
Nu-Titans: plastictears, germanon

Aging Titans: AntiWarhol, brandonsyl, stilton, carbonado, pabanks, Franssel, Kishinev, classifriend

Fallen Titans: TheHorbgorbler, nadirauxpommes, doru649, sodr1, crosshatches, sodr2, herkyjerky, exitsense, chumlum, hevykofe, flw_, svusk, B0SS4D311iC, rectalquartz, Organum, aoa, desultory

Rising Stars: junusynu, velocifish, dugnad, oinopa, plexure, mihr, MagaCream, Sisu, apotos, EishunK

Missed Apotheosis Tier: picha, aciid, BAYAR, tankpit, fruitfork, jazzthreadguy, cacespace, I0000Days, prostagma, owl_jolson, Fastro, notebooks, acid_udon, miningtown

Remaining Top Users: Erickson_Dear, moltenhorror, flyingwill, hike62, anathemaddicted, jmttmnj510, Lorgnette, banjie, xolotl, carburador, tide2, 80outof1, epizootics, respirateur, tibul, armed_snobbery, fagix, tramburai, cute

UHS Tier: sp59, lad, Zizekian, Esichio, Magicsxxxxx, Verkrah, duckstab_tenthousand, bloodie

Wise Old Man Tier: Piezo, Euphemos, Grampus, Patricksmash, TheScientist, sluggo714

Metalhead Tier: asadv, mishanspace, toolshed00

Creamey Tier: HalfPriceBento, Pate, iloveyou, phlg, mrminio

"Cult of Mensa" Tier: nuhskinup, deathbymusic, origamierotica, bratty, Im_on_it, deangelolosangeles, Zlaksna

Actually East Asian Tier: KareA, ckcy, shj990512, HaruyaIshizuka, ParkFish, TheVince, kaxk, purplerain, skytothelimit

Neo-RYM Tier: Selenaru_Negrea, insectdilemma, blebbio, homicide, AnimeHeck, MichaelKeating, doctor_frosty, MatuX20, brihgt, taconelli, deathmaumau, XerTeX, caviarrr, blessings

Fuck You Tier: Mao007, sharifi, Electriclizard, ebmunk, ThisNameWasStolen, pinokiwo, portraits, Vito_James, hamtrax, debtinjune, myspaceisflat, greenway, TheCrystalBird, gay_, Decibelle, Sal, TriplePositive, aeroslut, Hotel_Trivago, Jangle_Bojangle, Mercenarion, PyramidPostcard, mookid, AlRog,TriplePositive, TriplePositive again, the opressive tyrannical tranny community, MeltedFire, GonzoLewd, poiret, AutoBlood

Attached: 1588156194843.png (512x512, 14.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for calgary-core

Attached: rymcore.png (600x600, 390.97K)




Nu-Titans: plastictears, origamierotica, germanon

Aging Titans: AntiWarhol, brandonsyl, stilton, carbonado, pabanks

Fallen Titans: TheHorbgorbler, doru649, sodr1, crosshatches, sodr2, herkyjerky, fagix, exitsense, chumlum, nuhskinup

Rising Stars: junusynu, velocifish, oinopa, mihr, bratty, cute

Missed Apotheosis Tier: picha, aciid, BAYAR, tankpit, fruitfork, hevykofe, jazzthreadguy, cacespace, I0000Days, prostagma, owl_jolson, Fastro, notebooks, acid_udon, miningtown, MagaCream

Remaining Top Users: Erickson_Dear, moltenhorror, flyingwill, Franssel, hike62, jmttmnj510, Lorgnette, banjie, classifriend, Kishinev, xolotl, carburador, tide2, wqe23, anathemaddicted, 80outof1, epizootics, respirateur, Sisu, tibul

UHS Tier: sp59, lad, Zizekian, Esichio, Magicsxxxxx, Verkrah, duckstab_tenthousand

Wise Old Man Tier: Piezo, Euphemos, Grampus, Patricksmash, TheScientist, sluggo714

Metalhead Tier: Electriclizard, asadv, mishanspace, toolshed00

Creamey Tier: HalfPriceBento, Pate, iloveyou, phlg, mrminio, neverdenudesz, EishunK

Actually East Asian Tier: KareA, ckcy, shj990512, HaruyaIshizuka, ParkFish, TheVince, kaxk, purplerain, skytothelimit

Neo-RYM Tier: gay_, AnimeHeck, Jangle_Bojangle, yoozy_cutie, dzzytrll, jmarvin_orbiter, zzane, insectdilemma, MalcolmXWing, JamesCairns, MichaelKeating, doctor_frosty, kanaberal, cancherito, harakiri_, bluzz, GonzoLewd, MeltedFire, TelegraphRoad, apotos, Zed_Lamp, MetaFalls, armed_snobbery, ailurus, MatuX20, sailingedvard2, brihgt, taconelli, deathmaumau, a_toaster, ranhe, aeroslut, ModernJester, MQuestionable, savagebear, XerTeX, caviarrr, ThisNameWasStolen, SuicideByCandlelight, deathbymusic, deangelolosangeles, ToThe4th, Zlaksna, Maltbeat, /daily/ users

Fuck You Tier: pinokiwo, portraits, Vito_James, hamtrax, debtinjune, dzzytrll, greenway, TheCrystalBird, gay_, Decibelle, Montie, Sal, Hotel_Trivago, Jangle_Bojangle, Mercenarion, PyramidPostcard, yoozy_cutie, mookid, poiret, AlRog, TriplePositive, Mao007, the LGBT community

what are these?

outdated list

the real list

redpill me on ebmunk

Attached: 1581742318405.jpg (2020x1330, 730.78K)

Basically he made a bunch of collages of his favourite albums and bratty copied his taste completely, now people are calling him weird as they think its the opposite

t. ebmunk

If your RYM chart doesn't look like this you have no standards.

Attached: rym.jpg (1559x481, 53.28K)

mine doesnt, i dont

Went through the great American dream of transformation and you're all still here doing the same shit and looking exactly the same as you did 3 years ago.

Attached: 1583351202071.png (496x778, 305.56K)

Attached: IMG_20200314_152147_544.jpg (2370x2370, 1M)

he's still an ugly manlet

Post two side by side pics of you three years ago and now. You won't, for various reasons.

How do I become a titan?


No, he’s a handsome manlet now

What's UHS

He's a bottom tier wageslave and ties his self worth to the scraps of pity pussy he gets


U Have aSpergers

What's the point of these threads?

can you show me bratty's pussy?

check the chaturbate archives

Women don't give people pity pussy in the real world. Stop browsing Yas Forums, you cynical virgin.


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