How the fuck do people get so fat? How can you eat so much food? I just don't get it

How the fuck do people get so fat? How can you eat so much food? I just don't get it
t. underweight lanklet

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easy, just eat when you are bored

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they are usualy fat from the very begining of their life so they see no issue with being a disgusting overweight fat fuck that put their daily life in extrim inconvenient. They never experienced the normal weight feeling

My metabolism is slow, so when I eat I get big.

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Have cake thincel

>tfw skinnyfat

unga bunga food taste good
good tasting food make me feel good
always eat food so I always feel good

Work out, you'll get hungry if you do something instead of sitting in front of your pc all day

Bumping for answer.
t. skeleton

My metabolism turned to shit once I turned 20. I would always eat very little, skip breakfasts and still wouldn't go under 70kgs even though I was basically eating 1400 calories a day. Then I began lifting and doing cardio, my metabolism increased and I ate double than before and am skinny as fuck.
I understand my case is an exception though, most fatties are lazy-ass gluttons

I am fat because I drink, I hardly eat at all but i drink at least a twelve pack and night plus vodka is a shit ton of calories.

Sedentary lifestyle + eating McDonalds everyday for lunch.

eat less then lol

I also don't understand, if I eat more than ~250 grams of food I start feeling stuffed and tired.

There's sugar and HFCS everywhere here, and portions are huge.

it doesn't happen in a day. for me it's inability to handle stress. cope with sweets.
bullshit, go to Yas Forums

Food is good my man, i was always a bit chubby.
I literally cannot conceive a man cannot "eat enough" in the 21th century.

all lanklets i know eat atleast twice as much as me. if i go out with friends for food and beer, they all stuff down steak after steak and top it up with beer. i have like one steak and i then i drink wine not to feel full. even then i get so stuffed i get dizzy and my hole night out is ruined, they top it up with two rounds of dessert and need kebab on their way home a couple hours later. metabolsm is definetly a thing. my mother says my lungs must have the ability to draw food out of the air.
>tfw im a plant

You can increase your metabolism by doing exercises. Read my post

I don't understand how people AREN'T fat. I fucking love food. I will eat literally any food in insane quantities because I love food that much. It doesn't matter how much I eat, once a few hours have passed, I am cripplingly hungry once again and my stomach starts GROWLING AND GROWLING incessantly and I literally feel physical pain inside my gut, until I go and eat again.

Please can someone tell me how to become a skelly like you faggots? I am begging you. I can't live like this anymore. I want to be skinny but I have a food addiction. I simply cannot stop eating, and my body is ALWAYS demanding food from me. How do I stop the cravings and the physical pain I experience whenever I try to eat less?

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i have done physical labour all my life, work out regulary and spend much time out. positive abou this is if i go for a couple of days hiking and camping i carry a small bag of dried meat and thats enough. top it up with a fish i caught or some berries i pick if i feel empty.


search for grommr and chasabl

good appetite and hunger

>if I eat more than ~250 grams of food I start feeling stuffed and tired.
What the fuck. Please tell me your secrets

>be american / anglo
>eat lot, but move a lot, then stop moving a lot
>be over 19

easy to get fat when you're a manlet

I doubt you overindulge on garlic, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, ginger and other such stuff.
Doubt you like doing physical stuff.
I eat copious amounts of food but when its the healthy stuff like fish, eggs, greens, loads of spices and herbs in conjunction with 2-3 double espressos and loads of lemon water almost every day there's not a chance anything will ever stick to me.
Also i have very little if any appetite for sugary snacks, sodas and sweets, they basically make me feel sick, also eating before 12 pm and after 7 pm does happen for me but not more than 7-10 times a year.
I'd recommend you try high quality espressos like davidoff 57 or richards perle noire.
If you're going to have breakfast anyway at least have something nice like smoked salmon and 5-7 scrambled or boiled eggs with butter and summer savory.
Quality + quantity is key, you should not consume any less than at least one kilogram of food per serving.
im 1.80cm high and 64 kg with 6-7% bodyfat.
Thank you for reading this.

>It doesn't matter how much I eat, once a few hours have passed, I am cripplingly hungry once again and my stomach starts GROWLING AND GROWLING incessantly and I literally feel physical pain inside my gut, until I go and eat again
Stop eating so much, and that will stop. Your body is telling you that you have to eat, because it's used to getting a lot of food and thinks it's time to eat again. Literally just eat less and fewer times a day and your body will produce less of the hunger hormone. I easily fast over 16 hours a day

Oh yeah and also stop eating garbage. Eat food that keeps you feeling full for longer, stuff that takes longer to digest. When you eat fast food garbage with no nutrients, it gets digested fast, your blood sugar spikes and then you're hungry again after a short while. Meanwhile your brain is addicted to the dopamine spike from the quick calories

>I doubt you overindulge on garlic, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, ginger and other such stuff.
No, not usually by themselves, but I love those foods too. I could sit there and eat a whole massive bowl of broccoli and enjoy it a good deal. Sometimes the sensation and fun of eating is as good as the taste itself.

>I eat copious amounts of food but when its the healthy stuff like fish, eggs, greens, loads of spices and herbs in conjunction with 2-3 double espressos and loads of lemon water almost every day there's not a chance anything will ever stick to me.
I could do this, I guess it's out of laziness that I choose to eat more calorie dense foods.

I eat when I am bored

But i discovered a way to over come it


>Stop eating so much, and that will stop. Your body is telling you that you have to eat, because it's used to getting a lot of food and thinks it's time to eat again.
Yeah I know this. In 2018 I managed to lose enough weight that I was actually very skinny and was a few pounds away from the lower boundary of healthy weight for a male of my height. Did it out of sheer aggressive willpower and tracking calories to meticulous extents so that I never ate more than 1500 in a day for several months (apart from a couple days where I fucked up and binged, but I made up for those every time).

After I had got down to that lowest weight, I did find that I could not eat in the same portions I used to. I remember after a few months of dieting I was going out to the pub and ordering a bowl of chips and I could barely get through half of them. But the problem was I gradually eased myself back into eating more, and before I knew it it was summer 2019 and I was gourging myself on large pizzas and sides at 185lbs again.

I genuinely feel like a crack addict when it comes to food. Like I just cannot rid myself of the desire to eat absolute mountains worth of food.

Cheap fatty foods. Sedentary lifestyles.

I’m a NEET who does nothing and I’m always hungry. I’ve only been able to keep my BMI down to 32 by avoiding all alcohol and soda, otherwise I’d probably weigh 140kg

Why yes, how did you know?

People who say broccoli are not tasty are just fucking shit slob niqqers.
Broccoli soup with sour creme and garlic is top tier, broccoli with mustard or honeymustard with lemon juice is also top fucking tier, just get some pork neck or bonfillet or some beef bonfillet (pink) its just so good.
>I guess it's out of laziness that I choose to eat more calorie dense foods
On the contrary just get refined carbs and sugar out of your diet, they're nutrient deficient foods and will fuck your heart up, they have basically zero nutrition and they're all sugar, no point in eating them.
If you want nutrient dense foods you should just get 5-10 different types of raw nuts and snack on that.
Also intermittent fasting, if you eat 2-3 times a day thats around 3 kgs of food, mainly fat, protein and carbs that come from veggies - celery, carrots, peppers, salads/greens and all that shit, if you don't want to chew salads for 30 mniutes at a time like a fucking horse just blend all the veggies with one lemons juice and chug it down like a champ.
I bet my ass you're not going to feel hungry when intermittent fasting if you haven't eaten shit like pizza, rice, breads, floury shit.
All these things will make you feel hungry because they're nutrient poor and your body recognizes that and tells you to fucking eat something that has food in it, same with junk food, there's just nothing there that you can use.
Its a vicious cycle, get out of it and stop eating all day every day, just choose 10,8,6 hour window and go for it.

It’s true, I’ve been obese since before I could walk, I don’t think I ever stood a chance. Fat is just normal to me.

Food makes me feel good.

188 cm
138 kg

>If you want nutrient dense foods you should just get 5-10 different types of raw nuts and snack on that.
Nuts are great, I eat walnuts and peanut butter (yeah not really nuts) almost daily. I make this mix of berries, walnuts and peanut butter, it tastes like some kind of dessert but it's actually really nutrient rich. It's like one of my main meals at this point

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Yep i like walnuts, brazil nuts, chia, pumpkin seeds and all those, sunflower seeds too, i usually do a mix with spices and eat those will honey or honey dew.
Should really watch out for the honey though, don't buy that glucose shit that doesn't crystallize, even some fakes crystalize, needs to be raw organic top quality or you'll fuck your gallblader up
Also i recommend not doing it every day, nuts can and will irritate your gallblader and make you stiff if you eat much fat like i do - boullions, butter, olive oils and all that stuff like daily.

>Also i recommend not doing it every day, nuts can and will irritate your gallblader and make you stiff if you eat much fat
Huh I didn't know that, thanks for the tip

>I doubt you overindulge on garlic, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, ginger and other such stuff.
>Doubt you like doing physical stuff.
>I eat copious amounts of food but when its the healthy stuff like fish, eggs, greens, loads of spices and herbs in conjunction with 2-3 double espressos and loads of lemon water almost every day there's not a chance anything will ever stick to me.
>Also i have very little if any appetite for sugary snacks, sodas and sweets, they basically make me feel sick, also eating before 12 pm and after 7 pm does happen for me but not more than 7-10 times a year.
>I'd recommend you try high quality espressos like davidoff 57 or richards perle noire.
>If you're going to have breakfast anyway at least have something nice like smoked salmon and 5-7 scrambled or boiled eggs with butter and summer savory.
>Quality + quantity is key, you should not consume any less than at least one kilogram of food per serving.
>im 1.80cm high and 64 kg with 6-7% bodyfat.
>Thank you for reading this.
Imagine typing all of this but failing to mentions calories.
Bulgaria ain't poppin

Yeah usually your neck gets stiff first, when that happens i usually fast for 2-3 days and everything comes back to normal, i also get massaged a lot but you should get like top tier professional for that or you'll get really fucked up thats no joke.
Also alcohol, if you get fucked up on alcohol you wouldn't want to irritate your liver and gallblader further so take a break from nuts for a couple days.
>Imagine typing all of this but failing to mentions calories.
Because calories don't matter at all, not interested in that shit at all.

I just like to eat

>Because calories don't matter at all, not interested in that shit at all.

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>if you don't want to chew salads for 30 mniutes at a time like a fucking horse just blend all the veggies with one lemons juice and chug it down like a champ.
based chad nutritionist, had a good time reading your posts

Nigger, one egg (100g) gives you like 150 kcal, while a slice of bread (100g) gives you 400 kcal. Now do the math yourself, this bvlgar is telling the truth.

How big are slices of bread in Slovenia?

Just chug your high fructose corn syrup and go to hell, fat.
Thanks, man.
Got to get all the good stuff in, need those good minerals and nutrients for the heart and to stabilize energy levels, blood sugar levels and have steady levels of energy throughout the day and the upcoming days.
If you eat well today you'll definitely feel good tomorrow.

I'm skinnier than you.

Im not skinny im just lean from all the cardio i do when im kickboxing and doing callisthenics.
Saying i can be classified as hyperactive is an understatement.

I don't get how you can be skinny. Eating food is fucking amazing. And all the good food is extremely high in calories. I could 100% unironically easily eat over 4000 calories a day if I wouldn't gain weight from that.

Ask Shahar

isn't being fat uncomfortable? tfw
184 cm 72kg

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Being thin is a mental illness when food tastes so good. It's also cheap and much easier to acquire than other sources of pleasure, such as drugs or sex.

I'm 30kg overweight, but if I didn't restrain myself, I would end up eating myself to death.

Your body isn't demanding food, your brain is. You're addicted to the dopamine you get from indulging like a fat pig. This is why it's important to lead a healthy life overall, so that your only source of happiness doesn't come from food.

Stop lying to yourself.

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>le fat people are fat because they appreciate food better meme
"No". Fat people stuff their faces mechanically out of boredom and mostly do so with junk food or processed food. True food lovers are conscious of every bite they take and have standards to discern what is good enough to be eaten and what is not.


How is it possible to misread posts this badly?

I am very conscious of every bite. In fact I take 4 or more bites form a SINGLE bit of chocolate and let it slowly melt on my tongue. I take several bites from literally everything cause I enjoy it so much. I despise people who gulp down food like they're garbage dispensers.
It has also nothing to do with boredom. If anything I tend to eat more then I'm busy cause I feel stressed.