Why is he often touted as a great melody writer? What makes a great melody?

Why is he often touted as a great melody writer? What makes a great melody?

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Can't you not tell from listening to his songs? Do you really need people from this board to explain in non technical mannerisms what a good melody is? Why can't you deduce it yourself? Listen to On A Plain, Dive and Dumb

if someone can sing the melody by saying the word "corn" over and over, its a great melody.

Example: corncorn corn CORN corn corn corn Coorn

>Why is he often touted as a great melody writer?
Only retards think that, he has songs where he sings two notes over and over again
>What makes a great melody?
Not what Cobain did.

just noticed that radiohead has consistently awful melodies. you cant corn any of their shit.

literally just it sounds good thats it

Their only really great melody is About a Girl


holy shit it fucking works for like every nirvana song, nice trick
you can kinda do it for creep vaguely but not really. but yeah they're a shit band

I really like that one, but I like Molly's Lips and that is two power chords. I can see a lot of musicians hating Mollys Lips

molly's lips is a cover song actually

>you can kinda do it for creep
its not theirs. its albert hammonds. shit band, not listening them ever again, the corn test ruined it for me.

>Why is he often touted as a great melody writer?
"great" i think is an exaggeration, he was good at making simple and ear catchy pop melodies. You cant exactly know what makes a good melody, its either good or it isn't. Sometimes you dont even know its a good melody and other times you think a bad melody is good because you created it

For me one of the best and last melodists in popular music were, surprise, Korn, and the corn test works perfect with their stuff, as in clear melody, proper sized chunks and sylabic separation, no slurring. This is quite a revelation and i thank that user for the corn theory, will apply it to everything.

truly the best beatles tune ever made

>You cant exactly know what makes a good melody
Wtf theres clear guidelines. Classical already figured this out centuries ago.

Only pretentious musicians would hate something for being simple, I’m advanced st guitar but less is more sometimes


wtf the corn trick works so well for freak on a leash

>Only pretentious musicians would hate something for being simple
almost everything simple was already made





this is the most retarded shit i've ever read on this website

if its so dumb, why does it work without fail?

He was never a good melody writer. He's unironically much worse then Vedder, Cornell, and Staley at just about everything

I didn't even realize this was supposed to be a bad performance I just thought
>yeah that's exactly how Kurt sang

it works with every song i tried it with

the national anthem
how to disappear completely
paranoid android
karma police
there there

it probably works with most of them. i dont knoww what youre on.

His lyrics were much more poetic and mature than his contemporaries as simple as they may seem. Melody and overall band sound is more a matter of taste. all great bands.
nirvana = punk + beatles + pixies
pearl jam = punk + r.e.m. + neil young
soundgarden = punk + led zep + rush
alice ic = trad. metal + metallica + van halen

far too kind to pearl jam

pearl jam started out great with the first album succeeding what temple of the dog was trying to achieve. 2nd lp was half as great, 3rd lp was okay, the rest is just embarrassing and has stained and overshadowed their early work. i think eddie has good intentions but he grew to become a parody of himself. i do appreciate his anti war and anti ticketek efforts