I’m non-binary now. this is good

i’m non-binary now. this is good

Attached: BEE7ECA8-5E0E-4A46-93C4-45F310543639.jpg (316x315, 16.49K)

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Congratulations desu

Everytime I listen to Dorian. I get "confused".

Anyone else?

Attached: IMG_2309.jpg (2500x3750, 1.51M)

Reminder that Dorian Electra spearheaded the libertarian pop movement:



Stop posting yourself Dorian.

You don't have to be non-binary to dress feminine as a man. Non-binary limits the scope of what it means to be a man by enforcing masculinity as a prerequisite.

good for you

You post this every single time they're ever posted. Why?

The sissy hypno is working. After this you'll crave BBC and worship Israel. It's all working according to (((their))) plan.

Because it’s an obvious shill and Dorian is so self obsessed, deluded, and clout chasing, that this is exactly the type of thing she would pull

Please tell us about Sandy Hook and Comet Ping Pong, user.

I'm a human now. I don't need labels to feel good about myself.

"Non-binary" is a label designed to give you oppression points and it is virtue signaling. People are confusing gender and personality/interests.

>being this in denial

Artists shill themselves and their teams shill them here all the time.

dude if i was Dorian I think I’d have a higher quality pic of the album saved on my phone lol

Why is Yas Forums obsessed with black dicks and trannies? It genuinely baffles me. I don't think any other type of person has these two topics permanently living rent free in their mind.

Okay sweetie. Just don’t forget after LARPing as your own fan to get online and thirst trap for 12 year old trans kids because your music isn’t interesting or good enough to talk about by itself.

>Why is Yas Forums obsessed with black dicks and trannies?
Mutt's Law.

idk i just like their music
life is too short to take life seriously

Kys fucking communist

wtf i love dorian now

Straightie here who crossdresses and wears queer things sometimes:
Why cant faggots just do what makes them comfortable and not worry about their gender or who respects it? I honestly dont understand why anyone would care who calls ((them)) a (they/them). I never think about my gender. I care about how i look, and if people think of me as a pleasant or interesting person, but i dont give half a shit if its 'masculine' or 'feminine'. People will always be bigoted towards people who express themselves differently, so why apply politics and science to it? Doesnt the politicalization of your self undermine your actual qualities of your self?

You misunderstand. Dorian is just using fag aesthetics as a marketing technique. She isn’t gay / trans. So it has nothing to do with social politics.

how do you know?

man to man is so gay I love it

>Straightie here who crossdresses and wears queer things sometimes:
You're totally straight bro

I don’t have the energy for an in-depth analysis right now, but:

>only uses fag aesthetics
>isn’t a trans man
>RELIES on these to sell mediocre music
>created a persona BASED AROUND being trans, but isn’t transitioning
>very young, naive fans
>no mention of being queer
>no mention of gender dysphoria
>no surgery / binding (unless highly visible for points)
>no hormones

It’s all an act and none of the struggle. She wants to cash in on being trans without being trans, because she feels like it sets her apart.

And who could blame her? It’s a fair marketing tactic. And with music that mediocre, production that “okay”, and ideas that unremarkable, she needs it.

>Artists shill themselves and their teams shill them here all the time.
Prove it ever happening once in the past 10 years.

You must know Dorian personally, don't you?

We literally had an ENTIRE thread about it yesterday. With hundreds of replies and screenshots from the archive.

Actually yes I do

ape mode
ape mode

the girl is not Dorian right?