Band is called "Rage Against the Machine"

>band is called "Rage Against the Machine"
>sucks jewish capitalist cock 24/7

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>my life is a meme
good job op


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Imagine how great they could be if their albums had decent lyrics.


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you lost
get over it

Capitalism is good. Israel is a strategic ally for the US
Get helicopter'd faggot

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My thoughts exactly. I like-rap-rock, but I don't like Commies. [Fascggots, either, but there nowhere near as prevalent.]

>Capitalism is good. Israel is a strategic ally for the US Get helicopter'd faggot

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The US no longer exists.

I really liked them when I was a kid, all that anger, then I started learning English and realized what the lyrics were about, wish I never knew.
>commie telling anyone they lost

>Right wingers are all nazis! Also, they all support Israel!

>Large families bad

There is literally nothing wrong with being a Jewish communist.

>all right-wingers are Republicans
found the burger

>Rage Against the Machine
>That ticket will cost $405 dollars plus Ticketmaster stock fee

>charges $400 for a concert ticket

You changed, man.

Not liking nazis = Capitalist?

Well, commies have lost probably a dozen times and the nazis only lost once, so technically the commies have won at losing.

even though the ussr persecuted jews heavily and wouldn't allow them to emigrate until the 80s?

the problem isn't the lyrics, those are actually pretty based. the problem is the shitty alt metal riffs. RATM would be so much better if it was just aggressive funk hop



There are two kinds of people: socialists and people who work for a living.

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>the problem isn't the lyrics, those are actually pretty based. the problem is the shitty alt metal riffs. RATM would be so much better if it
was just aggressive funk hop
Imagine being this gay

What do you mean by "work"?

>alt metal riffs
You mean blues rock riffs? There's nothing metal about this band.

>liking alt metal
holy shit low test

The best thing rage ever did was cover that child rapists song.

They covered Car Seat Headrest?

fat people are bad

>a marxist
>calling me low test

Jake the Peg?


antiwork gang

>his masculinity is so fragile that he worships hierarchies he's at the bottom of because that's the "manly" thing to do
lmao. it doesn't get more low test than this

why is america so incompetent?

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Read Plato.

Afrika Bambata

>right wingers can only handle the most basic and rudimentary philosophy there is

Weak men seek social safety while strong men carve out their own fortunes.

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>pro capitalist

Not everyone there is fat.

That was before it was widely known.

>capitalist carve out their own fortunes
imagine thinking this. also only overcompensating low test betas go to the gym

what the hell. worst take i've seen today. "aggressive funk hop" get the fuck out of here. who bumps that?

>who bumps that?
high test people

>be OP
>suck cock 24/7

rage against the machine are centrists. they dont represent any left wing ideologies. everyone besides a fringe extreme far right groups dont think nazis are bad lol.

>Lefties cant be bothered with the fundamental texts of political theory
>Skips straight to “”””marxist”””” tranny pomo

>worthwhile or genuinely meaningful

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what else do you listen to? 3rd wave ska? post-rock?

*bourgeoisie political theory

Plato's entire political ideology is that philosophers should be kings and that art is dangerous. Have you even read Nietzsche or Foucault?

Sex With the Machine?
Yeah RATM are really pissing me off with this $500(USD) a ticket shit. I thought $150 AUD was pricey for a Tool concert.
Tool had cheaper tickets than that though. No kid is going to fork $500. All you are getting at these concerts are brats.

I think you are misinterpreting OP's meaning. aside from the 'Jewish' comment, I think OP's criticism is that rage against the machine exposes anti-establishment messages while using the system to become rich, lazy rock-stars that don't make any effort to try to write the wrongs in society that they advocate for.

>Bringing up Plato

>make cool songs
>larp as revolutionaries while making a shit ton of money
i don't see the problem


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being a communist doesn't mean you support everything the ussr did

>what else do you listen to?

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>philosopher names thrown
Philosophy is just glorified verbal diarrhoea.

>grug angry grug no chief
>grug want kill chief