What are Yas Forums‘s favorite rock releases of the 2010’s?

What are Yas Forums‘s favorite rock releases of the 2010’s?

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Great pick. Here is more black and white core, but sad.

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The Duke Spirit - Kin

The 2010's peaked early with this absolute gem. Completely unknown and obscure to everyone outside of Yas Forums and rym.

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Fuck yeah

it kind of sucks

now u got me thinkin bout pop punk type stuff

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You have to be in a very particular mood and place in your life to really appreciate and connect with it.

OP here.
For those of you who do not know the album I originally posted, it's Jeff Rosenstock's WORRY. Released in 2016. Pop Punk. Anyway, partially wanted to incite some discussion about it, but mostly wanted to recommend it to those of you who do not know about it. It is a true hidden gem. Never have I heard a more energetic album, the epitome of lightning in a bottle art. Honestly, maybe my personal favorite album of all time, and I like all types of modern music. Its medley in the second half is insanity. My vote for the OK Computer of the 2010's.

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WORRY. is definitely up there for me too, in my top 10 all time favourites.
this and twin fantasy are stellar.

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also this one

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last one
never understood why Yas Forums has such a strong distaste for this decade, it saw a lot of fantastic releases

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you have no idea how much i miss the early 10's brooklyn sound

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Great album, but I prefer "We Cool?" just a bit more.

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You guys like weezer?

Cage the elephant - Melophobia and the ones by the Gallagher brothers

i was just about to make a post about weezer in the last decade, what a coincidence
do you guys remember when everyone thought weezer was on a comeback in the mid 10's and then rivers fleeced everyone and went back to making garbage after 2 good albums? i do, absolutely BASED rivers

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the single most underrated indie rock album of the decade. the zen arcade of the 2010s.

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>Sorry guys I didn't realize that I needed you so much
>I thought I'd get a new audience, I forgot that disco sucks
>I ended up with nobody and I started feeling dumb
- Rivers Cuomo, 2014

>Nah, just kidding. Here's some more garbage.
>P.S. Fuck You!
-Rivers Cuomo, 2017

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their first album is a perfect album, and their second is almost as good. but i could never get into anything after that, including never hung over again. i don't know why, on paper that mixture of emo/indie rock/pop punk/power pop they do should be like crack to me, but i just don't like it.

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>Cage the elephant - Melophobia
Based. I feel like it's really underrated. Definitely one of my favourite albums in general from the 2010s.

I agree 100 percent.
The first album was perfect. What the fuck happened?

Based based BASED!

pic related was alright tho

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what if I had the answers

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this was the second album i was referring to

Yeah, two good albums in a row hadn't happened since Blue and Pinkerton. Everyone got excited and thought Weezer was back for good.
Then... Pacific Daydream. Ugh

i prefer post-nothing but celebration rock has some gems

Yeah I agree, I was just going with 2010s. Overall what makes Post-Nothing > Celebration Rock is For The Love of Ivy. I've just never enjoyed it.