and heavily cut into Bryan's support in the Midwest. Roosevelt declared that the liberation of Cuba from Spanish butchery had been justified from a humanitarian standpoint.

>no manga and anime
>will be either old or dead to enjoy 70-80-90s manga and anime
*kills myself*

>Meanwhile the bloody Filipino War of Independence dragged on with no end in sight as both sides committed vicious atrocities on one another. Among the US troops serving in the war, support for McKinley was quite overwhelming and very few cast their votes for Bryan in the fall.

>Voters were forced to make a rather disagreeable choice at the ballot box in November as many people who disliked America's newfound colonial lust also disliked Bryan's silver obsession. On Election Day, McKinley easily cruised to a second term with 51% of the popular vote to Bryan's 45% (a roughly 1.5% drop from 1896) and 292 EVs against 155. As expected, Bryan carried the Solid South and the Populist strongholds in the Rocky Mountain states. Theodore Roosevelt's boisterous campaigning had also helped bring a considerable amount of votes to McKinley.

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Also there's this 5 year old boy named Peron. Find him and throw him off a bridge before it's too late.

it is just a flu from spain, lads

comment speak anglais?

It's almost been 100 years since Napoleon, crazy how time flies

>wake up in a filthy tenement in Brooklyn
>eat a bowl of beans and drink a couple shots of liquor
>prepare for my 18 hour day at the mill
>stumble past the piles of horse manure in the streets
>smile and nod to Willie, the neighborhood colored shoeshine boy--he does some great work
>this week three guys at the mill have had their hand chopped off in the machinery
>I've gotten away unscathed so far but each day could...
>my three sisters, ages 17, 15, and 9 work at the boot factory on 4th Street
>the elder two are being fucked by the 40 year old Irish foreman--if they want to keep their jobs they have to submit to his demands
>my 7 year old brother is too young to work yet but he'll go to the mill in another two years
>some guys at the mill tried to start a union and demand an 8 hour workday, security beat the shit out of them
Let the good times roll, I say.

Indeed. I also think very promising century lay ahead for us. ;)

My masters :)

Based, it's the golden age of budapest

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I do believe you also have a very bright century ahead of you. (^:

A perfect time to sit in a coffee shop, play a round of chess, and discuss Goethe as the society ladies walk by with their parasols.

Wow I sure love living in my undivided subcontinent which is never going to be dividend.

Yay, Federation is about to happen. Now we won't be cucks anymore and follow Britain into pointless wars like the Boer War

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god save the queen

You know most remotely civilized countries have airline regulations prohibiting that sort of thing.

Clive, old chum, we've had a few squabbles in the past, but I think it's time to put that aside seeing as to how Germany is shaping up to be a rising pest we'll probably both have to deal with eventually.

Not for long mongol boi

Fuck you Britisher
Swaraj Now, Go back to your shitty island

Man It's been such a depressing decade. Hopefully you Russian will kick out the Japanese dogs in our country :)

mmmmmm I love the smell of wheat and oil in the morning. Those fucking pansies in Ottawa better stay out of my province

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we're #1

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I wonder which lucky army officer or German prince will get to eventually marry tsar's hot loli daughters.

Someone give this guy a hand.

take as many as you like

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Looks rly beautiful. My mom was in Budapest 4 years ago and she's was so exited

I'll go to the New York Café today, maybe I'll find myself a wealthy magnate who can spot me a few forints in exchange for a short love poem to his wife

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What should I visit besides st petersburg when I can afford a visit to russia?

>Not prostituting yourself out to old wealthy ladies in gerbaud

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free Poland!

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You guys, I have invented the "vacuum cleaner". It sucks all the dust and crumbs from your floor.
I tested it on myself -- ehhr I mean on my own floor, and it really does the job, hehe.

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that wasn't a thing in 1900, it only appeared in the 1980s

Gee, i hope Brits aren't too butthurt about our ironman numbers of rubber exports, no one can compete with us, hopefully they won't make up some dumb shit everyone will believe in.

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Sorry, gospoda, too busy performing pogroms and searching for judas/

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Hopefully me

I love my russian masters :)

When is this old faggot leaving power?

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>guys, this national romanticism stuff I keep hearing about sounds REALLY cool

I am gonna call my american m8 and we are gonna shoot up some chinks. Who's in?