Steve Orlando debuts at Marvel with DARKHOLD

is this the first time the darkhold's been used since conway's Carnage?


Kys his Martian manhunter was great.


>Wanda book

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Steve plz treat Wanda good.

it's a slow walk for me to get Wanda/Vision back

>Doom Book

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For me Orlando has been very hit or miss, but I haven't been able to pinpoint whether his worse books were just mandated or not. Even so, his worst stuff is mostly just boring and by the book rather than outright terrible.
That said, I'm happy for a Wanda book but it looks like Marvel is giving its magic corner a decisive push lately.

Read the article, so far only the #0 issue has been announced and it has some Cian Tormey on art.

the cover alone is better than anything he has ever written for DC.
Are you happy now? Now cry me a river over Marvel being superior to DC.

Can't wait. Maybe they can get rid of the mutant problem while they are at it.

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