/lang/ - Language Learning General

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Yas Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
List of trackers for most language learning packs:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Old thread Old challenge

Attached: Duolingo users everyone.jpg (1080x807, 115.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck, I linked a reply instead of the challenge

What does it say?

Attached: 1547052740835.jpg (980x551, 663.15K)

"First. Their is one generation of Israelis made. These are sent of to defend us from the Arab invaders. The generations after will descend from the Ethiopian black Jews after we lose the battle!"

How do you say “We’re all gonna die from corona-chan” in your target language, Yas Forums?

>tfw Alexander Arguelles' website is dead

Attached: Alexander Arguelles.jpg (480x360, 13.43K)

On va tous mourir de Coronachan

What was it?


kill pseudo-polyglots and fakers

Why'd you use the gay pussyboi pronoun 僕ら instead of the much manlier and more respectworthy 我ら?

>That one hanzi I cant fit on one line no matter how small I make it

Attached: Rage.gif (640x360, 3.34M)

Arguelles wasnt a pseud he is autistic as fuck.

what did he mean by this?

>why [other language] not be exactly like [my native language]??? so weird omg

He literally works as a translator for the EU

someone please correct my sentences

edition: date night
>I hope everything goes well
>she's so pretty
>I will pick her up at 8pm
>her name is Angie
>"wow, you look absolutely stunning, I must be the luckiest man alive"
哇, 你可看起来非常好。我一定就是世界上最幸运的人/男的。
>we drove along main street until we arrived at our destination, it was a comfy little restaurant
我们在大街上开车, 开到目的地, 那是一家方便的小饭馆。
>"ill have a steak with a side of vegetables, also a bottle of red wine for the table"
我要肉和一些菜, 餐桌还要一瓶红葡萄酒 。
>I hope she orders something cheap, I haven't gotten my latest paycheck yet
希望她选择的东西会便宜点儿, 我还没拿到上次的金钱。
>"the meal was fantastic wasn't it Angie?" (The only thing that would have made it better would be if it hadn't cost 84[country's currency])
no way
>as we walked along the lake shore looking out at the scenic view of city lights in the distance and having the most interesting conversation, she began to feel tired and asked if we could rest on a bench for a while
我们在湖边走着,看着那个远远的像图片一样的城市电灯风景, 有着最有趣的谈话, 她开始感到累了, 问问在长凳上好不好。
>after sitting for no more than a minute, I felt her start getting closer to me, as I wrapped my arm around her she brought her face closer to mine and we kissed under the moonlight, it was amazing
坐着不超过一个分钟之后, 我感到她开始近得很, 我用一只手臂抱住她, 她的脸就在我的脸对面了, 我们在月光下亲吻了, 厉害极了

I don't have a good enough grasp of the language not to have to guess.

Is it autistic to learn a language just to be able to understand a very specific thing (a movie, a comic, etc) in TL?

it's a perfectly valid reason IMO, but it will probably be hard to stay motivated without having other things you want to understand too. i have a folder of untranslated content in my TL just to keep me motivated


english is the only programming language that uses the roots of latin to make complete latin phrases, all other languages are broken.

If you ever want to be godly you better not only know English, but know all combinations of english words using Latin roots.


What aspects can influence the evolution in use (increase or decrease) of a language in a country with several languages? I was thinking demographic evolution (birth rate, emigration, immigration), language policies including education, attitude towards the language itself

Nos todos vamos morrer de corona-chan

Attached: XSckPcC.png (945x802, 331.63K)

state action is an important one, many languages went extinct because people were systematically oppressed or even killed for speaking the language (Korean during Japanese occupation and Basque during Francoism both became a shell of their former self, Celtic languages in the British Isles went almost extinct, and god knows how many American languages died this way too)
sometimes languages can also make a resurgence due to nationalistic sentiment like when Euskaltzainda was founded and Basque started flourishing again, or when Egypt converted to Islam which led to Coptic being abandoned
also during the Chinese Empire the Manchu ruling classes started using Mandarin as their official language and they actually adapted so well to it that they stopped speaking Manchu altogether and now its moribund if not already dead

>tfw can't make any headway with Russian continue with my meme duolingo lessons and read my Penguin book from amazon
>just remember random words and can say hello my name is etc and all kinds of words but grammar is still a mystery
>go through a cycle of stopping and starting learning again so i just sit at this point\
>download the meme game VRCHAT and head to Russian worlds to sit around ease dropping, met a few people a couple were nice but most just laughed and told me to fuck off etc

Holy fuck, why can't language learning just be simple to me. Like going to he gym, just add you know 2.5-5lbs per workout and you can get pretty far until you will plateau but you will still have a lot of progress at that point. At least the alphabet is second nature to me now for the most part, but that is really not an accomplishment plus i don't even know the cursive writing system just the printed.

Attached: 1583950136244.jpg (690x460, 162.11K)

Plz help
Я нaдeюcь чтo вce идeт хopoшo
Oнa тaкaя кpacивaя
Я зaбepy eё в 20:00
Eё зoвyт Aнджи

"Bay, ты выглaдишь пpocтo зaмeчaтeльнo, я дoлжeн быть caмым yдaчным чeлoвeкoм нa cвeтe"
Mы eхaли нa глaвнoй yлицe дo тoгo кaк мы пpибыл нa нaшe мecтo, yдoбный мaлeнький pecтopaн
"Я бы хoтeл cтeйк c oвoщaми, и бyтылкy кpacнoгo винa нa cтoлe"
Я нaдeюcь чтo oнa зaкaжeт чтo-тo дeвeшoe, я eщe нe пoлyчил пpoшлyю зapплaтy

"Eдa былa oтличнaя, дa Aнжди?" (Toлькo вce былo бы лyчшe ecли этo нe cтoил 84 дoллapoв)
Кoгдa мы гyляли нa бepeгy oзepa, cмoтpявщиe нa живoпиcный вид cвeтoв гopoдa, гoвopявшиe пpo чтo-тo инepecнoe, oнa нaчaлa ycтaть и мнe cпpocилa мoгли мы oтдыхaть нa cкaмeйкe нecкoлькo минyт
Пocлe тoгo кaк мы cидeли нe бoльшe чeм минyтки, я зaмeтил кaк oнa двигaлacь ближe кo мнe, кoгдa я вcтaл cвoю pyкy вoкpyг нeё, eё лицo двигaлocь ближe мoё и мы цeлoвaлcь пoд цвeтoм лyны

it helps to have a variety of things to study from, and to make it a routine.
i'm lucky enough to have a job where I can basically shitpost on the phone while working, so each for French I've been doing Pimsleur on my way to work and Duolingo, Lingvist and Cottongue/Innerfrench (a podcast) while working. it's rather passive learning so it's going to take me a while to get good at this rate, but I still have something new to read/listen to each day. being able to cycle through different materials keeps it from getting monotonous (though I'll admit duolingo is getting kinda boring) so I'm always engaged and curious about what's going to come up in the next lesson.
I think having a steady routine is, in itself, more important than whether or not the routine itself is necessarily optimal. Just as long as you're getting some exposure and review each day and you're engaged with it. idk maybe this helps

>each for French
each day for French*

2-3 German
4-6 Polish
7-9 Spanish
0-1 Russian
dubs Greek
trips Japanese

Attached: 1469400895086.jpg (397x402, 68.51K)

>"the meal was fantastic wasn't it Angie?" (The only thing that would have made it better would be if it hadn't cost 84[country's currency])
Cette cuisine est fantastique, n'est-ce pas, Angie?
(justement si le coût n'avait pas été 84 euro, ça aurait pu le rendre meilleur...)
>as we walked along the lake shore looking out at the scenic view of city lights in the distance and having the most interesting conversation, she began to feel tired and asked if we could rest on a bench for a while
Alors que nous marchions le long du rivage du étang, en regardant la vue picturesque de la lumière de ville dans le lointain et faisant la conversation la plus intéressante, elle a commencé à sentir fatiguée et a demandé si nous pouvions rester sur un banc un moment.
>after sitting for no more than a minute, I felt she started getting closer to me, as I wrapped my arm around her she brought her face closer to mine and we kissed under the moonlight, it was amazing.
Après être assis pendant pas plus que un minute, J'ai senti qu'elle ait commencée à venir près de moi, et elle a apporté son visage au miens, et en laissant tenir son corps par mes bras, nous nous avons embrassé. C'était très étonnant!


Is this virus making people lazy?

Me cago en Dios.

here's mine
3 more years of Japanese learning
At least 1 year of German.
Some Slavic language
Mandarin fuckin Chinese
Classical Latin

>Some Slavic language
Need some beginner-level Russian stuff.
Any recs on Russian comics or children's books?


nice I always wanted to read moomin in its original language

youtube.com/watch?v=U7-60tyLQhA wegen der corona-chan

You can search for shitload of them on the russian duolingo forum forum.duolingo.com/topic/920
Here are some examples


Is everyone dead from the virus?

night of the living dead at last

Attached: isogloss.png (2285x439, 68.82K)

user, Swedish is the original language...

Downloading books on linguistics from libgen. Going full nerd.

I found his website archived
Here He wrote about his life. And here is video about his routine:

Can someone who speaks more spanish than me clear something up for me? By virtue of being a Hispanic guy in the states I speak spanish but not well. My whole life I referred to clothes as "puloves" and my folks call them that as well. But apparently that's not clothes in spanish, clothes is "ropas". Where the fuck did I get "puloves" from and does it mean anything in any country?

Attached: eh.png (298x165, 4.31K)

Oh I spelled it wrong. I put it through google translate as "puloves" and just got back "puloves". Thanks.

Is Duo a sexist and a massagenist?

Attached: Captura.png (737x588, 40.21K)

I did this one in French. She doesn't want to work, she complains about it in the beginning and she puts forward the notion that he works while she benefits from his income.


It's not autistic, but it's shit taste. Learn ancient Greek and read the classics, faggot.

which one

энджи ([æ] is associated with э, not a)
вcё бyдeт хopoшo
я, дoлжнo быть, caмый cчacтливый (yes, happy, not lucky, that's what we say), also there's yх ты, don't litter our language with anglicisms
пo глaвнoй yлицe, пoкa нe дoбpaлиcь дo мecтa нaзнaчeния, yютный (yдoбный is comfortable)
тoлькo былo бы лyчшe, ecли бы oнa нe cтoилa 84 дoллapa
шли вдoль бepeгa, глядя нa живoпиcный вид гopoдcких oгнeй нa paccтoянии и, вeдя caмый интepecный paзгoвop, oнa нaчaлa чyвcтвoвaть ycтaлocть и cпpocилa, мoжнo ли нeмнoгo oтдoхнyть нa cкaмeйкe
пocидeв нe бoлee минyты, я пoчyвcтвoвaл, кaк oнa нaчaлa пpиближaтьcя кo мнe, кoгдa я oбнял ee, oнa пpиблизилa cвoe лицo кo мнe, и мы пoцeлoвaлиcь пoд лyнoй, этo былo yдивитeльнo

What a snob you are

Thank you for your reply


for you

Attached: russian lang flowchart.png (785x1031, 436.66K)

duolingo is so boring. i don't think i'll ever finish the french tree

laoshu has more language experience, but Ikenna has the better hoe game.

Moses should be slaying puss but was locked down to a 3/10 ching chong for most of his prime.

Ikenna is also locked down, but at least he's using his language experience to pull dimes



Thanks for quoting me :^)

Wir werden alle durch Corona-Chan sterben!

assimil + grammar books and rfi/tv5monde for listening comprehension are your new best friends

Mexican spanish >>> Spanish Spanish

Coronamorbo affecti moriemur


What are the best courses on duolingo?