ITT albums that unoriginal people and people who dont have a personality listen to...

ITT albums that unoriginal people and people who dont have a personality listen to. also people who are losers and have never achieved anything in life i’ll start with the most obvious album which is norman fucking poop

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Who hurt you OP

>ITT Im mad and want reassurance that lana sucks

Jesus. I'd hate to be the guy that got filtered by fucking Lana Del Rey.

OP probably got rejected by a LDR fan

Never listened to a single lana track but What the fuck is your problem, fucker?

OP is actually LDR fishing for compliments (she's a regular poster)

This album looks shit, not that I’ve listened to it, but it seems to me you guys are getting upset that your idol is being criticised which is pretty pathetic since she doesn’t even know you exist, you faggots


You already tried making this thread 6 hours ago and it failed cuck

you are right they are 100% gay neck beards who can not handle the truth like how do you come to Yas Forums everyday and pretend people to take you seriously and then you have that garbage album in your chart they just cant seem to understand what the problem is and the problem is that the album is bad

That’s irrelevant to my post you retard, it isn’t gonna make me listen to it though

I'm not even a fan of LdR, it's just a strange reaction, that's all

>I haven't even listened to the album but I'm gonna shit on it anyways
For what reason? ADHD? You get some sort of dopamine from it?
I'm not gay or a neckbeard, if anything OP's post screams angry neckbeard incel.

No I mean what the OP put almost seems personal and a bit autistic, but I feel like some comments are just trying to defend her and saying that OP has been “filtered” even though that’s not what being filtered is

>albums that unoriginal people and people who dont have a personality listen to
True. It's the Lana album for Fantano and Pitchfork dickriders who only like her now because they told them it's okay to do it, the real chads were listening to Ultraviolence all along.

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I’m not shitting on it, ive heard born to die and wasn’t really into it, and this looks worse, just my opinion user :)

you getting this defensive and aggressive over me calling you for being gay and a neck beard tells me everything i need to know and it reaffirms my statement

You don't have to listen to it, but why vent at your hatred for women with an album you've never even listened to?

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I think lana is decent enough for like radio/background music with friends but I don't really like listening to her stuff on my own

That I can agree with

No it doesn't?
>"you're gay"
>"no I'm not"
>"HAHAHA GOTCHA that means you're gay!!!!!"
School is really out isn't it?

Did I say I hated women, I have no idea what this has to do with hating women in the first place but I don’t recall saying that... odd

i don’t know if you realized butthe lack of penis on your butthole is making you whine like a little bitch

Seriously? You could've picked something like a Swans, Death Grips or any other Yas Forumscore album and it would have actually been accurate. Most fans of this album I've talked to seem to be normal people, at worst they're gay.

you're big mad lmfao

and you're talking nonsense, dude
just say the album is for thots and go



>Most fans of this album I've talked to seem to be normal people, at worst they're gay.

She seems to have a lot of older fans... she seems well liked on the Steve Hoffman forum

oh shit really? Omggg hi lanaa