Steve Orlando debuts at Marvel with DARKHOLD

>"Critically acclaimed writer Steve Orlando makes his Marvel debut with a story that will delight and terrify!" reads the description. "For hundreds of years, scholars and heroes alike have searched for the complete text of the Darkhold - a.k.a. the Book of the Damned, written by the elder god Chthon. Now one of the greatest sorcerers in the Multiverse has found it - and Chthon has found him. To save them all, the Scarlet Witch must gather the world’s greatest heroes...and unleash their inner darkness."

I can't help but wonder if the current turmoil over at DC caused Steve to cut his exclusivity deal...

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good riddance

>I can't help but wonder if the current turmoil over at DC caused Steve to cut his exclusivity deal...
well he just got kicked off wonder woman, so he has no books there now

How long until shills praise this as better than his DC books?

So Axis 2.0?

So.. whose the next writer coming over from Marvel?

When it's out

the announcement blurb is better than all DC books

I can imagine the DC and Marvel CEOs discussing the matter over a golf match.
>I keep this writer and I give you that artist
>OK, but I want this letterer. How about you get that editor in exchange?

No time to lose, user.

is this the first time the darkhold's been used since conway's Carnage?


Kys his Martian manhunter was great.


>Wanda book

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Steve plz treat Wanda good.

it's a slow walk for me to get Wanda/Vision back

>Doom Book

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For me Orlando has been very hit or miss, but I haven't been able to pinpoint whether his worse books were just mandated or not. Even so, his worst stuff is mostly just boring and by the book rather than outright terrible.
That said, I'm happy for a Wanda book but it looks like Marvel is giving its magic corner a decisive push lately.

Read the article, so far only the #0 issue has been announced and it has some Cian Tormey on art.

the cover alone is better than anything he has ever written for DC.
Are you happy now? Now cry me a river over Marvel being superior to DC.

Can't wait. Maybe they can get rid of the mutant problem while they are at it.

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Orlando for Benis. Good deal.

Fuck it. I was really enjoying and getting into his Wonder Woman. He was bring Donna back into the book, fixing her origin and back story, and making refs to Exoristos from Demon Knights, and bringing back actual forgotten WW villains like Devastation and Genocide, not repurposed JL supporting characters like Maxwell Lord, who isn't that forgotten a foe to begin with as I'm pretty sure he was in the Rebirth JL book somewhere. Orlando was a great WW writer and I'll miss him.

>How long until shills praise this as better than his DC books?
Considering how shitty his dc books were would it be that much of a surprise if his marvel books will be slightly better?

>Steve plz treat Wanda good.
>it's a slow walk for me to get Wanda/Vision back
Worst case scenario, this will at least keep Wanda away from the X-books.
Best case scenario, Vision is part of the cast and they start working towards reuniting them at last.

>Scarlet Witch must
Children's Crusade 2 here we come

Don't forget that he's gay, so his Marvel books are automatically masterworks! :P

So wait. Is this about DOOM or Wanda? Is it a mini, an ongoing, an event, what?

Don't forget to be mad about it every day of your life.

Wanda(&friends) vs Doom apparently

I'm really hoping for some good Wanda/Vision stuff in Empyre because some of their first big couple moments were in Kree/Skrull War. Her being away from the X-Books is a good step though, (and I like the X-Books rn)

I think he's always solid and when it's stuff he's passionate about it's better (Martian Manhunter for example) I also think Yas Forums is overly hard on him cause his worst stuff is just blandly inoffensive.

I think I also like him some cause he's a fanboy

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>I think I also like him some cause he's a fanboy
Careful, this is how we got Johns!

Don't worry DEE CEEE still has Tynion for their resident fag flagship, he made a trans lecturing Batman over and over. i'm sure if that wasn't a DEE CEEEEE book you would be talking about it non stop, DCuck :)

>I'm really hoping for some good Wanda/Vision stuff in Empyre
Zub got Wanda for that, expect him to push his Voodoo crack ship.

>not repurposed JL supporting characters like Maxwell Lord,
I'm sure you know this since you mentioned him, but Lord is the first "villain" that wondy will be facing under the new writer.

>I'm really hoping for some good Wanda/Vision stuff in Empyre because some of their first big couple moments were in Kree/Skrull War.
Don't hope for much, the main book appears to only be using Aaron's Avengers team, they're only going to be in Zub's tie-in mini, which is splitting it's cast into several squads, the #2 cover shows that they won't be on the same squad, Wanda has Voodoo, Black Knight, Man-Thing, Ka-Zar and Zabu on her team.

The most we can hope for is Zub being told to use this to put a permanent end to his Wanda/Jericho crackship. If he doesn't, we can take that as a sign Marvel have no Wanda/Vision plans at all.

>Her being away from the X-Books is a good step though, (and I like the X-Books rn)
The core book is certainly interesting, but the more you care about any of the characters, the harder to like it gets.

>I also think Yas Forums is overly hard on him cause his worst stuff is just blandly inoffensive.
Would honestly prefer to read some blandly inoffensive regular monthly Wanda/Vision material than something Important or Meaningful that just does them even more harm.

Is it time?

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It's time for her to wear that costume again.

Steve Orlando is fucking trash, he must blow his editors or something, how does he get more books
Midnighter was only good because of ACO's art

Current costume is pretty nice.

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>Critically acclaimed
By whomst?

I really hate that I'm reading more Marvel books than DC's lately. It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Like, I'm not a rabid companywarmonger or anything but to me DC always stood for quality comics.

>and making refs to Exoristos from Demon Knights
But Exoritus is from a terrible comic from when thee amazons were rapists. Why would Orlando reference this shit?

Shit taste

Exoritus is based on Azz's amazons, and DK did suck.

WonderTrannybros!?!? I've never even heard of this Darkhold title!!!

Anyone remember the Darkhold Redeemers?

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>Global rule 7/ announcing reports
Gentlemen you know what to do.

Is he still doing anything at DC? I found his stuff to be incredibly hit or miss. His Middy was fucking great, but stuff like his Supergirl was hot trash.

who is the cutie

It's been over 5 years now, it's time for a change, either something new, or back to the classic. She's wearing this one again in Strange Academy.

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Here is the thing about Orlando. I've had to deal with him in person and he is an absolute asshole. He really thinks he's on the cusp of becoming the next big A-lister and because of that he is TERRIBLE to people at cons and wearing out his welcome quickly considering he's still just a c-lister at best.

>the user is impersonating Yas Forums staff

wow, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Outside of one regrettable reference to the sex piracy, the Amazons in Demon Knights were oddly hospitable to Exoristos's guests when they visited the island, even the men. The didn't even threaten Jason Blood with violence at all. You edit/retcon out out the part where they reference the murder of their victims and it otherwise would a perfectly good usage.

He's the current writer for Wonder Woman and is doing a pretty good job. It could be done better at times but he's doing the thing more people should when in his position: bring characters from the actual WW mythos.
Sadly his arc is ending soon, probably due to this.

God that one is so boring

The Darkhold might be the most over hyped artifact in the Marvel universe. Everytime people bring up how demonic and terrifying it is, but it's always underwhelming.

Victoria Montesi from The Darkhold Redeemers. She is the daughter of Chthon. Also, she was one of the first openly lesbian characters in comics.

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Just like the Cosmic Cube or the Infinity Gauntlet

What about the characters being the Azz's version? Why do it for such a shitty character also? Lets keep the New 52 era retardation where it belongs, please.

Yeah Demon Knights use Poly's new 52 design. It was the design at the time.

Exoristos was cool. and Demon Knights was also cool. Trying to salvage her isn't the worse idea around. I mean I would have been fine retroactively looking at Demon Knights as an elseworld and it quietly being forgotten, but hey, it's nice to see a WW writer putting some actual work into putting together disparate elements of her mythos.

Now we're looking at a Maxwell Lord story for movie synergy purposes.Yawn.

To be fair the I.G. was the real deal in Thanos Quest, it's when Marvel told Starlin to make it the trigger for a crossover event he had to downplay its immediate threat and other writers have followed suit unless they contain its use to a limited story like in that Doctor Doom what if.

You'd think that she would have gotten a bigger push in recent years, but only Conway's used her in like a decade.