Drake dropping midnight

drake dropping midnight
we eatin ovobros

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So looks like all the songs he dropped the past few months are for this tape, not the next album.

Really intrigued to see what the album will be given that. I'm holding out hope that he will have better quality control this time, and that tonight's mixtape is a way of funnelling those looser creative energies away from the album while still releasing them.

i'll have to flush twice after hearing this one

he will still release a bloated mammoth 20 track cos he likes to make money.

oh man PAIN1993
fuck carti tho

Nah, the last thing he said about the album he said he wanted it to be shorter, 11-13 tracks.

pocket full of stinkies

maybe he will pull a uzi. maybe thats the new industry standard.

I would be perfectly happy if I never had to hear another Drake song in my life.

Stream Pain 1993 so we can get Carti another hit

If you don't at the very least accept Take Care and IYRTITL are 21st century hip hop classics, then your taste is objectively trash.

Drake could drop straight 0/10s every year forever more, and he would still have an eternal place in history for those two albums alone.

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nwts is ten times the album either of those are and drakes best song ever is just hold on we're going home though

link when

Just because he's made great albums (I'd add NWTS) doesn't excuse him from criticism about the crap he's putting out now. What have u done for me lately?

>Just because he's made great albums (I'd add NWTS) doesn't excuse him from criticism about the crap he's putting out now.
Of course not. But I'm pissed off at Anons who try to claim like Drake was never good. Until Views, a lot of people (correctly) believed he could do no wrong.

i sincerely do not understand drakes longevity. what do folks see in this guy.

charisma vacuum. decent rapper but nothing spectacular. comes off creepy/entitled. no mystique or strange aura.

40 got a sound that sounded cool at first and he benefited from that. but i don't get how he is still massive after all these years.

That’s a pretty interesting album cover for a top 40 artist to put out
lemme know if the music is just as surreal

My guess is it will, there's a rumour that kid cudi is doing something similar and releasing a mixtape of old unreleased songs

it's a "tape" of shitty songs the label didn't want on the album not the album itself so not too bold.

U have UK drake, Jamaican drake, US drake, Canada drake etc. He's always riding the latest wave which is why his songs still chart. And obv he's found the sweetspot between "hood nigga" and teenage white girl music so he really does service the masses.

it's just aping a memphis tape cover. very original.

Jew connections unironically. Same reason why 70% of “white” hollywood actors are jews even though American Jews are 2% of the population

ohh right. i get what you mean.


>it's a "tape" of shitty songs
so just like IYRTITL?
confirmed kino incoming bois

he should have dropped that white bitch instead

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only thing that matters is the Thug verse

Sorry user. It's just for the back.

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Carti carried

I really have the urge to punt that little fucker of his hands.

Na that carti verse on pain 1993 was sum mid, Drake carried that shit