Can people actually listen to this . I really think they suck

Can people actually listen to this . I really think they suck

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Their earlier albums are better

They do suck, but I can tell you're a plebeian and don't truly know why they suck.

I really like post rock . But this is just guy screaming nonsense on 10 minute guitar loop . Even when they try and add instruments it just doesn’t work

I can easily listen to a gy!be or 65dos but this

Literally just go back to reddirt please

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Never been on never will fagboi

I thought the same thing. Now I only like the song "Finally, Peace". It has an interesting death experience vibe and sounds a little bit better than the other songs that I've heard

I also wanted to understand more about his lyrics, especially those about childhood like "Feel Hapiness".

The Seer and Soundtracks are better

Woah [insert album Fantano likes] is trash because I’m totally not a newfag normie pleb and I have to prove I’m not

Yeah this is exactly why i posted this

plebeian is not understanding it.
pseud is "getting it".
patrician is understanding it and realizing it's shit.

I already like soundtracks so i think i get them. You’re basically telling me to keep on listening to this 2 hour album until i start liking it then continue listening until i start hating it again. Is this board really this retarded?

swans is just poser music. it doesnt actually sound good

Explain to me why they suck then patricians

SFTB and To Be Kind are different albums, user.

I like it. The Seer and earlier Swans are way better though.

he’s not telling you to do that that’s just the truth. new swans just aren’t as good. there’s some great tracks though

Yeah that’s why i like one and hate the other

The fact is that Gira never acquired a sense of what counterpoint is, and therefore his ability to stretch his compositions over ten or twenty minutes is limited like the ability of a beginner, something less evident in shorter pieces. His compositions are fundamentally static: the longer they drag on, the more evident this becomes.

The Seer>Soundtracks>TBK>TGM>everything else

Because we do not tolerate Pedophiles and Rapists on Yas Forums.

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>drones Scaruffi

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Well I wasn't telling you to listen to TBK necessarily. Just realize that nu-swans is recycled and vapid.

But his inspirations aren't even baroque and that's not what he's going for. On the Seer/TBK/TGM trilogy he's making rock's equivalent of a minimalist classic work from the likes of Reich, Glass, Gorecki, Palestine, Melnyk, etc. In which case the music's not choosing to communicate through melody or counterpoint harmony (both pretty antiquated in this day/age anyway) but through timbre, texture, psychoacoustics, rhythm phasing, harmonic overtones, etc.

What do you people call "getting it"? Understanding the meaning of the lyrics, the vibe it was supposed to create etc?

i don't even like the good swans era

holy based

There are plenty of ways to extend a composition without counterpoint

Listen to Cop, Cop is pretty good

I listened to it once and once was enough for me.

That means understanding what the artist wants you to get out of it . Or in the case of swans listening to it over and over until you stockholm syndrome urself to like it.

songs aren't that bad. actually oxygen screenshot and some others are pretty good but bring the sun is awful and it lasts 35 fucking minutes

Bring the Sun is great, it's the second half of the song that sucks