Looking back, did this really warrant all the outrage?

Looking back, did this really warrant all the outrage?

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I think it was pretty fun.

Since when has Yas Forums ever needed warrant to be outraged?

The worst/best part is how much more competent Captain Hydra was than the diversity push line-up of Avengers. Right up until the end of Secret Empire Marvel accidentally published pro-fascist propaganda. Good times.

The outrage came from outside of Yas Forums though.

Steve was literally a villain protagonist, there was nothing pro about it

a real "bruh" moment xDD

No, anyone who was not a casual knew that it wouldn't last long.

There were people on Yas Forums complaining that Steve's inauguration speech as Director of Shield was a jab at Trump but those were probably tourists

>I think it was pretty fun.
My man.

>The best part is how much more competent Captain Hydra was than the diversity push line-up of Avengers.
My man!

This page sums up what I appreciate about Hydra Cap. He's definitely messed up with certain ideals, but he genuinely a kinder world (or at least more stable than what we got meow).

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>This page sums up what I appreciate about Hydra Cap. He's definitely messed up with certain ideals, but he genuinely a kinder world (or at least more stable than what we got meow).
What is Hydra Cap doing now?

You're 100% right about that.

From understand, alive and well. Wade visited him in prison with the intent to kill him but decided against it.
>Stevil is a righteous bastard.

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Yeah. The original intention was clearly for this to be the new status quo, and was only changed due to outrage.

It was mostly the era it happened in.
2014-16 all most every big Super in Marvel is getting diversity-ed
Apologists come out in full force with "WE'RE NOT TAKING AWAY THE OLD ONES SEE THEY'RE STILL HERE"
Even though Thor was rendered a pathetic cuck who didn't even have a book. Ironman was comma'd and Steve well just wasn't himself it didn't help that Spencer was being a massive lying faggot about it
when due to the nature of reality warping he's by definition an AU (as we can see with the real one coming back)
I admit I never read Spencers run but I did pick up Secret Empire to try it out.
It was full of the most pretentious teenager thinks he's deep narration boxes. You could see how up his own ass Spencer was when he wrote them each one takes you further and further up it because
Until you're so far up you exit though his mouth by the end of it.

I believe they kept saying this is now official Canon and now Captain America was always officially a Hydra Agent .

It sounds like something similar to how Slott and others were trying way too hard to claim that Peter Parker was permanently dead. This time though HydraCap backfired on them hard because they were trying to chase a different audience and the political climate was probably the wrong time to do it.

pretty much. could have been better received but with the marvel train wreck at the time, the whole "totally really true", and just the way it ended smothered it in the long run. and maybe this is kinda of dumb, but marvel comics seems to love to give shit to a character right around the time a movie was coming out or getting popular. like iron man becoming the bad guy of civil war right about the same time the first movie was coming out. i'm not usually one for make tie in changes, but i would think it would have been better for business to do a classic style safe run to appeal to the normies. like cap fighting evil organizations and mad scientists and cyborgs.

>the political climate was probably the wrong time to do it.
Everyone says this but I honestly think it wasn't the political timing it was the Era of Marvel.
The series was absolutely out to ride a wave Spencer made that clear with the Red Skull speech. The biggest obstacle it faced was having a lot of other big names out of the picture. It's not a matter of how long they waited it would've come across as preachy
cope anyway except MAYBE it wouldn't have aroused as much attention outside of an election year which for it would've been the worst of both worlds. Same backlash less attention. If the other big characters where around then that could've been deflected/shielded somewhat by whatever non-"Their going evil" storyline they had at the time but Steve being alone drew all the attention to himself and kept it there.

>love to give shit to a character right around the time a movie was coming out or getting popular.
Now you got me scared about the Kamala TV show.

to be fair (this might be an urban legend so take what I'm about to say with some salt) Editorial did interviews saying "Ironman is right" about Civil War so it's not like they we're intentionally making him the villain.
Nobody at the office stopped to think about how giving him a super villain army undermined his point at a fundamental level

The other question is here why is Captain America used to shit on America by liberals who obviously hate their fellow Americans or foreigners who hate Americans? It's been going on for awhile now.

How many times do you have to hear "this is totally the new status quo, for realsies this time" before you realize that it's the biggest red flag for it not changing anything after the arc is over?
Also, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think that anyone would've let fucking CAPTAIN AMERICA be permanently changed to a Hydra sleeper agent?

>Everyone says this but I honestly think it wasn't the political timing it was the Era of Marvel
You say that like the diversity push wasn't politically motivated. Marvel wanted a "what if America became fascist" storyline to highlight how great their diversity push was and because their diversity push was shit it had the opposite effect. Politics produced Captain Hydra and politics made Captain Hydra based. It's one of the greatest BTFO moment's in comic book history imho and because it was an accident makes it all the better.

No, obviously not. That was clear while it was happening.


No. There was clearly some discontent or something bubbled that it worked as an escape valve for because it's insane the way people reacted to it. Pretending to think it was permanent and shit.

Inhuman concentration camps?

Everything was going to great in Wade's life right up until Stevil swooped in and lead him into having to reboot himself.
Like the sad little man that he is.

Yep. And the end to the mutant threat. How many times have inhumans or mutants put the entire world at risk? And then here is big daddy Rogers to make everything better. Asgardians, Muties, inhumans, atlantians, all BTFO by one human with the skill and the will to make everything better. It was unintended Humanity Fuck Yeah published at the height of Marvels SJWism

the plot had to tie itself in knots so Captain Hydra could both stay hidden and still be redeemable, although that was obviously before the order came down to make Captain Hydra a Cosmic Cube fake rather than altered memories.

The original plan was for a complete Diversity Avengers to stop Captain Hydra but when the diversity push fell flat Spencer got the call to Resurrect Captain America, that's why Captain America is some kind of psychic conglomerate like Uncle Sam instead of Dead, because the first plan was to keep Hydra-Cap and make him the heterosexual white male foil to the Diversity Avengers.

It's funny that after the event everyone forgot Ultron took over Alaska. At least they cleaned up that mutant nation that popped up.

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The magnificent ms marvel.
I love her.

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>rather than altered memories
The best part is that would've make them liars directly
>Not brainwashing!

They literally broadcasted their exit strategy in issue 2 of the run

The memes were funny


No. It was incredibly retarded and was blown out of proportion by MCU fans who had never read a comic in their lives. We all knew this wouldn't last

During the Secret Empire, HYDRA took over the USA. Mutants banded together and made their own country within the borders of the USA, called New Tian, for protection. It was officially considered an illegal act, but Stevil and HYDRA had bigger priorities and told them they had a few years of peace before they would get rolled. After HYDRA fell, New Tian was still illegal and the US wanted its territory back. The Mutant gov't negotiated a surrender, rather than go to war, and the US gov't rolled in the Sentinels to demolish everything the mutants built just to make a point. And everything went back to exactly how it was.

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Kirby did it himself, tourist. A true patriot is critical of the morality of his country, its called tough love, pussy

also all the omega mutant got btfo easily and hunted down.

Based Steve. Steve is my favorite libertarian/constitutionalist. Surprised he never became a lawyer.

It was a shitty comic and a cheap outrage bait.

>It was mostly the era it happened in.
2014-16 all most every big Super in Marvel is getting diversity-ed
Apologists come out in full force with "WE'RE NOT TAKING AWAY THE OLD ONES SEE THEY'RE STILL HERE"
This so much, it was peak sjw BS, every character was replaced by a diversity hire and then those failed they had to do a full 180 and go back to the status quo. There are still Faggots who white knight for these shit characters who should’ve never existed (Faiza, Kamala, Ghost Driver, America Chavez, Riri, Cho etc.) it’s sad, Kamala and Robbiefans always white knight as well. The only one that was ok and I got was Sam as Cap.

My Captain America.

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It was more annoying seeing all the people screeching about this as if it was going to be a permanent change, even though the comics had spent the last couple years setting up Red Skull with mind bending, reality warping powers.

You need to be genuinely retarded to believe this.

Yes because that coloring is god awful jesus fucking christ


It's like how Capcom canned Megaman Legends 3... and then put the old shitty Western box art Megaman in (I think) Street Fighter vs. Tekken(?) They insisted it was just a joke, but the timing couldn't have been more insulting to the fans.

You were last minute entry but by God you did it. Biggest retard in the galaxy award.

It's a real shame,he was so well written.
It such a refreshing take on character similar to superior spider man.

Without this, there wouldn't be that one scene in Avengers: Endgame

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Yes and No.
Yes, it was too poorly executed and was just a set up to pass the torch to a minority Cap.
And No, because we know it was your typical "mindcontroll hero" storyline. So you know that the heroes would redeem himself.

Only good thing to come out of that shit comic tbqhwyf.

At least, we got memes.

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I remember people being angry because Hydra was repeating anti-refugee agenda and they didn't like that the bad guy was represented that way

I don't know, Spencer's Captain America run was taking jabs at Trump before they thought he was a serious contender. Steve made another speech in that issue, to Carol IIRC, using the actions of superheroes as a metaphor for the political/ruling classes, that absolutely nailed why people voted for Trump, why the British voted for Brexit, and why more people around the west are voting against the establishment parties, yet he has a villain speaking these unpalatable truths in a way that you're meant to disagree with it or see yourself as the villain because you agree with it.

Did Hydra Cap ever fully articulate what he thought he was doing? I mean, did he ever give his justification for working towards Hydra's ends?

Being angry at Marvel in and of itself is a meme.

The Secret Empire Omega issue covered a lot of it.

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