What are some objectively soi artists/genres?

What are some objectively soi artists/genres?

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Your favorite artists and genres

whatever arctic monkeys, tame impala, and mac demarco is.

Metal, it's no coincidence metalfags are obsessed with soi. It's literally projection.

The Smiths



Death Grips, Kendrick, Kanye, any other stereotypical rapper

all hip hop
all metal
all rymcore
all mucore
all rock after 1990
all jazz after 1976
your favorite album
my favorite album

All art and music

Neutral Milk Hotel

These pictures have to be satire right?

why do we still talk abut soi like its a bad thing?

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ANY album that has 500+ ratings on rateyourmusic but is virtually unknown outside of it

Defenders of "white civilization" are as emasculated and estrogen ridden as the people who consume so y

Yas Forumscore, fantanocore, p4kcore


Classical, noise rock, and jazz

No person who had sex was ever a fan of these things

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Generic Synthpop for DSA meetings

I personally know people that like classical and jazz that had sex, but none that like noise rock so I guess you're correct

Shut up, 醤油 is a good ingredient.
Folk punk
Bubblegum bass
Most chiptune
Most deconstructed club
Most queercore
Some electro-industrial
Some breakcore, speedcore, extratone, etc.
Some dubstep
Some experimental hip hop
Some no wave

Mf doom, Childish Gambino, Kendrick, Lizzo, Drake, Billie Eilish, logic, travis scott
in that order
if you listen to any of these you dont deserve to listen to music

The entire "indie" scene

All of these are Chad as fuck
LOL kys you little basedworms

That's right. Open all the borders and let them in.

livity is a good idea
eat fresh vegetables and fruits

>Replying to everyone
Pure soi

>Pure soi

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soi people don't like things, they fake everything

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anything related to K- POP