Genuinely fuck this faggot

Genuinely fuck this faggot
>”Muh I make my music bc I like too make music I hate attention”
>Still makes multi million dollar music videos and goes on tour and gets a (((Jewish))) manager and has millions of fans
>B-but im depressed I swear

Fuck this guy too the fucking moon and back, looking at all the evidence I’m sure that he was taken hugely advantage of by Jewish media moguls to create an image of Le edgy teen, and then people fell for it, he didn’t even fucking write half of his songs he just stole the from other people and added shitty lyrics on top, seriously why does he get the attention he gets he’s not even half as good as the media makes him out to he?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Genuinely fuck this faggot
>>”Muh I make my music bc I like too make music I hate attention”
>>Still makes multi million dollar music videos and goes on tour and gets a (((Jewish))) manager and has millions of fans
>>B-but im depressed I swear
>r*ddit spacing
>Fuck this guy too the fucking moon and back, looking at all the evidence I’m sure that he was taken hugely advantage of by Jewish media moguls to create an image of Le edgy teen, and then people fell for it, he didn’t even fucking write half of his songs he just stole the from other people and added shitty lyrics on top, seriously why does he get the attention he gets he’s not even half as good as the media makes him out to he?

Attached: 0ae.png (600x800, 37.85K)

He's literally me

> (OP) #
>>Genuinely fuck this faggot
>>>”Muh I make my music bc I like too make music I hate attention”
>>>Still makes multi million dollar music videos and goes on tour and gets a (((Jewish))) manager and has millions of fans
>>>B-but im depressed I swear
>>r*ddit spacing
>>Fuck this guy too the fucking moon and back, looking at all the evidence I’m sure that he was taken hugely advantage of by Jewish media moguls to create an image of Le edgy teen, and then people fell for it, he didn’t even fucking write half of his songs he just stole the from other people and added shitty lyrics on top, seriously why does he get the attention he gets he’s not even half as good as the media makes him out to he?

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>"ooohhh i hate being popular i want that garage sound again, i don't want to be commercial"
>hires steve albini, album sounds raw, not commercialized
>decides its too raw, "ooohhh the singles have to sound good on the radio"

what a hack

Imagine being such a literal retard you can't articulate yourself without soijacks and green texts. This is why Yas Forums is dying more and more everyday.

His albums are great you retarded niglet. You antisemitic, frail, feminine estrogenic incel. You post on this board compulsively about a man who died more than two decades ago. You limp wristed homosexual. Give it a rest.

>putting echo quotes around the actual word "jewish"

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>too much heroin in his system
>magic bullet
>no fingerprints on the gun
>last four lines of the "suicide note" were forged
>courtney's practice sheet
>kurt was going to divorce courtney
>courtney destroying the alleged rome "suicide note"
>kurt's death was never given a proper investigation. seattle police ruled it a suicide within hours
>courtney was ex-lovers with the medical examiner who examined kurt's body
>kurt's body was cremated almost immediately and the shotgun was melted down at courtney's request
>kurt was starting a relationship with kristen pfaff, courtney's bassist, during the last months of his life. pfaff ended up dead of an "overdose" just months after kurt
>hole's album was released days after kurt's death, making his suicide the perfect promotional tool for courtney
>no one close to kurt ever claimed he was suicidal
>courtney has never sued tom grant

Attached: ssssskrrrrrr.jpg (1280x1280, 446.03K)
>Made worse music than his wife
>Made WAY worse music than his wife's boyfriend
>Owww my tummy hurts :(((
>Didn't wanna be famous, signs deal with major label and makes pop-rock album
>Disliked by his bandmates, friends, and peers
>Left behind daughter
>Is currently a rotting pile of ash

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This. Frances is most likely Billy Corgan's daughter.

>Anonymous 04/30/20(Thu)22:17:10 No.94864306▶
>File: B9D5249C-DDC9-43A6-96A1-8(...).jpg (25 KB, 600x600)
>> (OP) (OP) #
>>>Genuinely fuck this faggot
>>>>”Muh I make my music bc I like too make music I hate attention”
>>>>Still makes multi million dollar music videos and goes on tour and gets a (((Jewish))) manager and has millions of fans
>>>>B-but im depressed I swear
>>>r*ddit spacing
>>>Fuck this guy too the fucking moon and back, looking at all the evidence I’m sure that he was taken hugely advantage of by Jewish media moguls to create an image of Le edgy teen, and then people fell for it, he didn’t even fucking write half of his songs he just stole the from other people and added shitty lyrics on top, seriously why does he get the attention he gets he’s not even half as good as the media makes him out to he?

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user, he killed himself. he's dead now because he killed himself with a shotgun.

alice in chains was always the superior band with the superior vocalist

>Frances is most likely Billy Corgan's daughter.
Nah, she wouldn't be a womanlet with two alpha parents like that

Courtney killed him. But it he was still a Junkie. He was literally going to take his money and fuck off with a different girl before she gave him heroin mixed with date rape drugs alongside alcohol. No one shoots themselves if they have enough opiates to do it without the gun. Heroin is a quicker and probably less painful death.

why is every nirvana thread the same shitty circlejerk from seething pumpkinsfags, gayicfags, and hair metal boomers?

nigga, this guys was always staging everything about his life, so he did it with his death too. everything was simply for his white, hippie, motherfucking pride


no one thinks that go kill yourself

>Had the whole world on a string, for awhile brought alternative music to the mainstream.
>Made some pretty good albums, nothing Earthshattering but still really solid body of work.
>Get based Steve to produce his last album,
>Corgan called him the best writer of the 90s and almost offed himself out fear of being overshadowed.
>Welp, did all the drugs, belly hurts, music is now loved by millions of people.
>Shiiiit Ian Curtis didn't have it this good, Shaun Ryder had the drugs but wasn't moaning.
>Kurt literally could have had all the medical help in the world, could have taken a break from music, married one of the girls from Shonen Knife...(I would have)
>HAHAHA fuck it time to die

Seriously, he had to have been murdered you don't just make it to the top and die that way. Also, Mark Sandman is the true tragic hero of the 90s, not Kurt.

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His label made him do it retard. Those original mixes are godly though

> Being this mad at someone who died 26 years ago

corgan did get overshadowed too kek

>n-nirvana was g-good

there is no aic song as good as ANY song off bleach, nevermind, incesticide, or in utero

>nirvana hate thread
Great, i hate nirvana fans even more than tool fans. bunch of people who are not interesting, like kurt, but are constantly trying to be "the" interesting person in the room by having cliche "alternative" takes that were literally spoonfed to them by their favorite left leaning news source

>everything was simply for his white, hippie, motherfucking pride

Attached: nirvana-fans.jpg (1024x576, 67.74K)

>His label made him do it retard
not true, kurt himself was a bitch about the original mix, this is very well known


It's only cringe to be successful and mainstream when you build your entire identity on shitting for people who embrace being successful and mainstream without irony. Irony does not exempt you from being the exact same thing as the people you claim to be "better than".

Kurt was a disingenuous, pretentious, hateable hack of a human "being", the user is right regardless of if his facts are straight.