ITT: Yas Forums in the 1940s

Attached: The American Dream colorized photo.jpg (875x640, 252.91K)

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do you guys think we will ever have widespread access to recorded music?

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I don't really think so. How could they ever make vinyl more portable and less expensive?

Who is the better Western swing bandleader: Bob Wills or Spade Cooley?

Actually, if you want to start one of those go back in time threads, you should do a little research first.

The billboard you posted is from the 1950s.

I hope the G-Men don't find out that I'm saving some of the hemp I grow to smoke.

Nothing like a Tea cigarette while listening to The Jack Benny program, or a Mills Brothers side.

Attached: hemp-for-victory-movie-poster.gif (288x386, 61.61K)

Bing Crosby beat his wife.

Attached: Bing_crosby.jpg (804x1000, 461.32K)

Well now that world war 2 is over we've learned our lesson. We'll never let destruction like that happen ever again. Here's to eternal peace.

Heard through the grapevine that Ol' Addy and his nasties buggered off to Argentina

Still stationed in Germany poor bastards are in ruins they got some good music though

they say phonographs are dead
they don't know pure authentic sound quality when they hear it
i refuse to listen to music on "turn tables".

That specific photo was taken in 1937 you fucking retard

Bros, will folk music ever make a comeback?

Have you heard that new Benny Goodman track? Straight fucking fire.

>listening to swing
Do you even know who Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie are? Listen to some bebop, you fucking pleb.

>Not spending your Friday and Saturday nights at the dance hall listening to Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, or Glenn Miller after a hard day at your local defense plant building airplanes to support the war effort

I may be a pleb, but at least I'm a patriot, Mac.

You're telling me neither of you listen to the Grand Ole Opry with your family on the porch every evening after dinner? You two city slickers probably voted for Willkie.

You kiddin' me pal? I voted Roosevelt/Truman. Any man who can pull us out of a depression like that, and manage a war on two fronts has my vote!

Bob Wills
t. Waylon Jennings

If dubs and Al Jolson dies the following decade

Attached: Al_Jolson_1924.jpg (677x951, 100.73K)

who cares? he's probably just treating his broad the way he needs to

oh boy i cant wait for florida rapper xxxtentacion to be shot and killed in 78 years

Yeah because I'm sure there were breadlines in the 1950s, AFTER World War II. Fucking faggot

Not for at least another 50-80 years

I swear, there will never be another singer like him.

Attached: ol blue eyes.jpg (723x559, 56.46K)

for black people, yes

well those are blacks and it was during segregation, so

Is he ashamed of being white or something? Is he secretly a nigger?

you misspelled "raper" faggot
jesus this place really has gone downhill since 1932...

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Hey have y'all heard of XXXTENTACION?

his eyes are not blue

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And this is a shock how? Who doesn't beat their wife and kids when they deserve it? I sure as hell do, and so does every other man I know.

Are you drunk or some shit, boy? How do you even pronounce that?

fucking Southerners



>fucking Southerners
That's something a southener would say

>american breadlines after ww2
user, I...

Attached: breadlines.jpg (2048x1365, 1.02M)

Get the Sam Hill outta here Kraut traitor. We don't take kindly to treason here.

I killed 17 of you fucks back in Normandy

Say what you will about Jazz, but at least there will never be a more degenerate genre of music.

Now listen here, you asshole Yankee. Don't go insulting the South. I'm from Louisiana and if you don't stop that bullshit right now, I'll shut you up for good.

Get out of here. Fucking German fag.

What the heck is this speedy blues I've been hearing about? They're calling it the rock and roll, kind of an underground Southern Negro thing.

Never heard it. We don't associate with that part of town.