why do americans do this?
Why do americans do this?
but they don't :)
Sorry the only people who like your shitty webcomic are trannies and relics from 2012 tumblr.
>Blue eyed negress
Ah, an ancient Swede.
Do Americans really....?
Fake news
she's descendant from our viking ancestors
Why do wealthy women do this
Why do unemployed women do this
To rake in the fucking money. Think about it. Hiveswap was a fucking disaster. Because of this he's left with no money to develop anything, and no credentials, because everyone hates him and don't trust him to actually deliver anything.
Best way to turn this all around is to get in leagues with an upper-middle class subtype. Trannies. Those HRT treatments cost serious cash, and politically speaking they're basically untouchable. The perfect ruse for Hussie to continue everything.
This is not canon, June Egbert will never be canon.
Has John been made into a tranny in the new comic yet?
but why though
Do Americans really look like this?
>Dark skin, white hair, blue eyes
What more can you ask for.
roxy is so fuckin cute can't get over this
Roxy would NEVER.
this is possibly the best thing to come out of this stupid cashgrab
but she will! and has!
Contrarianism time : I don't particularly care for the new outfits everyone's got in Homestuck^2. I just think they look overdesigned and garish. Also, Rosebot's crown thingy looks fucking stupid.
Check out this funny little character
funny lil' bug lad.
he cute
Is he getting double-head by Roxy and Vriska?
Rare as they're there's still some today.
He deserves better. Vriska probably bites when she gives head. It's like rubbing your dick against a cheese grater.
this bug is not so funny
So what did you think
>deserves better.
We all want John to be Zeus, with the rest of the cast being all female/rule 63 as his harem.
But for now we must make due.
This is what Kate Mitchell dreams about.
Actually I want tall Amazonian alien gf
>I find her kinda funny
> I find her kinda sad
vrissification in progress
I'm genuinenly intrigued. I feel like Vriska and John. I want to see more Ult. Dirk.
I like the crown thingy, it's very pastel goth. And it matches Jasprose's crown-like thingy with the ears and the princess hat. Which... doesn't help my defense, but I like parallels.
Can anyone update this chart?
Homestuck is like a terminal illness caused by the cheapest off brand legos in the Universe. Homestuck reminds one of a scam artist who got his ass beat getting off the curb, wandering down an alley, and getting his ass beat for no reason. It looks like a glitch that makes the main characters in a video game have crying faces always.
>teal bandana
gee, I wonder who that's supposed to be baiting
Just change john to june
Based guy
I mean, my dislike of it is entirely down to my own personal preferences. I have nothing against you enjoying Rose's crown thingy.
looks right to me
what's the problem chief
Just seems to be slightly outdated, mostly missing some characters.
Tavcrock > Vrissy > Harry
How do we scratch our universe and go to one where it's pre act-5 and Shamdrew Hussie isn't a grovelling hack
no seems right to me mhmm no other characters were ever added in the series there are only twelve trolls like god intended
We need to wait for someone to make Sburb
What about the 13th one
Might as well just make your own character at that point.
we either get a copy of the game, OR we could construct our own beat mesa and also make a weapon that can cut it apart. sounds like a lot of work.
That's the average American, with over 60% of adult Americans being overweight or obese.
Pinkos, we shoulda nuked them before they could finish developing the bomb they stole from us.
it's just aradia in a different outfit