Marked by a massive dip in quality, and I do mean massive. All but two of the shows in your image there are forgettable garbage. CN thought they could just keep doing what they had been by randomly greenlighting shit, it worked for Dexter and Powerpuff and others, so why not do it forever? This shit is why. Quality control is important if you stop caring about who you're giving shows to. Who the fuck thought My Gym Partner's a Monkey was going to be good? Who the fuck thought anyone would even be willing sit down and watch it?
What does Yas Forums think of the Cartoon Network shows from the mid 2000s?
Better than Nickelodeon at the time
>Danny Phantom
>The X's
>El Tigre
Only Avatar and the frst two seasons of DP are good.
How come Chowder and Flapjack are of much higher quality compared to these despite coming out in the CN Real era?
Fucking great
>Juniper Lee
>Ben 10
Hit or miss
>Camp Lazlo
>Squirrel Boy
>Puffy Ami Yumi
>My Gym Partner's a Monkey
Shit first half, OK second half
>Class of 3000
The talent attached to them. Start from a strong foundation and be connected enough to poach talent you want and it comes out better.
Foster's Home was my SHIT as a kid
Juniper Lee is actually my favorite out of all these. Shame the show's pacing was SLOOOOOOOOOW. It wasn't until season 3 where semblances of an arc was gonna happen...and then it got cancelled.
>Ben 10
Cartoon Network Studios was at its best during the late 2000s, early 2010s ( Chowder, Flapjack, Adventure Time, Regular Show and their last good show before they stopped giving a fuck, OTGW )
Ironic how all of these great shows happened because of Stuart Snyder, the man who pushed CN Real and live-action shit.