Is Avatar actually better than Korra or is it just nostalgia + the stubborn refusal to accept that Avatar wasn't really...

Is Avatar actually better than Korra or is it just nostalgia + the stubborn refusal to accept that Avatar wasn't really that good in the first place?

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Azula never even took over the earth kingdom, just Ba Sing Se.

Is A New Hope better than Phantom Menace?

i thought she did. isnt ba sing se the capital? and she overthrew the king.
what does overtaking the earth kingdom require in your mind?

>in less than a week
Technically it was 100 years, but ok.

Azulafags must be exterminated

Avatar is better than Korra but Korra is good.

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Aaron Ehasz is the original azulafag, deal with it

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Post yours.

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Avatar is praised for being a pseudo-anime by closeted weebs. Removing the generic as fuck anime aesthetic, it would be hated as much as Korra.

>Technically it was 100 years, but ok
Explain yourself.

Avatar is just dumbed down Game of Thrones but only season 2 of Game of Thrones when it was still decent.

Whorra was wounded by the fact that Nick wouldn't be straight with how many episodes they were getting, so the arcs ended up being relatively self-contained while avatar's 3 parts were party to a larger overall story. Korra is better phrased as "the adventures of avatar korra" while the original avatar was solely about defeating the fire nation.

Even the last two arcs which ended up being connected because they were greenlit at the same time were mostly "the exbendables fucked shit up which left a power vacuum to be filled by earth nazis".

I think earth nazis and anti-bending commies was a problem in general since Avatar was a fantastic quasi-WWI era world but wasn't necessarily directly connected to the real world while republic city is basically supposed to be 20th century Hong Kong+NYC influence. Possibly the big thing they got right was not having the fire nation be the bad guy to avoid more direct parallels.

This one unironically depends on nostalgia lol

I don't remember 20% of Avatar being about >DUDE INCEST LMAO

If only it was, then it wouldn't have been a dumbed down version.

I have no zucest images saved to go with this post but you catch my drift.

Took over? bitch she built the earth kingdom in three years. An army, infrastructure, economy, bureaucracy, system of governance, standardised rail system. All of these are incredible governing feats on their own but to do them all in not just one life time but less than half a decade? its an autocrat's wet dream. Azula was a parasite who subverted an existing system with fear and a few good speeches, Kuvira built something new. The notion of her talents being wasted in prison or worse Zaofu is incredulous. Down with the fire lord. All hail the great uniter.

>I have no zucest images saved to go with this post

Please, its an anonymous message board, theres no reason to lie about you degeneracy.

I really don't.
I have a boulderzula image though.

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I'd swap Azula and Toph but other than that I don't see much wrong here.

Except Korra had that same style and is typically regarded as a flaming dumpster fire. The art style here isn't the issue and pretending it is just outs you as a faggot who wanted to bitch about weebs.

where's Jet?

Korra was terrible, she was just a total loser, lost every single major fight

Korra is one of the worst shows ever. Avatar had simply plots that worked for it. Korra had needless shipping and the worst villains.

>Amon - hey maybe they could show how society works, where do benders and non-benders fit in?
>Unalaq - hey maybe we can see how the spirit world works with the modern world?
>Zaheer - why should these stagnant systems still continue to exist?
He's probably the best villain in the show but it still boils down to MY MASTER PLAN IS TO KILL THE AVATAR I GUESS.
>Kuvira - how should people deal with anarchy? surely-

Aang represented the "return to balance". Korra should have represented "testing the limits of balance, and realising society needed to change with the times". Unfortunately every single nuanced idea was squeezed out of Korra until it became a fucking mess. None of these themes were explored.

Simple morality tales with a gang of people I like>wasted potential of moody drama gang.

Avatar is better than Korra but
>Avatar wasn't really that good in the first place
is also true.

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>well written buy I hate him tier
>badly written but I like him tier
>badly written and I hate them tier
Everyone else.

user I know you like having threads about Avatar up, but making one just because you think there needs to be one in the catalog at all times will get you nowhere.
Most threads will keep dying before reaching bump limit because truth is most of us Avatarfags are old and have been having the same circular conversations for years. Not even staunch Korra defenders will bother to post in most bait threads since it always boils down to the same stuff.
We come with new and interesting thoughts on topics from time to time, but not consecutively one thread after another. Last threads we surpassed pic and post capacity were straight up shipping threads in which we waifufagged, recommended fanfiction and had in deep talks about the characters. And while it was fun it's unlikely that is going to be repeated any time soon.
Spare Avatar threads will keep falling off the catalog like most SUspam threads because at this point we don't have much to talk about.

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to be fair, the last one was made on Yas Forums and then moved here

>doesn't even watch the show but participates in avatar topics
explain yourself

>that image
Imagine being that bitter.

Katara should be F

It's just a joke, user.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Kuvira did nothing wrong, all hail the great uniter seriously.
Azula did nothing basically, just removed the head of the Dai lee that's all.

I enjoyed both tremendously.

It was only one city, after her family had been sieging in for generations.

No that was the end of the Earth Kingdom
It took Azula a weekend to infiltrate and conquer Ba Sing Se, she wasn't a part of the conflict in the last 100 years she did it by herself no aid from the Fire Nation

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It was also hurt by Korra having a less interesting friends and a lot less time to develop. Season 1 of LOA was over 20 episodes that focused on the adventures of Aang and his frenemy Zuko.

The focus of LOK season 1 was spread across a lot of more characters in almost half the time

>she did it by herself no aid from the Fire Nation

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The only way you can say the nation helped was the drill. Instead of it doing its job it at least convinced the king Long-Feng was a bad guy setting the stage for Azula's coup, but that is stupid roundabout thinking logic Azula literally conquered the city by herself even her friends didn't get to do much

>hat does overtaking the earth kingdom require in your mind?
Acquiring full control of its terrtories. Throughout ATLA it's quite evident Earth Kingdom is more like a federation than unitary state, and pretty loose one at that. Fire Nation essentially took over Earth Kingdom, but there was more than conquering Ba Sing Se to it. Taking down Omashu was probably the most important aside of that.

>This one unironically depends on nostalgia lol
It really doesn't. Phantom Menace objectively sucks, nothing happens for most of the movie. t. Phantom Menace was my first SW movie

You mean

>t. youtube videos by salty middle-aged gen xers convinced me that the thing I liked was bad

It's literally a case of "were you born in the middle of the 20th century" vs. "were you born in the late 20th century", as in any objective watch you can see the most redeeming parts are the pew pew and laser swords if you're an adult, the writing isn't anything special otherwise.

>t. youtube videos by salty middle-aged gen xers convinced me that the thing I liked was bad
Nope. I just rewatched it again in my early teens ten years ago or so, and noticed. Seriously, some people do form their own opinions, as hard as it might be to conceive for the likes of you. And "writing not being anything special" doesn't mean the film has to be boring, both Episode I and Episode II are.

Could Azula dom Kuvira in the sack?

>Whorra was wounded by the fact that Nick wouldn't be straight with how many episodes they were getting, so the arcs ended up being relatively self-contained while avatar's 3 parts were party to a larger overall story
Avatar was designed with Siege of the North as a potential series finale, so it had that issue.
Korra didn't have that issue past Season 1:
> Their one request was that each of the Books have its own contained arc, which was fine with Mike and me. I think it was important to the network because initially they didn’t know how many of these mini-seasons they would want to pick up! They wanted to test the waters. But they grew confident as we progressed and we were eventually lucky enough to get them to pick it up through Book Four before we even premiered Book One.

Nah, she'd be getting dommed.

Still under that rock.

why is every phantom menace fan the most insecure retard who has to straw man everyone who doesnt like his boring, poorly paced mess of a film

Man, hearing stuff like this only makes me hate Bryke more. I feel like the last few years every great new thing I start to like ends up shitty because of terrible hack writers.

Azula's friends took out Aang's friends. Toph unrelated got caught. Feng made the Dai li. Without these things happening Azula got nothing.

>Even the last two arcs which ended up being connected because they were greenlit at the same time were mostly "the exbendables fucked shit up which left a power vacuum to be filled by earth nazis".

This has been debunked by the writers. They got greenlit for the rest of the series before s1 even came out

Which only make their decisions with season 2, 3 and 4 all the more baffling. What the hell is their excuse? Season 2 had a dumpsterfire of an ending after they shoehorned the Wan stuff in. Season 3 was mostly OKish, but the way Korra just blanket-changed reality and brought the airbenders back on a whim was very frustrating. Season 4 also introduced a lot of things that really didn't work very well, and even had a clip show episode, a clear sign they were running low on budget, time and creativity.

Azula is basically a Villain Sue. Kuvira is a bit more balanced as a character but she suffers from being in a vastly shittier show and have less screentime.

>Their one request was that each of the Books have its own contained arc, which was fine with Mike and me.

If so, they should have lobbied for at least 20 episodes per Book. 12/13/14 episodes maximum was really not enough for the amount of material/themes they were trying to cover. Or you know, not be retarded and just make all of it interconnected with Amon & the Equalists as the overarching villains (AKA the only villains worth a damn in the entire series right up until they fucked them in the finale of Book 1).

Only if she promises Ty Lee a turn domming

I think the sad truth is they simply didnt have enough material/themes. You and I and everyone else might have their own ideas of what they could have done, but its clear from whats been said that what they gave us was exactly what they wanted to give us, which is a depressing indictment of their own lack of creativity/effort/energy for this sequel series.

No, but it is still great.
Avatar was pretty fucking great, even the weak third season. Compared to Korra, which was not, or at least could have been "okay" (the first season anyway) if Avatar didn't exist. The issue is world consistency, among other things, such as poorer characters.

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Both Avatar and Korra had pretty bad finales, but ATLA was a long journey with a lot of good episodes, while Korra was a series of tightly plotted and short seasons each of them, except for maybe 3, was ruined by a finale. Or, more like, they were never good, but instead worked towards finale that wasn't any good thus erasing their speculative value. ATLA finale won't erase good stuff with good pay-offs happening in previous seasons.

I always see people say ATLA's finale, specifically the energybending, was bad, but how else do you defeat Ozai without killing him? They had to invent something

it's not so much that energybending itself is bad, it's just that it's a last minute asspull to ensure that aang doesn't have to change his values. if it was established as possible earlier, or the lion turtles were made more significant, it would have been a lot better. still wouldn't fix the issue of aang's avatar state lock being fixed by a random rock though.

>how else do you defeat Ozai without killing him?
You don't. You have your hero learn to take his duty to the world seriously and stop fucking around. Especially considering how much plot arc was about learning this. The blam! Here's your deus ex machina, you get to keep your cultural attachment, you get a girl and who needs spiritual growth when you can open chakras with a rock?

I always thought the rock thing was hinted at when Katara tells Aang "you've got a lot of pent up energy in there" while healing his wound

It's not about hinting. Foreshadowing taking a huge dump on their own themes would not make it less of a dump.