
slimy edition
old: faq: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

Attached: Morbid Angel - Domination.jpg (1000x785, 162.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:


melodeath sucks

first for proglodites

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Great album, great cover.
Wish they had used the alternative cover as the official one though.

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Listen to Absconditus.

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Post what you are blasting, queers

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Grand Magus - Furry Shit


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>Blind Guardian

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immolation sucks
morbid angel sucks
mercyful fate sucks


Why does American Metal seems so dull and cringe?
I feel like the only good American Metal band ever is W.A.S.P., though I can ironically enjoy a few others (Death, Dream Theater, Megadeth and Deicide) due to nostalgia

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I'm being honest though.

postalbums that look like jokes but are unironically good

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Is this based or cringe?

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listen to more music

I like that stain glass of satan spreading his cheeks

Kek, I came to this conclusion by listening to music before you were even born.

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I like nwobhm but I've never wanted to touch Hell with a 10 yard pole. Am I really missing much?

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>Admitting to being a tastelet boomer

Attached: dire straits.png (471x411, 135.6K)

Yah, I thought their short reunion was great. Love the singers voice. A shame Andy went to Priest. They had 1 decent album and one really good one. You might like Curse & Chapter


The demos are solid

>seethe because someone dislike the music from your country
>tastelet because I acknowledge the truth
Good try.

Plus I love their story. The original band had an album lined up to come out in the 80's. Label folds and they quit. Singer teaches Andy Sneap (who was a kid and fan) how to play guitar. Singer then kills himself.

30 years later Andy is a successful producer and brings back these old boomers and who had normal day jobs and release 2 albums and headline a couple of festivals. Pretty based

One fucking album.

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Admitting to be a retard doesn't make you any less of a retard, retard

Attached: YourDaughtersBirthdayCake.webm (640x800, 3M)

just trying to help you bro the answer should have been obvious

>Blackened crustgrind

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Americans have always been excellent at making thrash, death and doom metal. They are terrible at imitating European bands. That is all

The one per thread post:
Community made /meal/ playlist.
We standing at 1745songs - 139hr 19min playtime
>Recommend me albums/bands you wish to see on the playlist
>DF not allowed since 0iq pedo music

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Great performance. Not just great playing - great performance. I hate Hungarians but I have to admit Attila does a good job here at theater/showmanship, the costuming, vocals, expressions, gestures, are all part of the package. It's a shame Necrobutcher or whatever kind of ruins it by being different but that also adds some constrast.

are you a pleb that just got started or why do you listen to the most mainstream black metal band ever?

deathspell omega?
more like Idrinksemen ofhomosexualmen

I'm suprised he posted one at all, because he seems to hate nothing more than BM

I've been listening to metal before you were born. It's a recent video you litearl shithead.

same, didnt he say he doesnt like these vocals?

I really feel I can only go ahead in metal music if I have more people to influence me into deeper shit. I know enough metal. I am now way more interested in post punk for instance than just plain metal.

ok then email me your top 3 bands from

at PersonalShit101 Protonmail

don't reply to him

>posting your own band
>it actually fucking slaps tho

>implying I'm going to expend that much effort on you
lol have sex retard.

power metal? What are you, fifteen?


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new to this board and general, does everyone her listen to black metal only or something?

I have nothing to prove to you but for fun:


Blind Guardian


I hate both these genres but:
Entombed (on LHP)
Carcass (on Necroticism)


Rest of genre is shit I don't have any "favorites" from 2nd wave except maybe Enslaved. Immortal is ok later on. Currently watching something more important so halfassed this post.