Music for school shooters

music for school shooters

Attached: 100gecs.jpg (1000x500, 124.34K)

your favorite band

School Shooter
Negative XP
Foster the People

t. pissbaby


It’s this weird slang insult school shooters use now

People who spam Yas Forums about how much they hate trannies and 100 gecs are unironically the people with a heightened likelihood of becoming school shooters

guess im a school shoter then

I support trans rights. The only real group I hate are furries and it'll take a lot to convince me they deserve any respect

Literally nobody knows what any school shooter has thought about 100 gecs. No school shooter has ever said their opinion on 100 gecs. What are you fucking talking about, it’s “for” them or “increased likelihood” what the fuck?

actually, I hate the Dutch as well

incels hate 100 gecs
incels are school shooters

100 gecs whole aesthetic is ripped off school shooters and that's who they're marketing to

People who vocally express their hate for transexuals and the LGBT as a whole are usually rednecks. If you do so on Yas Forums, then you most likely share quite a lot of your sociopolitical views with the Yas Forums collective. Furthermore, if you fit in all of these, then you're probably an incel (an involuntary celibate). There have been many known incels who have committed killing sprees for their seemingly unfair treatment at the hands of society. Most of these incels were vocal about their homophobia, transphobia, skewed political views and misogyny.

why are yo in this thread if yo dont get that reference.. sorry me key that is pronooonced "yew" broke

leftover crack shoot the kids at school

all fields


I’m an incel and I love 100 gecs dude, all the incels I talk to online love them too

Imagine unironically calling yourself an incel. Jesus what the fuck is wrong with zoomers

It's just how it is if you can't get laid, cuck.

You can't call others "cucks" if you're a self-proclaimed incel, matey.

Yes I can actually because you're a cuck

based desu


>its just how it is
I hope you call yourself a Feminist then, if you support equal rights for women, since we only care about first-order semantic content

>Y-yes I-I c-can a-actually b-because y-you're a-a c-c-cuck

Hello cucks, you're not as cool as incels

Zoomers are pathetically embarrassing.

if incels were cool girls would like them

Please, feel free to shoot yourself in your ugly cucked face if you can't handle it (or 100 gecs)

if youre an incel youre statistically much more likely to shoot yourself

Girls hate cucks more than incels

If Crazy Frog tried to rap.

And you pathetic jackasses lap it up.

zoom poom coom doom

listen bud, if you spend the rest of quarantine in /bleep/ and /fa/, i bet youll be able to sleep with someone soon; its really not hard

then why cant they get laid? even cucks get laid more than incels

It's ok, because my livestream suicide would get more views than people showing up at your entire families cuck funeral.

I like 100 gecs. I couldn't let the opportunity of reminding you how fucked you are slip, though. You can't use this site if you're 16. Stick to something else, and don't say embarrassing things like "I'm an incel" so proudly and in a lightheaded way.

cucks dont fukk, they buxx, idiot.

I never said I was an incel, the other guy did.