Why do women do this?

Why do women do this?

Attached: wasteful.jpg (772x767, 73.61K)

-t. thinks-texting = talking to women

I do this

t. long hair

Most don't want to waste good shampoo/conditioner like that. You don't waste something that expensive, unless it's a shit brand that really isn't working for your hair.

This visual imagery of a naked girl enjoying the act of squirting a gooey liquid seems very

It's easier to lather with large quantities of soap and makes your hair feel softer.

Women don't actually have personalities outside of making themselves seem as approachable and attractive to Chad's as possible

There's hundreds of these OtherGirls/Me type comics, but is there any OtherGuys/Me type comics.

What would some of the scenarios be

Edited version, vaginal lube and Anal lube.

Mine sometimes do it
"Smells so nice,moooore!"
But she's a half weabo/half redneck thus maybe is just part of her loud personality

Men distinguish themselves from other men based on actions, not words.

>getting shampoo out of a bottle isn't an action

So wasteful. This is giving me anxiety.

Normal Guys: SPORTS

Girls want to be thought of as "quirky" because they think that it makes them more unique when actually, it just makes them just like all of the other girls who think of themselves as "quirky."

I was in a class with this girl and she had to tape a paper sign to a window. She made a huge production about how much tape that she was using when she was taping the sign up and she seemed to think that acting like a toddler was quirky or rebellious or whatever when really, it just made her look stupid and wasteful.

Take showers?
I certainly don't, I like to wallow in my filth.

>OtherGuys/Me type comics.
There were back in mid 2000's, they died for a reason, well most of them anyways.

Attached: Bikecuck.jpg (680x680, 68.9K)

Those already exist

Follow up question: Why do you care?

Pretty sure there's a Dobson comic like that, but I don't hate myself enough to go looking for it


post them

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“to prevent children from viewing these indecent images, we have replaced male with a bottle of mayo.”

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read the example given or otherwise go to drunkduck or smackjeves and dive onto the old rotten pile of shit comics that lies dormant there.

>but is there any OtherGuys/Me type comics.
Go on Twitter during any major sporting event (specifically the super bowl) and you'll find plenty of unwashed nerds going HURR DURR DA SPURTZ DUMB ME SMART PLAY VEEDY GUAM.


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other guys: steven universe
me: fanboy & chum chum

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I think Bloomer/Doomer and Incel/Chad would be the closest to this

That comic is fantastic

Lol the edit at the end

This is war crimes tier of evil.

v-very what?

The irony of this is he's calling football players dumb, yet in another one of these he complains about not being able to understand basic algebra

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Comes to mind.

This is some strange mentality. Why should I care about "the total happiness in the world" instead of my own happiness? And I don't really think that a man who stole a bike would be much happier than a man who had his bike stolen would be disappointed. That's ridiculous.

It sounds like the mentality of someone who is extremely adverse to conflict of any kind. His bike is stolen and instead of being upset about it (a natural reaction) or taking any kind of action (talking to the police, putting up flyers with the bike and his contact information) that would result in him having to be assertive, he just decides that it's not worth it and tries to pretend that he's happy it got stolen instead. Someone typically doesn't become this passive and adverse to conflict without years and years of abuse, but maybe I'm reading too much into it.

talking about how quirky and weird you are for getting shampoo out of a bottle and then making a comic about it, however, isn't.

What you should care about is getting a fucking D-lock and not tying your bike down with those pretty pink ribbon cable locks. Alternately if you live in New York or London, don't live in New York or London. If your bike is stolen it's your own damn fault.

I got my bike stolen and it was my own damn fault.

Personalities are things men develop to attract women. Women don't usually develop actual personalities because they don't have to work to attract men, so a lot of them think having a personality is just acting like a quirkball.

ok incel

see? classic example of a woman regurgitating something she's seen other people say because she doesn't have a personality of her own.

ok incel

Yeah... I'm pretty sure that guy's a dude, incel.

Have sex

Describe your own personality user-kun.

My hair is also thick, suborn, and long. I, too, have to buy shampoo in excess of my peers. I relate to this comic.

ok incel

Right buys cheap shampoo and abuses her hair by over washing. Left is smart about hair care.

ok incel


i n c e l



the entire "while you were out partying, I studied be blade" subspecies of neckbeards. Blade may be substituted with some pseudointellectual or mental acrobatics involving video games, in the style of "I don't have a life? I have multiple lives!"

>incel incel incel incel
this board is so dead

just this thread, incel. just this thread

Look at pretty much any LARP message board or Facebook group.

Wait this doesn't make sense

If we consider the Kramer and the hooded guy to be from present, then this is how it goes:

Kramer meets hooded guy: present
Kramer becomes a drunkard, his sone breaks up with Jen and walks past the Paki girl: future
The kid who was friends with the Paki girls becomes racist: far future
The Paki guy about whom the racist guy's son fantasizes about: far future
Asian girl working at a subway: far future
Asian girl going to school with ginger girl: future
Ginger girl's mother is a kid of the hooded guy: present
Hooded guy become old: present
Kramer meets hooded guy: past

What the fuck?

found the incel

They jump like 40 years to the future. Then like 15 years to the future. Then like 15 more years in the future. Then like 10 years in the past. Then like 20 years in the past. Then like 20 years in the past.

It more or less adds up.