What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?


Attached: Screenshot at Apr 30 20-58-37.png (1186x1132, 1.12M)

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That she’s super insecure because pregnancy made her gain weight and made her face change (normal) so she’s digging up deep trauma about her appearance because she doesn’t have her skinny security blanket of emaciation

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This pic is so edited. Look at the fingers. She is so insecure she had to edit her fingers smaller, that’s why the tips look like that. Because if she did the tips it would give her away. But she needed smaller fingers/ skinnier hands to put forth her tiny persona when she feels too big.

Attached: Screenshot at Apr 30 21-06-33.png (1188x394, 123.63K)

She looks like a weird ugly albino nigger hybrid or something

i feel sorry for her, i can tell she wants to starve so bad right now but can’t for the baby’s sake.

Me too. At first it made me really mad and I was posting mean stuff about her but now I just feel guilty. Especially hearing she and Elon have broken up. So she had lost

>her body
>her freedom
>her partner

There’s something so attractive about self-conscious young women who are subtle about their insecurities rather than roasties so say shit like “OMG I’m so depressed like my mental health is bad right now!!!!”

I need me a girl like this

Haha, the sausages always give it away.

>Especially hearing she and Elon have broken up
Whaat. Really?

where did you hear that she and elon have broken up? quick google search says they are still together. i know he unfollowed her a few weeks ago but he quickly followed back (probably to stir up attention for her new mv)

The child support payments will pour in either way.

You can tell because they are so round at the end.

Remember how she was using Chinese small face apps to make herself look gamine and anorexic? She’s really not feeling good about herself at this weight. She’s lost her identity.

Oh maybe my info is dated. I was going by him unfollowing her and her teeeting some stuff about being alone

They've unfollowed and re-followed each other like 3 times now

Is she part black?

>Remember how she was using Chinese small face apps to make herself look gamine and anorexic?
So true, I never thought about that. I remember when she called Azealia ‘fat’, her insecurity was really showing. I’ve been a Grimes fan since Darkbloom, and I’ve noticed she’s never uploaded this many pics of herself online ever before.

I also know another m friend died this year so it’s probably been extra tough.

Is this the zoomer equivalent of a divorce?

ayyy grimes now looks like that frog faced rapper. i forget his name. who groans w autotune and tekashi made fun of him.

Yes. Except Elon is 48 and Grimes is 32. They have the minds of zoomers, though, which is why they're creative and original.

Yeah those were really telling. Plus I don’t know if you know about her old eating disorder account, but google “grimes anorexia” or even look up her thread on PULL and it goes into pretty good detail.

I don’t begrudge her for having an eating disorder. But pregnancy doesn’t cure one and this is going to suck for her.

Do you actually read PULL?

No I don’t go there but it’s got the link to her old anorexia blog / the screenshots all in one place

>They have the minds of zoomers, though, which is why they're creative and original.
didn't know this was reddit

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I mean, Elon is one of the most famous people on Earth in large part because he's creative, and Grimes is one of the most famous indie pop stars because she's creative. And they're both undeniably extremely juvenile and immature. Am I wrong?

how is elon creative? he just the ultimate techbro who got lucky & has a massive drive. lot of folks love to bootlick him cos he is living a reddit dream. but in no way is he creative.

>electric car go vroom
>spaceship go vroom
gib federal dollars

> Grimes is one of the most famous indie pop stars because she had a remixed song on 2K.
Majority of people were scratching there heads when they heard Elon was dating a 32 year old with a music career they never heard of.

I think they mean they’re autistic

Yeah, you're fucking retarded, sorry. He's not some techbro who just got lucky. Did Steve Jobs also just get lucky by knowing Wozniak? To some extent, but obviously a massive percentage of it was his own creativity and vision.

I think he has a huge ego and is a dick, and I disagree with a lot of his opinions, but his business success is clearly due to his own ideas and actions. Creating Paypal, one of the first successful private space flight companies, tunnel-boring companies, luxury electric car companies, hyperloop, OpenAI, SolarCity, Starlink... I have no idea how people can say he's just lucky or a fraud or something, unless you yourself are buying some reddit koolaid (most of them hate him). He does a lot of the design and engineering himself, too; he's not just a businessman. I think he's not as smart as he thinks he is, but he is clearly still very smart and creative. Smarter and more creative than 99.99% of Yas Forumstants at least, obviously.

>Majority of people were scratching there heads when they heard Elon was dating a 32 year old with a music career they never heard of.
Yeah because most people listen to Justin Bieber and Billie Eilish. Majority of people wouldn't have heard of 99% of artists frequently discussed here. She was very underground-famous, and famous on Yas Forums for over a decade. I think her music's pretty creative.

This is what I mean. There's a certain personality type that makes you autistic, insecure, immature, but also creative and idiosyncratic. They both share that, which is probably partly why they get along.

Trippie r*dd
She looks biracial

yeah. she looks like trippie redd. thats not good.

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Now I know what niggers mean when they say cavebeast she looks fucking neolithic. I never noticed the schnozz before. Also LOL at the worlds most eligible bachelor fucking this.