ITT post your favorite album and other anons will tell you why it sucks dick

ITT post your favorite album and other anons will tell you why it sucks dick

pic related

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It doesn’t suck dick

i know but you gotta think of something for the sake of the thread

sorry bro this one is good i can't think of any flaws

I like this album user, but Hand It Over is an underwhelming closer compared to how the album begins. And in general I find the lyrics of the songs on the second half to be shit and uninspired.

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I don't like the guy's hands
I don't like the album cover

Sorry I couldn't think of anything else

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it's indie (inherently bad genre with few redeeming bands) and you're likely a zoomer
you're probably a NEET
it's prog (inherently a bad genre with few redeeming bands)

king crimson is based as fuck but i dont mind someone cringely roasting them for the sake of a thread

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It's not catchy or interesting in any way
Never listened to it but I'm sure they could have picked a less disturbing album cover
Stupid name
Mostly filler, Red is far superior

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I unironically hate King Crimson and prog. It’s on the same level to me as rap in how inherently shitty it is

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it has a nice general sound / aesthetic, but the actual songwriting is kinda mediocre
the second half is not as good as the first half (still pretty good tho)
I never liked Exiles
I talk to the wind is boring and the improv on moonchild sucks

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Hyper based, but its OBVIOUSLY an album made by sonic-fan basement-dwellers.

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As with every MGMT album, the A Side is great but it falls off hard after the half way point (Me & Michael in this case). Generally, the three big singles are by far the best songs on here.

KC always has shitty frontmen
Epitaph is annoying
Way too self-important

MGMT have great production but their songwriting is kind of shit. LDA is a great track.

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I don't understand why people undersell one thing left to try. It's probably the best song on the album.

Too much filler
Moonchild drags on, more empty space than sound

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If you’re looking for music that represents an exorcism, there are albums out there that are more emotionally honest
Mediocre twee. Many better albums out there from the period.
I prefer The Ascension. Also Pharoah Sanders made a better version of a Love Supreme, multiple times
Too schizophrenic for an album that tries to represent a Transcendental mediation
Pretentious Art School garbage. Have You In My Wilderness is the superior album
Cheap production

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mgmt suck, this album is no exception
red is better
>twee pop
yeah no thanks
it's cool on like the first listen but it's forgettable asf
tourist-core, he has way better albums
ah fuck you, you posted mine, gonna have to post another one now fag
>black metal
boooring like most post rock

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>Pharoah Sanders made a better version of a Love Supreme, multiple times
none of Sanders' albums are as well composed desu

it's not really a song desu
just one idea repeated over and over and stretched out over four minutes

She works out too much is such a good tune

Are you retarded? That song is progressive as hell, if you can’t hear the different chord progressions/melodies slamming down on you, you are lost

the catalog promised me there was a dick pic related, where is it?

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I like the song "Me and Michael" because my name is Michael.

Sometimes I send the song to girls after talking for a bit and then I fuck them and ghost them.

I can't, they're all good albums. Loveless might get a little too much attention. Lush, for example, are better yet lesser known.

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there is no point in listening to that album when you can listen to pic-related instead

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>>black metal
>posts pop black metal

this guys were unironically better when they made those 3 generic pop songs.that boosted them to stardom. no matter how good their other songs have been, nothings come quite as close to being as good as them. they're just too catchy man.


Shoegaze is literally for faggots and you have the most pathetic pedestrian taste I’ve ever seen here

Current favourite right now.
50% dungeon synth wankery is 50% too much. It's not muh atmosphere, it's just bad.

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