How would you fix Harley Quinn Yas Forums?

how would you fix Harley Quinn Yas Forums?

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Make her my personal sex slave and condition her to perform my every order and enjoy it, then kill her off once I get bored of her

i personally like new trashy harley

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>how would you fix Harley Quinn Yas Forums?
By taking her back to her roots as just a singular female henchman of the Joker and permanently keeping her in that position because she doesn't need to, or shouldn't be, anything beyond that.

Better writing.

This applies to the movie and the cartoon. The setting and the characterization have to be good. Character design is not enough to make a good character. There are good Spider-Man movies and there are shitty Spider-Man movies and it has a lot more to do with the writing than the character design.

Attached: Harley.Quinn.S02E03.2160p-00_20_47_121.jpg (3840x2160, 1.1M)

In terms of Birds Of Prey, actually go all the way on the “emancipation” aspect. Start off with her fully aware of the fourth wall, talking to the audience, and still being his crazy self, but as she goes on with her character growth, she starts to lose sense of the fourth wall, and starts to get more and more sane. By the end of the film, she refers to herself as “ Harleen Frances Quinzel”, becoming a actual therapist, treating Poison Ivy as a sequel hook for the next movie.

Kill her off.
I'm being dead serious, she's not an interesting character.

Revert her back to her DCAU self and just pretend that page where she fucked a teacher f0r a better grade didn't happen.

Harley the gymnastic prodigy and in over her head psychiatrist. Whose only really affliction is her battered wife obsession with the Joker. She knows better but she keeps thinking maybe this time it will be different. So she bounces between being Joker's gangster moll, Ivy's partner, and someone trying to go and stay straight.

Way too overdeveloped to fix now. Time to end her run. Just replace her brain with a plant at let her be Ivy's loyal pet.