Contrast Bek's self-confidence boost, which comes from the Power of Getting Mindfucked by the Emerald Eye of Ekron.
Not quite as snappy?
Contrast Bek's self-confidence boost, which comes from the Power of Getting Mindfucked by the Emerald Eye of Ekron.
Not quite as snappy?
>but this run is also full of interesting and varied women, more than a lot of "oh look at me I'm so girl power" bullshit books today are.
I'm always confused when this happens. I can only speak from my own perspective as a guy, but is it really SO hard for some dudes to write women? I would think it was as easy as giving a character a consistent set of personality traits, and have their attitudes tinted by their own experiences and the gender politics of the setting.
Am I missing something? Cause a lot of male writers fuck that up. A lot.
Yeah, that's meant to look like that
>into the fucking Authority a-fucking-gain
I think everyone should have expected Ellis to default to using his cynical squad of Edgelords when given control of the universe they were native to. The Engineer was even the focal character at the start.