ITT: Character that are prepared for doomsday

What characters are fully equipped to survive the NEW plague?

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All of them that wont try to use it as a joke, because they're not real
Also He-Man I guess

So it’s just a fever and a cough, right? Why’s it killing people?

I still think this is God's wrath against progressive faggotry

It's mostly older folks it's killing

It's only killed elderly so far and people with a weak immune system. There's also that Chinese doctor but there was some shady shit behind that and it's China.

Anybody under the age of about 50.

It’s just killing boomers

The flu kills millions every year. The media kikes are just doing numbers of panic mongering. This corona shit is like 2018's swine flu, 2016's sars, 2014's avian fever...

So no republicans will die? Can't wait to see it happen.

somebody with coronavirus went to our local mall while infected and now everybody is freaking out

It's a version of the flu we weren't prepared for, so we don't have a vaccine at the ready to help combat it. That's pretty much it. If you have a good immune system, you honestly have very little to worry about.

Nah, it's God's wrath against China. Just it's said here it's mostly killing elders and people with weak immune systems and China has lots of both. If this hits their work force, they might fall hard on their back.

The flu is also everywhere across the planet. Give it time, I'm sure our girl Corona can get those numbers up.

higher CFR than the flu, no vaccinations possible for it, spreads asymptomatically for weeks, causes fertility problems in men that recover, can break the blood-brain barrier and damage your CNS, is a novel disease so there's no historical acquired immunity.

It's already spreading faster than those and it takes much longer for symptoms to show up.

Then why are libshit hellholes getting hit hardest?

>thought I'll tell my crush that I like her if the virus shows up in georgia
>google it just to be sure
>first two cases just got here a week ago

Am i gonna die,fellas? Should I actually go through with it?

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[citation needed]

batman. You asked for prepared, the answer is batman

Do it, so others may laugh at you before your death

Its just the flu bro

It’s just the flu bros will be the first to perish

>tfw have CVID and it has reach my state
Welp, I'm fucked. How should I spend the rest of my remaining life?

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The problem isn't that it kills people. It only kills frail old people and very small children.
The problem is that it's more potent than the regular flu, and it floors people for a good 3-6 weeks.
For a highly infectious flu-like virus without a vaccine, that is very bad for business and manufacturing sectors whose workers are getting quarantined in record numbers.

It has nothing to do with death toll and everything to do with it's impact on trade and economic growth.

Well if she says no, atleast it wont be too long before death


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Washing your hands frequently and avoiding large crowds.

You were saying?

The flu kills people, it just tends to kill older and sickly people with weaker immune systems, or weaken people to the point they die of follow-ups.

because there is no official cure for it yet

If it's not ebola-tier then it's not worth magically making a cure for.

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Wasn't one of the effects male sterility?

We're way past Ebola-chan now

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...It's the fucking flu, of course not.

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>t. coofer
Literally go read about it yourself.

Yes and you're welcome for that. As for this, take some vitamin C and stop being a pussy about it.

Do you not understand what citation means?
There was preliminary concern because the virus uses a receptor that's expressed heavily in the testes. A preliminary paper was published, but there has yet to be a peer-reviewed conclusion.

>avoiding large crowds
Is Yas Forums the most likely to survive this?

Because they are a bunch of pussies.

I do, but if you're so lazy as to ask Yas Forums about world news, I don't feel obligated to organize the links for you. The fertility one is already in the thread.
>CNS damage
>Can spread without symptoms

There, I wasted that time for you since you seem so incapable of researching things you're curious about.

even on Yas Forums people start to brag about the corona
jesus christ

You're an idiot, but thanks anyways


>America is the whole world
>America is getting hit the hardest
I always wondered how a single digit IQ would feel. How's life treating you, buddy?

>the whole world
You're pretty familiar with the feeling.

>all the "Its just the flu bro" post
Eugene must be salty af rn

Reminder that this is not an itt of characters that would prepare for doomsday, this is actually an secret off topic post just for op to talk about chinkpox. Report and ignore

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This whole thing is going to die down by May and you doomer fags will be relentlessly mocked

Imma screenshot this for when we all live in hazmat suits

>The flu kills millions every year
"The CDC estimates that as many as 56,000 people die from the flu or flu-like illness each year."

That's 0,001% of the world's population.

Didn't help him in Dceased...

If you need fucking cosmic bets to ask your fucking crush out, AND THEN wonder if you should do it anyways, you are fucking lost. Just do it already.

It killed the stock market for the long term
That's something

I think it's God's wrath against your faggotry

their efforts are useless when the carrier is omnipresent

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Jokes on you, i haven't been infected

>Oh, user. Thank you for making my last few moments socially awkward.

It was prophesied in the bible
"and the beta incel bitchboys shall inherit the earth"

the media is making a big deal out of coronavirus and inciting panic because it gets them views

it is only deadly to people with weakened immune systems. we should take precautions to not spread it around unnecessarily but no healthy person is going to die from it