Why do vampires get so much more Yas Forums material compared to werewolves...

Why do vampires get so much more Yas Forums material compared to werewolves? How would you make a good werewolf cartoon/comic?

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Because nobody wants to write about furfaggotry werewolves. Vampires are much cooler

Becasue Werewolves are for Plebeians with no taste.
>dood he got real shredded and has a wolf head, God he looks so fucking manly and shit ugh daddy werewolf ugh
They're for self-inserters who end up wanking it to furry porn. Vampires can do all the stuff Werewolves can do, plus many, many more. They have thousands of years of folklore backing them, can work in whatever setting, and have aesthetics on their side. Werewolves are just background dressing, like sirens or skinwalkers or whatever else. You can tell a couple of stories with them, but that's it. Vampires are extremelly versalite.
>VampChads > VirginWolves

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This thread is for werewolves and not swearwolves, user.

Based wwdits-poster

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>Why do vampires get so much more Yas Forums material compared to werewolves?
Closeted homosexuals want to be double penetrated, and closeted homosexuals are a huge part of comic readers and alucard fans.

I feel like werewolves would be appealing to the bara crowd.

Hello, based department?

Vampires by nature are very sexual, and easier to pander to a young-young adult demographic. Youthful appearance, seductive, a fatal embrace, etc. Werewolves are more savage and graphic, and only lusted by furfags.

Unrelated note, but go watch Dog Soldiers if you haven't. Best fucking werewolf movie ever. Guy who played Alfred on Gotham is in it too

I was thinking a show that's your basic coming of age story but the main character is a werewolf...or some shit

a cute girl at that

Your hero gets fucked in the ass by an Asian ladyboy

>had to hover because manlet

sadly furries have ruined werewolves and made them a joke which sucks because werewolves are a cool concept

Werewolves always felt more thematically inconsistent as "monsters" than Vampires...
>only a significant threat for- at best?- a couple days out of the month, and even then only seem to 'turn' at night (even though the moon can be out in daylight hours)
>the specifics of them being "wolves" (rather than a more catch-all generic beast, or variety of different kinds) always lend themselves towards generic furfaggotry
>their weaknesses, all specifics to their affliction, and overall physiological mechanics never make any sense (as pointed out in "Monster Squad", wouldn't you think blowing a werewolf the fuck up should work?)
At least vampires have an extreme plethora of weaknesses to counterbalance their significantly versatile abilities, lycanthropes just feel like a nerfed version of that.

>furries have ruined werewolves
Do you think that's something fixable? Vampires managed to bounce back from Twilight.

Oh, no! Don't let the Slavic fairytale men get me! Saints, preserve us! Get the garlic and wolf's bane!

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I like how in Vampire The Masquerade Werewolves are so powerful that the vampires prefer to avoid them.

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Well vampires can only do things at night too

vampires serve as a metaphor for a lot of things drug abuse, serial killers, the rich, blood diseases, cultural taboo, sexuality, other cultures, the human condition and a lot of other things. Werewolves are pretty much just "need to repress" and thats it. Vampires have no time constraints either where as a were wolf has only thirteen nights of the year.

The vampire is the ultimate expression of high risk and high reward. You can try to fuck the vampire but they might kill you. You can become a vampire or they could kill you. As a vampire you could die in an instant due to one of their many weaknesses or you could live till the heat death of the universe. When fighting a vampire you could stomp it with one of these weaknesses or it could easily destroy you with its awesome supernatural abilities. Theres no greater thrill of risk vs reward with a werewolf. You have a shitty time once every month. You are about as awe inspiring as woman on her period.

What about the patrician creature?

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Really? I thought that was just bullshit.

they are either just sand vampires or sand zombie. Gillman on the other hand

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It's hard to tell from that screenshot but werewolves in that universe can be fucking enormous.

>Gillman on the other hand
Yes please

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The typical werewolf will completely and utterly outclass the typical vampire in WoD lore. Vampires have a higher ceiling than werewolves though in terms of power with the gen 3 guys being fucking bonkers.

Of course mages outclass both so fucking hard that it's not even funny

Is there a system or setting that mages don't break open wide?

Do you not know how hard fur is to animate?

Honestly, no. Twilight was something that was enjoyed by teens who grew up and has mostly been forgotten. Furfags are perennial, they never grow up and will latch onto any portrayal of a werewolf, not just a single series like with Twilight.

space aliens.

Most dragon quest games, I suppose.
Also mages are busted in WoD but it's the old 'with prep time' thing.
So like if a werewolf or Vampire wanted to murder a mage, all they would have to do is jump him in the middle of a crowded street full of witnesses and they wouldn't be able to do shit without getting hit with a massive amount of paradox that can led to stuff like reality just deciding that you don't exist anymore.

Depends, magic users in most settings can be bullshit broken powerful, but that's usually offset with the fact that some dickbutt barbarian can cleave their head off if they're caught in a bad spot, unless they're a lich or some other kind of supernatural creature where that doesn't matter.

>How would you make a good werewolf cartoon/comic?
I would take the easy way out and draw upon my experiences under the patriarchy and have it be about the monstrous side of womanhood. Have the main character be some pantsuit karen who's losing her shit over the pressure to maintain appearances in a high-energy corporate world and her only outlet is stalking the moors at night. At first she's horrified/disgusted with herself but then she starts to revel in eating her enemies like Patrick Bateman. Whether she actually turns into a naked monster at night or is just going crazy is up to reader interpretation

I don't think it's impossible, but you gotta up the monstrosity a lot, or make sure their always either wolf or man with no in between first them to latch onto.

Someone will still want to fuck it but that's always the case.

>people want to fuck something so it's RUINED
Imagine actually believing this. Werewolves aren't as popular because they're not as appealing to teenagers as vampires are, it's as simple as that. They can still be used to great effect for the right stories and are pretty much the second most popular 'monster type' anyways (depending on if you include witches / magic users as monsters I suppose).

I'd have the werewolf use Hulk rules as opposed to the lunar nonsense.

WoD does that.

Imagine letting on like you're not an obnoxious Twitter furry but still imagineposting like you're still among your e-pack

>trying to attack my character instead of my actual point
Nice fallacy, bitch. Thanks for my easy win~

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Guillermo Del Toro pls go

You've illustrated my point so well I almost believe this is a different user false flagging to make you look bad. I can smell the butt plug tail from here.

>still going for it


Because vampires are easy as fuck to portray so there's way more vampire media.

Who is this?

Because Vampires, by their lore, can show up every night. Werewolves are only around maybe like 3 or 4 nights a month.

Eh, vampires had shows like True Blood and Vampire Diaries to help bounce back from Twilight. Werewolves had those shows going for them too, but they weren't exactly the main focus.

>it’s the Cyberpunk year of 207X, and the entire global population has succumbed to lycanthropy
>there is a drug that inhibits the mind altering effects of the moon, but that drug is controlled by a powerful megacorp
>several gangs are making experimental implants and drugs to make their transformations even more monstrous
>everyone who can’t afford the moonlight, the drug, has to undergo mandatory monthly imprisonment
>all werewolves have a healing factor, but silver negates it, do most weapons use silver
>main character is a police officer with a mental implant that lets them control their transformation.
>main plot revolves around tracking down the gangs and finding out what their master plan is

Teen Wolf seemed to do well.

I would absolutely watch this cartoon.

He believes in things you cannot see

Thanks, also
>different characters have different implants, as well as the lycanthropy mutating in different ways
>this means that some people have more control over their condition, gaining abilities such as enhanced senses, more stamina, retractable steel claws, and a faster healing factor
>lycanthrope are not “cute” furry like beings. They are vicious, horrific, and far more human than wolf, though they still have many wolf traits

>wereshark? let me get my animu school girl pal and slay the fucker
>werewolf? better hope that you figured out how to use observatory doors son

This always bugged me desu.

Steal from early modern and medieval stories and make them shapeahifters that use their animal forms to engage in cannibalism and serial killer behaviord.

Well Satan, I always thought it was because he was hiding up on land for a while and that weakened him.

of course it was bugged its Vampire the Masquerade, even with patches the retarded game wont run well or at all.

Because Modern "Vampires" they tend to be deliberate schlickbait and thus get the Female audience, meanwhile Werewolves tend to get the Furry Barafag (A minority in a minority) audience, take a guess which ones brings the most shekels.

read that again, user, but carefully this time

Fujos can't admit how badly they want to take the knot

Angels are better than any of those.

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Based, FPBP, and dare I say it, absolutely redpilled.

This is now an angel thread btw

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>Vampires can do all the stuff Werewolves can do, plus many, many more. They have thousands of years of folklore backing them, can work in whatever setting, and have aesthetics on their side. Werewolves are just background dressing, like sirens or skinwalkers or whatever else. You can tell a couple of stories with them, but that's it. Vampires are extremelly versalite.
>There are actually butthurt vampires on this site
Who would’ve thought

>(((vampires serve as a metaphor for a lot of things drug abuse, serial killers, the rich, blood diseases, cultural taboo, sexuality, other cultures, the human condition and a lot of other things.)))

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