Do you have extreme vareieties in dialects in your cunt as we do in Norway?

Do you have extreme vareieties in dialects in your cunt as we do in Norway?

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We have like 6 different languages in Spain.

one of them is not like the others...

Attached: castilian_toad.png (420x420, 14.54K)

German has so many dialects... Many of them are in decline and that sucks, but they are still alive and we have a vivid local dialect culture in my region. I love how different they are. We really need to do more to keep them alive.


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Yes, Sweden have 6 major dialects and over 100 more local ones from south to north.

What defines a dialect, over a single language with accents and specific words and idioms

Nordnorsk, vestlandsk, trøndersk, østnorsk and sørlandsk. That's it

I don't know. I'm a retard. But I'm from Härjedalen so our own dialect fits me.

We are so extreme that our dialects have multiple dialects

Attached: ke4t14ze4sq01.jpg (1648x2048, 326.47K)

On paper maybe. In reality, it's not that simple.

I think the main dialects/Language families are 8

Central Italian (Umbrian, Marchigian, Latial)

But I understood what he said though...

Some people in the rural Southern areas are almost unintelligible to the average American, never mind foreigners. There's an episode of Top Gear where they take a trip up through the east coast and they run into a guy who Clarkson couldn't understand:
(at 12:10)

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trøndersk, nordnorsk, finnmark, danish and ghay. just had to correct you there.

what a fucking language

It's more complicated than that, there are too many subdialects to count. My town of 50k has a dialect that experienced people can tell apart from that of the next big city 10km away.

Attached: LinguistikDE.png (720x932, 135.94K)

Most languages I can't understand sounds like shit, including French,.

Unless it's a beautiful French girl speaking it.

Some of our villages can have different dialects, even if just 10 km apart. We have too many to count.

They can't even begin to compete with the varieties in Norway. We are 100 times worse.

he is clearly speaking trøndersk

Yes, but there are extreme differences there too.

everybody talks a bit different in different places

Attached: csm_Kort_over_dialekter_37262c5a15.jpg (1000x630, 91.48K)

i need a translation i never got this one and im pretty good on most inland or northern dialects so it bothers me
french is based im wasting my time reliving some childhood memories, les mondes engloutis (aka shagma) with the original french soundtrack and nor subs.

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Attached: Dialects.png (300x1175, 219.37K)

>be........ me
>living in rural Norway, somewhere in the northern parts of Hedmark
>my valley has always had an unique dialect
>it has been passed down for generations
>for some reason all the zoomerkids and every millennial born after 1993 speak oslomål
Feels bad man, Oslo dialect is like cancer. Oslomål is coming

This also includes all dialects of the Benelux

Attached: Languages_Benelux.png (699x2737, 112.75K)

Not really, except maybe when it comes to Scots, which is alternatively considered a dialect or a separate language depending on how Scottish you are. That’s the only dialect that’s so different from standard bonglish that I have great trouble understanding anyway.

>tfw your family has lived in the same spot for 500 years but don't have a dialect because your regions dialect became the standardized

Attached: download.jpg (1024x1024, 115.88K)

Yes actually the dalecarian dialect cluster is extreme in this case. The most archaic "dialect" split from old norse bedore norwegian and swedish split and has some very archaic features like nasal vowels. Not even Icelandic has that

>i need a translation
First you need to know what a 'tamp' (tampane) means.
It's the mooring lines.

that dude got kind of famous for his dialect, and got to name the one other dialect he found worst and then they challenged him with one from that dialect who felt the same for him. pretty based.

Not really. Cajun and French in Louisiana was extinguished by Anglos

that was the easy part, all the big words are easy, its just the mumbling that throws me off and the fact i thought he was lofoten or something. once i thought hitra-frøya it sort of made sense.

God, I love my country

Im from the US. The further downtown i go not only do more people seem to be speaking some eldritch tounge, but they get darker too.

No, there is almost no variety in dialects
The only difference might be how hard you pronounce certain letters in certain words, but other than that, nope.

when they where side by side its almost made it easyer to understand them. worst part by our dialects is not to understand them, but thoose boomers sho simply refuse to say the bokmål word for it even once so you can actually learn something from them. on the other hand they know how to get around in the world without even speaking english since they just dont care.
>fine italian restaurant in milan with my work mates
>60 year old coworker beside me
>speak dialect like the dude posted above
>only yes and no in english
>rest of discus how to ask for more wine politely
>he takes the empty bottle, show in the servants face and shouts "denj hi flaska e tom!" (this bottle is empty)
>instantly get another bottle
>he has done that in every country the norwegian handball team, male or female, has played the last 40 years
>still only speaks kvålsbygg

Don't the people in Akureyri have their own special dialect?

Yes. We have at least 12 dialects off the top of my head, and many more, and that’s just ENGLISH. Euros meme it but we really are just as diverse as the EU as a whole. Some people from Virginia cant even understand people from West Virginia.

>still only speaks kvålsbygg

Learn to be Norwegian or leave.

No, not at all.
Its more of a very slight accent than a dialect.
Like how someone from America might pronounce R slightly differently that someone in England.

Yes, if you can't stand dialects you should leave Norway for Thailand or something. You do no belong here (In Norway).

They put more emphasis in pronounciation but that's pretty much it, Icelandic is pretty much the same everywhere.
There exist a few regional words like how a can is dós but in the north they say baukur, so a can of coke is kók í dós but in the north they say kók í bauk, but such words are few and far between

>There exist a few regional words like how a can is dós but in the north they say baukur, so a can of coke is kók í dós but in the north they say kók í bauk, but such words are few and far between
A handful of regional words does not a dialect make

Yep, a few regional words and the more emphasis in pronounciation in the north and some place I think in the south where people pronounce hv as hv and not kv is really the only linguistic diversity Icelandic has, it's a very uniform lamguage.

I really need to step up my dialect game, I still can't talk properly. Reading, writing and hearing is okay, but talking... Let's just say my grandparents aren't happy with it.

>I really need to step up my dialect game
You better soon

That threat is definitely motivating me.


everything west of quebec is pretty similar, some weird ones from quebec and east
newfoundland french accent

Based Germanic Vikingbro

why would he leave? he has seen more of this world than most on this board, his drunken stories involved mexican bars, hawaiian beaches, south american steaks, astralian deserts, japanese food poisioning, you name it. he and his neighbours eventually got declined from the county to name the road they live by amcar-street since there was one who didnt drive american. cant get more rural-norwegian-international than that. its the dumb norwegian attitude of going into a mexican cartel bar, by sign language telling that you and your mates have the intetion of drinking empty every bottle on the wall starting from top left, and crawling out of there not only alive but you got most of it for free just for the show. and then settle back down back home at the end of amcar street.

No poland is very unified linguistically, only small differences between dialects

Based and Euskarapilled

lol yeah
Nordjysk, Sønderjysk, Vestjysk, Rigsdansk, Fynsk, Bornholmsk with many variatians in each category at times

Yes, from very different families too, but they're not much used any more.

More like four

that's only because television has killed the english dialects, there are loads of thick and distinct dialects from the older (talking grandads) generations that have simply become so diluted that they barely even exist anymore
case in point: