JSA Storytime: L.E.G.I.O.N

Good evening owls,

time for some more backreferences

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-000.jpg (1977x3039, 1.91M)

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Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-001.jpg (1977x3039, 1.31M)

was this when Mon-El was Valoring around? I've seen people talk up that series as not bad which uh isn't my memory

anyway sup OP, gang.

Valor is hampered by the concept, I think

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-002.jpg (1977x3039, 1.52M)

Hello, Storyteller.

Again, completely shameless about being a prequel.

... Yo, 5G is dead as hell, isn't it?

right now IDEC, I just need to catch up on Hawkman because shirtless Hawkman

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-003.jpg (1977x3039, 1.53M)

Kind of, yeah. LOSH v4 #5 (Glorithverse) came out three months before this issue.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-004.jpg (1977x3039, 1.42M)

realized that i can't remember if Mon El went back in time or it's a young Mon El and that's not a good sign. They really wanted him to be like a Silver Surfer character there for a bit.

i think it's just gonna get cut down. Far Sector is a success so they'll push it, Bendis is doing whatever on the Superbooks, who knows what's going on in the Batbooks, I hope Flash and Wally turn out ok. Wondy is probably gonna be fine with Orlando. Wonder what the plan is with the JSA, like the Wonder Woman story makes it seem like period pieces?


Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-005.jpg (1977x3039, 1.5M)

That's my boy

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-006.jpg (1977x3039, 1.67M)

don't ask me what the coloring is doing here

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-007.jpg (1977x3039, 2.08M)

I blame the Eye.

Best news they could give us if that thing is DOA.

I'm half tempted to pull out the scans but they're kind of rough

Also I spent all day outside gardening, I tired

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-008.jpg (1977x3039, 2.25M)

Nothing about Far Sector requires it to be part of a reboot/relaunch/whatever the fuck 5G was supposed to be, so yeah, it'll be fine, and Jo will continue to be fine.

Assuming the Wondy/JSA team up is still happening, they'll probably just retcon Diana's revised history as the first modern superhero. That seems to be one of the few concepts that was set in stone as a thing they wanted to do, to the point of having some actual story ideas in place. Hopefully with Didio gone, maybe it'll work out slightly better. Not holding my breath though.

The Wondy/JSA thing was the only thing about 5G that didn't scream "train wreck" to me.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-009.jpg (1977x3039, 1.9M)

also no one cares but me but I think Bendis is teasing Brainy/Cham on instagram

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-010.jpg (1977x3039, 1.61M)

Read that Legends of the DCU two-parter someone was asking about last thread.

It's not half bad.
It is a bit weird seeing a story about a radical tween New God tagging Apokolips, but it's not such a far cry from the hippie Forever People, not really. Gets a bit goofy being set to hard-boiled soldier boy narration though.

Pretty decent, if that user is around.

This guy is certainly full of himself. And is being set up for a fall hopefully soon.

middle top is a defining panel of the run for me

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-011.jpg (1977x3039, 1.46M)

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-012.jpg (1977x3039, 1.56M)

Again, it was the only thing approaching an actual idea that someone had for an entertaining story. Hey, Diana teams up with the JSA. I'm down.

The shit the multiple generations though was... I don't know what that was, aside from really stupid and pointless that is.

... Y'know, it really does feel like he's actively trying to piss people off sometimes.

No matter what Bendis does, online will totally hate him so fuck em.

I have so much feeling for most creators engaging with batshit fandom, but Bendis is a cunt.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-013.jpg (1977x3039, 1.66M)

"Oh, I torture all the characters I love, the same thing with Daredevil and Scarlet Witch!" fuck off you asshole, you know what you wrote and it wasn't even about her

He was also an absolute dick to being corrected on basic points of fact he fucked up because he's lazy

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-014.jpg (1977x3039, 1.69M)

JSA is gonna be Snyder/Hitch which is one of my nightmares

Can't wait for blase anecdotes about childhoods.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-015.jpg (1977x3039, 1.48M)

lol hitch drawing a monthly

didn't snyder say he was taking a break from capes after Death Metal

his "oh i love these characters that why i torture them" thing is very weird.

i still think he's doing good at DC, especially once we got past Rogal Zaar stuff, I didn't expect it but I'm gonna enjoy it!

look at this master of bullshit

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-016.jpg (1977x3039, 1.59M)

I also thought that Hitch was going to focus on his own stuff from now on.

Or, at the very least, I would have thought he'd be the surefire pick for Jupiter's Requiem.

I guess I'm kind of F for WildC.A.T.S. but meh

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-017.jpg (1977x3039, 1.57M)

>I said I was sorry! I couldn't help it!
Fucking gold.

Like, I try not to be the entitled, self-centered, asshole fan who assumes that creators are specifically out to get me because they wrote something I don't like, I really do. That parasocial relationship stuff can be an absolute nightmare.

But if it quacks like a duck...

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-018.jpg (1977x3039, 1.47M)

I'm disappointed that this means that any gen13 reboot is for certain dead.
I wanted to see what they'd do with that whole set-up arc they did.

Grunge's dad was a piece of shit.

Hey OP.

Is he familiar because he's Jim Lee? He .oops Asian.

(it's a Mon-El expy, or maybe him, I forget what canon exactly was because it was in flux at this point)

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-019.jpg (1977x3039, 1.77M)

5G details were scheduled for ECCC Dohohohoho

I KNOW, RIGHT. "I'm sorry I raped and murdered you, I couldn't help it" is the line I'd pitch this series to anyone I knew and liked with.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-020.jpg (1977x3039, 1.85M)

>Far Sector is a success so they'll push it,

I haven't read it because lol current comics, but man, did we really need ANOTHER human Lantern?

I feel like i'm getting legion books from another universe the way Yas Forums talks about them

I think this was around 5 years later Legion era. So whatever his continuity was at that point...

So Dag is a Trommite, right?

Hey OP. I think these are coming up soon (or might have already passed actually)

Adventures of Superman Annual 002 (1990) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz
L.E.G.I.O.N. Annual, 1990-01-00 (_01) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz

Hitch drew Hawkman monthly for about a year recently. The Ellis Batbook is frequently delayed, but I wonder if that has to do with editorial booking.

bless you user

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-021.jpg (1977x3039, 2.27M)

The fourth issue of 5YL ended with him literally punching the established timeline to death, then it was reformed by Glorith in the following issue.

Attached: Legion of Super-Heroes 004 Mon-El.jpg (1792x8896, 3.31M)

It is dialogue that deserves adaptation.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-022.jpg (1977x3039, 1.8M)

Well, Lar Gand was his Daxamite name.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-023.jpg (1977x3039, 1.95M)

>The Ellis Batbook is frequently delayed
Ellis? Delayed? But HOW?

It's easy to say "Couldn't do this now.", but frankly, the book squeezing every last drop of dark comedy it could out of it was the only way it got away with it in the first place.

wild storm wasn't delayed because it had two-month gaps every six issues.
Cemetery Beach also came out on time.


hey, is this /d/

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 016-024.jpg (1977x3039, 2.02M)

It's either /d/ or /d/entistry

it was also still in the Berger office at this time, with Art Young being the editor for it.
That office didn't give a fuck about content


I really do think most people wouldn't even try to get away with this now, and it's one of the things I love about this run--but this run is also full of interesting and varied women, more than a lot of "oh look at me I'm so girl power" bullshit books today are.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 017-000.jpg (1988x3056, 1.86M)

In hindsight, I feel bad for having dismissed Wildstorm out of hand for so long. I just kind of assumed it was another relic of the Dark Age. Can't always judge a boom by its cover, huh?

That said, The Wild Storm was still trash.

honestly forgot about books today getting away with it, just coming up with the idea !

Wild Storm was this painful downward arc because I actually love the artist's skill at action but it turned from a larger WS/Cats book into the fucking Authority a-fucking-gain

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 017-001.jpg (1988x3056, 2.35M)

Ooh. Look at how shiny Strata is. The busted out the high grit sandpaper.

>"oh look at me I'm so girl power"
The Spice Girls were a malevolent influence on an entire generation of women.

I really liked how much of a spotlight Captain Comet eventually got in this series

His solution to being marooned on a pre-industrial planet was fantastic.

I think it was a lot more jarring and sudden.
Like, the last 8 or so issues.

It spends all this time seeding shit out, and then the last handful of issues ignore all that shit for a random morass of blaaah

IIRC they wanted to use Adam Strange but he was booked so they dug into the archives and found Captain Comet and he got the best treatment he'd ever had from it.

also, of course, "Power of Positive Thinking" is a self-help book from 1952, extremely influential.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 017-002.jpg (1988x3056, 2.23M)

Strange was booked for that terrible Veitch/BabyKubert miniseries

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 017-003.jpg (1988x3056, 1.77M)

Contrast Bek's self-confidence boost, which comes from the Power of Getting Mindfucked by the Emerald Eye of Ekron.

Not quite as snappy?

>but this run is also full of interesting and varied women, more than a lot of "oh look at me I'm so girl power" bullshit books today are.
I'm always confused when this happens. I can only speak from my own perspective as a guy, but is it really SO hard for some dudes to write women? I would think it was as easy as giving a character a consistent set of personality traits, and have their attitudes tinted by their own experiences and the gender politics of the setting.

Am I missing something? Cause a lot of male writers fuck that up. A lot.

Yeah, that's meant to look like that

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 017-004.jpg (1988x3056, 2.08M)

>into the fucking Authority a-fucking-gain
I think everyone should have expected Ellis to default to using his cynical squad of Edgelords when given control of the universe they were native to. The Engineer was even the focal character at the start.